Deliver Results Flashcards


Core Behaviors of Deliver Results

  • We understand that execution pays for ideation; we don’t confuse activity with progress.
  • We seek to be extraordinary in our work quality. Mediocrity is not a happy state for us.
  • We persevere when faced with setbacks.
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Tell me about a situation where you exceeded expectations on your work product.


Situation: As an assistant store manager in training at Starbucks, I was given the task of compiling a simple list of adhoc cleaning tasks that needed to be completed within the next month or two.

Task: Instead of just creating a basic list, I decided to go above and beyond. I took it upon myself to create a comprehensive cleaning schedule, including both routine tasks and adhoc tasks. I wanted to ensure that our store was consistently clean and met the health department standards.

Action: I organized the cleaning tasks into a monthly calendar, laminated it, and posted it in our back room. I also added the schedules to the shift leader clipboard for easy access on the floor.

Result: The store manager and other supervisors were impressed with the cleaning schedules I created. They saw the value in having a structured system for assigning tasks and ensuring cleanliness.

As a result, I was given the responsibility of owning the cleaning process at our store. I was in charge of assigning specific tasks to baristas and managers, making sure everything was completed on time and up to the health department standards.

This experience not only exceeded the expectations of my initial task but also demonstrated my ability to take ownership and improve processes within the store. It allowed me to showcase my organizational skills and attention to detail, which positively impacted the cleanliness and overall operations of the store.

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Walk me through a time where you had to navigate big or unexpected barriers to drive an achievement.


Situation: We were experiencing high queue levels in our CS fraud department, and additional team members were brought in to help. I was asked to assist in the training process of these team members.

Task: My task was to quickly and effectively train the new team members so they could handle fraud-related tasks seamlessly. This was a big challenge since I had never trained anyone before.

Action: I approached the situation with a positive attitude and a willingness to learn on the go. I created a supportive environment, encouraged questions, and provided constructive feedback. I adjusted my approach based on each individual’s learning style and offered extra support when needed.

Result: Despite the initial hurdles, I successfully trained the new team members, enabling them to quickly grasp the necessary knowledge and skills. They were confident and prepared to handle fraud-related tasks, contributing to our team’s efficiency.

This experience showcased my ability to adapt in a dynamic environment and overcome unexpected challenges. It strengthened teamwork and demonstrated my problem-solving skills and resilience.

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What is the most significant accomplishment or deliverable you have achieved in your professional career? How long did it take and what sort of obstacles did you have to overcome along the way?


I would say that my. most significant accomplishment thus far is obtaining my bachelors in sociology.

As a CS Fraud Specialist, while my degree in may not be directly related to the specific job responsibilities, it has equipped me with valuable skills that have contributed to my overall professional growth and accomplishments.

First and foremost, it honed my critical thinking and analytical skills. Sociology involves studying and analyzing complex social structures, patterns, and behaviors. This skill set translates well into a role that requires processing purchase disputes, identifying trends in fraud, and maintaining customer security. I am adept at examining data, identifying patterns, and making informed decisions based on my analysis.

Moreover, my degree has provided me with a deep understanding of human behavior and social interactions. This knowledge is crucial when participating in effective communication with customer’s and business partner’s alike.

SO, While my degree may not be a specific deliverable or accomplishment in the traditional sense, it has laid the foundation for my professional development and has been instrumental in shaping my perspective, enhancing my problem-solving abilities, and enabling me to excel in my professional career.

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Example of a time when you ran into a challenge blocking you from achieving a goal. What was the situation, and what did you do?


Situation: As an assistant store manager in training at Starbucks, I faced a challenge when a shift supervisor who was exceptional at making customer connections left the store. I was tasked with filling her shoes and maintaining the strong customer connections she had built.

Action: Recognizing that I had a different personality and approach compared to the previous supervisor, I decided to seek guidance from colleagues in other Starbucks stores. I reached out to them, asking for their advice on making genuine connections with customers and finding new ways to delight them on a daily basis.

Result: By reaching out to my colleagues and seeking their insights, I was able to gather a wealth of valuable tips and ideas. I implemented some of these suggestions in my interactions with customer and found small ways to make their experience special.

While I couldn’t replicate the exact style of the previous supervisor, I discovered my own authentic way of connecting with customers. Over time, I built my own relationships with regulars and found ways to make their visits enjoyable and memorable.

Through this experience, I learned the importance of seeking guidance and support from others when faced with challenges. By tapping into the knowledge and expertise of my colleagues, I was able to overcome the initial obstacle and continue to achieve the goal of maintaining strong customer connections at the store.

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Tell me about a time where you were not satisfied with your own performance. What was the situation and why weren’t you satisfied? What did you do?


Situation: As a CS fraud specialist, I found myself in a situation where I was not satisfied with my own performance. This occurred during a period of high queue volumes, where the job became increasingly stressful and repetitive.

Reason for dissatisfaction: The combination of high workload and repetitive tasks started taking a toll on me. I noticed that I wasn’t meeting the expected performance metrics, which made me feel dissatisfied with my own performance.

Action taken: I took some time to reflect on the factors contributing to my dissatisfaction and the impact they were having on my performance. Next, I reached out to my team lead to discuss my concerns and seek their guidance and support.

Together we discussed potential strategies to help me manage the stress and improve my performance. This included exploring ways to maintain motivation and implementing time management techniques.

Additionally, I focused on self-care and work-life balance, ensuring that I took breaks and practiced stress management techniques to rejuvenate myself during and outside of work hours.

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