12 Rules for Life - Jordan B Peterson Flashcards


Rule 1 - Stand up straight with your shoulders back


stand up - stand up for yourself

with your shoulders back - posture of a winner

  • Studying the neurocircuitry of lobsters has helped understand human brains
  • Dominance hierarchies exists, consider Pareto distribution

The neurochemistry of defeat and victory

  • Brain chemistry of defeated lobsters differs from victorious lobsters and is reflected in posture - based on two chemicals that modulate communication between lobster neurons Serotonin and octopamine
  • Winning incr serotnonin and decr octopamine
  • Drugs prescribed to human beings such as Prozac – selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor – have much of the same effect
  • Prozac cheers up lobsters

The principle of unequal distribution

  • Top 1% of humans have as much money as the bottom 50%, richest 85 people have as much as the bottom 3.5 billion
  • Not just financial – most scientific publications are done by top scientists
  • Handful of authors sell all the books
  • 4 composers wrote almost all the music played by modern orchestras

Pareto distribution/ price’s Law

All the girls

Based on dominance hierarchy

The nature of nature

  • Nature is dynamic not static
  • Taoist belief of Tao
  • Yin and yang – order and chaos
  • Low serotonin means low confidence

Top and Bottom

  • Top of society – access to highest quality foods, areas to live, homes, partners
  • Lowest of society – poor houses ( if any), low quality food, only access to partners is those as desperate, poor immune system as energy wasted on stress response chronically


  • Children need stable consistent routines
  • So do adults
  • Clinical clients – look at sleeping routine – do they wake up at the same time every day – first thing to fix
  • Eat protein and fat rich breakfast
  • Chronically anxious/depressed people are prone to hypersecrete insulin making them hypoglycaemic and psychophysiologically unstable
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Treat yourself like somone you are responsible for helping


Why won’t you just take your damn pills?

  • Poor compliance and adherence of patients
  • People take care of their pets more than themselves

The oldest story and the nature of the world

The domain, not of matterm but of what matters

Chaos and order: personality, female and male

The garden of Eden

  • it is far better to render beings in your care competent than to protect them

question to parents - do you want to make your children safe or strong?

  • women make men self conscious

origin of conscious/selfconsciousness in the Garden of Eden

The naked ape

continuation of the root of self consciousness Adam and Eve - the reason we don’t look after ourselves as much as we do people we care about

Good and evil

Humans nature to be maleolent - another reason we don’t take care of ourselves and others (? cynnicism)

A spark of the divine

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Rule 2 - Make friends with people who want the best for you


People chose friends who aren’t good for them because sometimes they want to rescue someone- not everyone who is falling is a victim, and not everyone who is at the bottom wishes to rise

A reciprocal arrangement

If you have a friendship you wouldn’t recommend to your sister, or your father, or your son, why would you have a friend for yourself?

Friendship is a reciprocal arrangement

You are not morally obliged to support someone who is making the world a worse place

You should choose poeple who want to make things better, not worse.

It’s a good thing, not a selfish thing to choose people who are good for you

associate with people whose lives would improve if they saw yours improve

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