Hormozis Hacks Flashcards


Pick 1 Thing…


And Be the Best at It.

In the UK -/- In the World.

Better and More Success comes from the Focus of one Goal over the chase of attaining 3.

Small and Big Businesses have the same input, but the Big one has more out put? Because the small businesses inputs are to spread out.

Realistically you could choose any business and do it well, you just have to pick. What ever your doing, if you are the best in the world at it. Then you will be rewarded for it. But technically the thing you choose doesn’t really matter. People say do what you love, which is true, but at the same time, you also learn to love what your really good at/ get paid for/ people want you to do it for them. How ever you are providing value, if your the best in the world at it, you will love the fact that you are the go to guy for this type of problem.

So yes love what you do.
But your experience on the planet has probably already given you are certain set of skills that you feel you are better then other at, if you can make money from it, then this could be a good place to start.

Experiment if you don’t know (better when younger), but just know that every time you are taking them punches (learning them lessons) in one industry, then switch to another - you will have to start from the beginning with certain punches. There will defo be transferable skills like, but it would be a good idea to stay in the same industry at least.

A bird in the hand, is worth 2 in the bush.

A man who chases 2 rabbits, catches none.

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