MS 2 Flashcards
mechanisms of CID
Unimolecular dissocation or Direct stripping (direct stripping unfavorable)
FOM in collisional activation experiment
timescale, variance in energy, magnitude of energy, how energy distributed, efficiency, form of energy
How do you get velocity at center of mass
= momentum at center of mass and its the sum of the mass *momentum of product and neutral divided by the sum of their masses
What is true and useful at COM instead of lab
total E and KE are conserved and max E available is equal to relative KE (which is important because this is the energy that will turn into external or INTERNAL energy)
What is Q whats our equation for it and what does it mean
Q is change in kinetic energy - it indicates the amount of energy exchange between internal and external (going in or out) - it is N/(mp+N) * KE Lab SO as our N gets bigger this approaches one which means more efficient energy transfer (however larger ions can cause scattering)
What do different Q values relative to - mean
Q = 0 elastic collisoin, Q < 0 is inelastic - some energy into ion, Q>0 inelastic some energy out of ion
What is ngeative deflection determined by
Ke rel, v(r), and well depth - if low engouh can orbit (360 degree back scatter
What does interaction time determine
How likely excitation is - masseys adiabatic says the probability of energy transfer to a given mode is maximized
when the interaction time (tc
) ≈ that mode’s period of motion
tandem in space vs tandem in time
QQQ vs trap
In MS/MS what two broad things change fragmentation seen
Energy ++ activation method ( can also relate to time - can be slower or fast)
What are common types of MS/MS
CID/CAD: collision-induced dissociation, collisionally activated dissociation (gas)
SID: surface induced dissociation (surface)
IRMPD: infrared multiphoton dissociation (laser)
UVPD: ultraviolet photodissociation (laser)
ECD: electron capture dissociation (electrons)
ETD: electron transfer dissociation (reactive anions
FOM in an MS/MS experiment
Efficiency, resolution, Ms^N how many transformations, fragments produced
What is a metastable ion
fragments outside source but before detection - if before mass analyzer detectable - if after r- will not be separated by mass
Benefits of using CID
can lose signal due to scattering and frag, but also REDUCES noise a LOT ,
Benefits of CAD
qualitative analysis, structural info, quant, ion chemistry, characteristic fragments for ID (eg small molecule, biopeptide , glycans etc)
Examples of MS/MS bioanalysis
peptide sequencing and PTMS, carbohdyrate structure. (cross ring cleavage)frag, lipied double bonds etc, nucleotides
How do nucleotdies fragment
B and W type ions means cut between phosphate backbone at at top of P and cleaving the 3’ OH
Where are protein x, y z (and a bc ions -
so a x is left of carbonyl, by is amide bond, and c z is N to c(side chain)
Mobile proton model
charge moves along protein backbone to cleave at most labile amide bond- charge directed
beam type: (liek in QQQ or TOF - collision cell) more frags, less specific frags but more sequential, quick 10 us to 1 ms
IION TRAP _ lit, qit, frequency resonance applied - takes 10-100 ms, MORE SENSITIVE -(uses less energy)
How is Ion trap CID preformed
precursor isolation in time, dipolar RF signal applied at frequency of ions (for secular frequency to be activated) of interest with amplitudes to maximize products - (called a TICKLE ) –absorbs power form RF ripple
again lower collision energies
uses a bath gas
What are other types of CID besdies beam and ion trap
POST SOURCE DECAY in MALDI fragment in flight tube
Nozzle skimmer - high pressure at ion source - can undergo acceleration and frag
ICR methods- MECA _ multiple collision collisional excitation - a lot of low amp, on resonance pulses applied to precursor ions to increase internal energy for dissoc’
SORI - sustained off resonance irradiation - use an RF signal shifted to a lower OR one above and one below for multiply charged less translational energy so longer activation time, takes a long time - slow
VLECA - very low energy CA - multiple cycles of resonance excitation
WHAT determines what is seen in CID
energy and entroyp of fragmentation path, time window, internal energy dist
Process of Ion trap CID (from ion POV)
so again AC signal applied in resonance with secular frequency , increases its oscillation amplitude in trap so further from center - as such it feels stronger RF ripple which increases ion KF; then introduce bathg as - collides - transform KE to internal energy (increase ion temp) - upon doing this - no longer in resonance and collisionally called back down
DIPOLAR DC CID - what is it
displaced from center of trap but only axially
used because no resonance conditions, and first gen product ions continue to be heated which encourages consecutive dissociation
What is ion micromotion
