Gender Bias Flashcards


Outline gender bias (6 marks)


Gender bias is when psychological research or theories offer a view that doesn’t represent the experience and behaviour of men or women. Feminist psychologists argue that psychology has been built on the biased research of male psychologists and upholds male superiority. This limits universality which is where underlying characteristics of humans can be applied to all people, irrespective of upbringing, culture, and gender. One type of gender bias is alpha bias. This is where research exaggerates the differences between males & females . This reinforces gender stereotypes and is used to devalue women. For example, Buss showed that males seek a woman who is physically attractive and females seek a man with resources, reinforcing the gender stereotypes. Another type of gender bias is beta bias which misrepresents behaviour minimises the difference between males and females. This leads to important aspects of females experiences being ignored. For example, the fight or flight response is universal but much of the research was based on male animals.

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Outline androcentrism as a type of gender bias (3)


Androcentrism is where research is based only on males and this male behaviour is then used as the standard or expected norm of behaviour. If the behaviour deviates from this, it is seen as abnormal or inferior - so female behaviour is misunderstood or seen as abnormal. Asch only used males and generalised to females so if female conformed more than 37% they may be seen as abnormal.

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Discuss gender bias (3 X AO3)


Alpha bias research such as evolutionary psychology promotes inappropriate stereotypes as findings suggest that females are dependent on males which can lead to feelings of inferiority and promote discrimination. Evolutionary psychology emphasises any gender differences are innate, due to genetics, which gives a biological justification
for gender bias within society. Therefore, gender bias within research can provide a scientific reasoning to deny women opportunities within employment and can validate discrimination which can impact the economy and female’s life prospects.

Gender bias is further emphasised by male psychologists and the use of laboratory experiments, which are argued to favour male participants. Laboratory experiments produce unfair relationships, with male researchers able to use their power to label females as irrational or unreasonable, with the use of quantitative data. Tavris argues that the research methods that are used should be adapted to enable females more equality in research such as more qualitative data collection methods such as interviews to fully understand female behaviour. Therefore, if we continue with this methodology it may have negative consequences for women when generalised beyond the setting of
the experiment.

However, by arguing that males and females should be studied differently emphasises there are gender differences, so universality is not possible and bias cannot be avoided. It is impossible to look at research through completely objective eyes as we all have a gender. However, researchers should take gender bias into consideration when conducting research. For example, it may be that Milgram only studied male participants as this was relevant to his aim of understanding the behaviour of Nazi soldiers. This recognition is important in ensuring the effects of gender bias are minimised when conducting psychological research and
generalising theories of behaviour to both genders.

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