Eval 2 - MSK Flashcards
What are we mostly screening for? (3)
Occiput to Wall - purpose, pt position, procedure, (+)
Purpose: hyperkyphosis.
Pt position: stand with both heels, sacrum, & scap on wall. “Stand as tall as you can.”
Procedure: measure distance with 2 perpendicular rulers.
(+) = >2cm, hyperkyphotic, higher risk of T-spine fx.
Rib-Pelvis Distance - purpose, pt position, procedure, (+)
Purpose: fx risk.
Pt position: standing, shoulders flexed to 90, examiner stands behind.
Procedure: finger distance btwn inferior ribs & superior ileum (mid-axillary line).
(+) = <2 fingers, higher risk of fx.
Back Scratch Test- purpose, pt position, procedure, gender norms
Purpose: assess shoulder mobility.
Pt position: standing, one arm IR, other ER behind back, try to touch fingertips together.
Procedure: measure distance btwn middle fingers.
Norm (M) < 8in
Norm (F) < 4in
Chair Sit & Reach- purpose, pt position, procedure
Purpose: assess HS length & trunk flexion.
Pt position: seated, one leg bent with foot on floor, other leg extended, heel on floor, neutral DF.
Procedure: hip hinge to reach forward, hold for 2sec, measure btwn middle finger & toes (inches).
Sock Test - purpose, pt position, procedure, (+)
Purpose: hip/trunk mobility.
Pt position: short-sitting, feet off floor.
Procedure: lift one foot (hip flex in sagittal plane), reach for toes with both hands.
(+) = score of 2 or 3 = 6x more likely to have functional difficulty in 1yr.
Sock Test Scoring
0 = can reach toes, no difficulty.
1 = can reach toes, but difficult.
2 = can reach past malleoli, cannot reach toes.
3 = cannot reach malleoli.
Osteoporosis precautions
No flexion
No extreme/loaded/end-range rotation
DO NOT DO: Chair Sit & Reach, Sock Test.
Post Hip precautions
No 90deg flex
No add past mid
Sternotomy precautions
No pushing or WB thru hands.
No OH reaching.
No reaching behind (shld ext).
No lift >10lb.
Keep prop under scapulae when lying supine.
Grip Strength - pt position, procedure
Pt position: shoulder width apart, 90deg elbow, NOT on arm rest.
Procedure: “2” on dynamometer, max score of 3 trials, alternate hands each rep.
30sec STS - purpose, pt position, procedure, MDC
Purpose: functional mobility & falls risk.
Pt position: 17in chair, no arms, supported against wall.
Procedure: “as many times as you can,” no counting out loud, more than halfway on last rep counts (ONLY on last rep).
MDC = 2
5x STS - purpose, pt position, procedure, cutoff scores, MDC
Purpose: functional mobility & falls risk.
Pt position: standard chair, no ams, NOT against wall.
Procedure: “as fast as you can,” stop timer when they sit all the way back down.
>13.6 sec = higher disability.
>12 sec = fall risk.
MDC = 2.5 sec
How is the Modified 30sec STS different?
Using hands/arm rests.
MDC = 1
Arm Curl Test - purpose, pt position, procedure
Purpose: UE strength & endurance (household tasks requiring lifting/carrying).
Pt position: armless chair, dominant hand, suitcase grip.
Procedure: 5lb (F) or 8lb (M), supinated at top, # of reps in 30sec.