the RF energy an ion feels when its displaced from the center which gives it increased kinetic energy
2 ways CA can occur
unimolecular dissoc and Direct stripping
FOM for CA
variability of energy, magnitude of enery, how energy distributed efficiency, time scale, form of energy
In veloctiy diagrams CA - what is Q and what does its relative values mean
Q is change in kinetic energy -
Q=0 is ELASTIC collision
Q<0 - inelastic collisions (some energy goes internally)
Q>0 super elastic collision (some energy is taken from internal energy)
With a larger ion in collision - what happens
ratio appraoches 1 - can get 100% of efficiency - Q max is N/m + N so this term approaches one largest Q max
2 benefits of using COM frame of reference
Change in direction is notable in scattering, change in KE is noicebale can tell if inelastic or super elastic
Why are scattering angles useful
They tell you about the collisional enery distribution
What is b and how does its values vary
B is impact parameter - indicating distance of closest approach of collision pair
LOW B means more interaction with repulsive part of potential
really low - causes direct back scattering
medium - causes forward scattering positive deflection
higher causes forward scattering (negative deflection) - dorrepsond to longer range attractive part of potential
How does V(r) and KErel effect deflection
lowers negative deflection and if collision low enough energy - they can stick and give a scattering angle of 360 degree
Probabiltiy of energy transfer to a given mode is maximized when interaction time matches the modes period of motion
tc/T (interactiontime divided by period of motion)
so if Massey > 1 that means period of motion is larger, collision is slow takes too long relative to motion transition unlikely
Massey < 1 collision is too short for the internal motion
Massey = 1 perfect -
What does interactoin time determine -
type of excitation and mechanism
Which type of excitation is more likely and why (radiationless between electronic states or DIRECT of vibrational modes
Vmax range for electronci (the relative velocity for max probability) is 10kEV to 1000 KeV
vmax range for direct is 100 eV o 100 kEV - MUCH more attainable
TYPES of CIDS and notable differences
HIGH energy CID -fast activation 2-10 kEV - us time scale
LOW ENERGY - 1-200 eV, .5-1 ms
Trapping CID - 1-20 eV takes 10-100 ms
How does slow heating work from a diagram perspecitve
1) initial activation
- this increases the probability of activating events so it outweighs deactivating events (increases T internal)
- this continues and eventually reaches a stead state distribution of internal energies
IF some of the energy is above E0 - fragmentation will be observed
What are the steps(rate reaction wise) in slow heating frag and what determines the probability distribution
There is ACTIATIOn and then dissociation
if dissociation is rate limiting step THEN - we see a normal distribution - the amount of activate ions and pre activated reaches an equilibrium - there’s a lot of them to go to the next step
BUT if ACTIVATION is rate limiting - then we see a TRUNCATED boltzman distribution not a lot activated compared to how many will dissoc
Why does mechanism of activation matter
energy distributed differently - doesnt always behave statistically
can be (T-> E,, T->V or T to V and E (vibration or electric)
What are some aspects of T-V mechanism
COMPLEX formation - most efficent
fraction of KE that goes into precursor depends on DOF, complex lifetime
favored with low Kerel and is high efficiency Q/Kerel
LARGE B negative deflection
is like a lot of collisions with favorable massey parameters
*THIS essentially is our precursor and our natural collide and become a complex - while complexed or orbiting undergo a lot of favorable Massey collisions - but ultaimeyl they need to separate and when they do - how the energy is distributed matters and causes frag
What is possible vs what is probable
I think what is possible is more in terms of conservation of momentum mass etc - that stuff repulsion collsioisn B, KE rel WHAT Is probable relates more to timing (Tc)
Describe T->V Impulsive collision
These are called impuslive or binary and they are ELASTIC
positive deflection - SMALL B
lower efficiency than complex (it’s just one collision - KE REL a lot higher here can be
So here don’t need good massey parameters (so collision time can be shorter than period of vibration (faster) - BECAUSE HERE ITS INDEPENDANT - occurs indirectly though an elastic collision and the RECOIL energy is distributed into vibration
Describe t->V direct induction
LARGE B - little scattering - small energy transfer, very timing sensitive - not common ( I guess just flings by and somehow transfers vibrational energy in passing
Describe T-> E VERTICAL excitation
LARGE B again - little scattering
need interaction time < 10-14 s? (seconds?
