Non cardiac causes of chest pain Flashcards


What are the non cardiac causes of chest pain


Gastroesophageal- most common cause of NCCP, 42% of NCCP
– reflux esophagitis- inflammation of the oesophagus muscosa secondary to gastroesophageal reflux disease. often described as a burning sensation, a symptom referred to as heartburn or pyrosis

– oesophageal spasm- painful contractions in the esophagus. often confused with ischemic cardiac chest pain. swallowing extremely hot or cold substances often precipitates spasm, which leads to episodes of chest pain.

– esophageal perforation- hole in the oesophagus, allowing saliva, liquid and food to spill into the thoracic cavity or abdomen. sudden severe, constant pain from the neck. medical emergency

– gastritis- when lining of your stomach becomes inflamed.

– peptic ulcer disease- occur when acid in the digestive tract eats away at the inner surface of the stomach or small intestine.

Pulmonary- chest pain pleuritic in nature:
– pneumothorax- collapsed lung, when air leaks into the space between your lung and chest wall. this air pushes on the outside of your lung and makes it collapse.

– pulmonary embolism- occurs when a blood clot gets stuck in an artery in the lung, blocking blood flow to part of the lung.

– pleuritis- usually caused by lower respiratory infections, pain is sharp and made worse by coughing, deep breathing, or movement

– neoplasm

– bronchitis

Musculoskeletal (chest wall):
– costochondritis (tietze syndrome)- inflammation of the costochondral junction

– rib fracture compression radiculopathy

– herpes zoster- acute chest pain

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