Power of the opposition Flashcards


Opposition has power


The second largest party in the commons is designated as the official opposition party, it is given privileges in debates, at question time and in the management of parliamentary business its role is to oppose the government of the day.

The Blair opposition 1994-97 was very effective in highlighting the weakness in the Major government as well as presenting itself as a strong and better alternative government, this led him to a 179 seat majority.

Opposition days are allocated to opposition parties so they can influence legislation, opposition parties are allocated 20 days a year to propose subjects for debate, of these 17 are for the leader of the second largest party, and 3 more for the second largest opposition.

The SNP for example used its allocation in November 2015 to instigate debates on the Trident nuclear defence system, to which they strongly opposed.

In 2009 Gordon Browns government fell to a shock defeat over the right of Gurkhas to remain in the UK, they lost the vote 267 to 246. Although the vote is not binding it represents a embarrassment to the government.

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Opposition has limited power


Only 17 days a year for the opposition party is low, every other day is devoted to the government, this means that they can easily dominate the timetable.

Labour party opposition put forward a motion that called on the government to continue its COVID-19 furlough scheme, however whilst this was debated on from all sides of the house, 329 voted against the motion and it did not pass.

The government heavily whip their MPs during opposition days, they are expected to be in the chamber, a good example of this took place in June 2020, where a opposition day vote called for NHS workers to be given daily COVID-19 tests, 331 conservatives voted against the motion and therefore it did not pass.

So whilst the opposition days provide a platform for opposition motions, without government support they are unlikely to pass.

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