slow enough to excite but not breakdown (these are not favorable for Massey - its too high to reach these as stated earlier) but still want high E
T->E Curve crossing - dsecribe it
- Collision must be slow enough to
allow transition to the upper,
excited state
can occur with low b
– But fast enough to prevent
crossing back down to the original
MOST likely for t-> E
probably at lower velocity - smaller b
can happen with tc < than period of vibration so large KeRel
List all of the mechanisms of energy transfer in CAD
T-> E is curve crossing, or vertical excitation
T-> V is complex formation, binary or impulsive and Direct
describe T->E + V curve cross + impulsive collision
Curve cross to excited state with an impulsive collisions (curve crossing on repulsive part of potential
- Energy partitioning can occur several ways
– Ion can be both vibrationally and electronically excited
– Ion can be vibrationally excited while target is electronically excited
Why should we analyze lipids
end product to upstream activities and as a such closer to the actual phenotype than something upstream
Also very ubiquitous /prevalent
also hallmark role is in membranes , inflammation, energy storage
What are some challenges in analyzing lipids
COmplexity (there’s a lot of them),
small changes such as just the difference of double bond position (isobars as well),
naming can be difficult,
quite a lipidome diversity depending on what you are looking for (eg racial);
Dynamic range can be difficult then [] range in a lipid profile
Stability - can derivitize or add anti oxidants
What are layers of lipid identification specificty
Class, sum composition (eg PE 36:1), FA identification, FA position, double bond position, stereochemistyr
Common lipid extraction
Folch vs the Bligh and Dwyer
They’re both just version of LLE - chloroform metahnol and water(avoid plastics!) can do multiple extracts
How are lipids quanted
not ISTD for all lipids so use one for many or do semi quant 1 pt cal curve or do RELATIVE quant
Typical setup for lipid anaysis
DI (SHOTgun) or LC (reverse phase or HILIC) - into ESI MS (HRMS orbitrap) or tandem MS
Pros of shotgun (DI analysis) vs LC
all area analyzed under the same MS conditions instead of across an LC run;
can do one IS per class
negatives of shotgun - isotope overlap, lipid aggergation
seperation great
quant can be more difficult need more IS per class
What is iterative exclusion MS for lipids
Do a full scan - take the 10 most abundant and REMOVE THEM - don’t analyze them then do another inejct - and then take the 10 NEXT most abundant - then exlcude those so on and so forth
What essential types of reaction does RRKM theory
2 reactions: Activation (bimolecular) and then reaction/fragmentation (unimolecular)
What is the Lindemann theory
We have our 2 reactions bimolecular actiation and then unimolecular fragmentation and the rate is PRESSURE DEPENDANT - at high pressure k1>k2 so its first order;
At low pressure k2>k1 so it’s second order overall
NOTE rate law is determined change in concentration of activated A* over time
What’s wrong with Lindemann thoery?
rates fall off at higher pressure ;
doesn’t include DOF (molecules already has some energy )
doesn’t account for energy level
doesn’t account for any specificity in which bond it takes place in
What did Hinshelwood add to Lindemann theory
Added internal energy - accounted for rotation and vibrational internal energy) - modeled them as oscillators - and modeled the probability of any given reactants activation by boltzmann distribution (does it have energy between E and E + dE)
So the above is just for one DOF BUT he also accounted for many DOF as well across all DOF at every collision
Strong collision approximation - what is it and where used
assuming energy of molecules completely randomized ti biltzmann- the activation rate proportional to boltzmann constant
Hinshelwood Shortcomings
Doesn’t account for effectives ness range of oscillators (1/2 are effective) -
Only dealt with K1 process - energy of activation
K2 has own issues not addressed assumed to be uniform when it’s not
RRK theory what did it bring to the table
Needed to allow for flow of energy so now molecule viewed as a system of loosely coupled oscillators (so here we get degeneracy - how many ways can we put J energy into S degrees of freedom) - how the energy distributed
Split k2 into 2 steps
1) Energized
2) activated
Difference between activated and energized molecules (K2 vs Kdouble dagger)
A double dagger is passing into final states (products) - A* (or K2) has sufficient energy to become activated without additional energy but needs to undergo vibrations before becoming activated
Problem with RRK theory
coupled oscillators is not clearly identifiable with normal modes, doesn’t incorporate magnitude of all frequency factors (higher ones)
RRKM theory what does it add
Adds transition state theory - on an energy surface once pass transition state - will continue in forward direction - wont recross in reversal
individual vibrational frequencies are considered explicitly
Time for dissoc is long comparaed to everything else (formation, activation, redistribution ,
ASSUMES ergodic redistribution (so doesn’t work for ECD or ETD that doesn’t distribute across whole molecule)
Is ADIABATIC - takes place on single energy surface - motion is classical
there is a transition state point of no return
How to get reaction path degeneracy
number of bonds essentially - number of areas energy could be in
What is tightness of transition state and how does it affect reaction rate
essentially things that are more labile -e easier to cleave - as internal energy increases, looser transition sates go up more quickly than tighter - so rate goes up quicker
How does DOF affect rate
DOF decreases rate - more modes to spread energy across
How does critical energy effect reaction rates
higher critical energy are slower rates - typically not observed
How does rearrangemnt vs simple cleavage effect rate
Rearrangements are low critical energy so at low internal energy they are favored but at higher internal energy - simple cleavages are competitive/favored
Types of Energy shift (RRKM )
Kinetic shift - more energy than critical for frag is required to observe pathway (basically needs faster reaction rate to observe)
Thermal - less energy than for frag is required to observe (molecule already has own internal energy contributing)
Competitive - more energy than for frag needed to observe because there is a competing path way - want to drive desired pathway
Kinetic sotope effect
energy level (0 point) is mass dependant so critical energy for lighter masses takes less energy so rates for them is faster
calculate Mass Spec steps from QET
1)ID frag pathways and kinetic sceheme
2) rate constants and generate k vs E curves
3integrate k vs E curve over determined reaction time
3.5 generate breakdown curve - (ion concentration over range of energies)
4) determine potential energy distribution of formed ions and convoluted with breakdown curve to generate calculated spectra
MS - why use seperation
Orthogonality - MS can’t sep but can sep on column like isomers, chiral compounds
Efficient ionization (instead of ionizing all at once- separate over time - less matrix effects, decrease LOD
GC considerations for MS
needs to be volatilized, LARGE flow rate for MS need a splitter, column bleeding etc
LC van deemter considerations
eddy diffusion, longitudinal, mass transfer
Eddy diffusion small well packed columns,
longitudinal smaller flow path and higher flow rate
mass transfer - small particle size, low flow rate and heat
Issues with multi dimensional LC
run time
Compare MSI to other imaging modalities
So less resolution than a microscope, also generally not in vivo like x-ray, MRI etc
BUT the most specific out of all of them (so microscope level resolution with specificity (so ultimately good complementary technique)
MSI applications
molecular histology, ultra high spatial resolution, full body imaging
MSI work flow
cryosection, 10-20 um, - onto a slide, apply MALDI matrix - data acquisition
What is Histology directed acquisition (or profiling)
Tissue annotated by pathoogist before MS and then MS data only acquired from spots of interest (increase throughput) -
mass resolving power, accuracy, sensitivity , dynamic range ,
FILE DATA SIZE and storage