Aircrew Coordination Flashcards
the cooperative interaction among crewmembers necessaryfor safe, efficient, and effective performance of flight tasks
aircrew coordination definition
a set of principles, attiudes, procedures, and techniques that transforms individuals into an effective crew
aircrew coordination description
Aircrew training must emphasize _________ as a vital part of the overall training program.
crew coordination
enhances the vital communication between all crewmembers and sreamlines the sequence adn timing in which procedures and maneuvers required for aircraft control and successful mission accomplishment are executed
aircrew coordination purpose
Other names for aircrew coordination:
-cockpit resource management
-integrated resource management
-crew coordination
aircrew coordination course
Six errors/failures associated with aircrew coordination:
1-failure of the pilot on the controls to properly direct assistance from other crewmembers
2-failure of a crewmember to announce a decision or action that affected the ability of other crewmembers to properly perform their duries
3-failure of a cremember to communicate positively (verbally and non-verbally)
4-failure of the pilot-in-command to assign crew responsibilities properly before and during the mission
5-failure of the pilot not on the controls or other crewmembers to offer assistance or information that was needed or had been requested previously by the P*
6-failure of the P* to execute flight actions in the proper sequence with the actions of the other crewmembers.
Changes made by the identification of hte six aircrew coordination errors/failures:
- Aircrew coordination incorporated into every ATM task
- Development of the annual aircrew coordination sustainment training
Patterns begin with the accomplishment of _____, _____, and _______.
-crew-level pre-mission planning
___________includes all preparatory tasks associated with accomplishing the mission
Pre-mission planning
___________ includes assigning crewmember responsibilities and conducting all required briefings and brief-backs
pre-mission planning
____________ involves the crew collectively visualizing and discussing expected and potential unexpected events for the entire mission
pre-mission rehearsal
Through pre-mission rehearsal, all crewmembers discuss, think through:
1-contingencies and actions for difficult segments
2-equipment limitations and failures
3-unusual events associated with the mission
4-developing strategies to cope with possible contingencies (METT-TC)
Each crewmember must actively participate in the mission planning process to ensure a common understanding of __________ and _____________.
mission intent
operational sequence
Crewmembers must then mentally rehearse the entire msision by:
1-visualizing and discussing potential problems
3-assigned responsibilities
The ___ ensures that crewmembers take advantage of periods of low workload to review or rehearse upocoming flight segments
Crewmembers should continuously review remaining ___________ to identify required adjustments, making certain their planning is consistently ahead of ___________________.
flight segments
critical lead times
After a mission or mission segment, the crew should debrief, review, and critique ____________, their _________, and _____________.
Major decisions
task performance
-Communicate positively
-Be explicit
-Announce actions
-Acknowledge actions
-Direct assistance
-Offer assistance
-Coordinate action sequence and timing
-Provide aircraft control and obstacle advisories
-Establish and maintain team relationships
-plan mission and rehearse
-establish and maintain workloads
-exchange mission information
-cross-monitor performance
Establish a positive working relationship that allows the crew to communicate openly and freely and to operate in a __________ manner.
Command authority is established by ____________ and is not _____________________
commissioned or warrant officer
enlisted crewmember
Duty Position
1. ___
2. ___
- platoon leader
- aviator
- standardization pilot (SP)
- instructor pilot (IP)
- pilot in command (PC)
- pilot (PI)
any crewmember with the appropriate technical knowledge, skills, and information at a given time
Leadership from any crewmember
______ must be briefed and adhered to for mission success.
two-challenge rule
Critical Phases of Team Building
1- Unit orientations and battle-rostering
2- Pre-mission planning and rehearsal
3-Task execution
4-Crew-level after action review (AAR)
5-Remain overnight (RON) and temporary duty (TDY)
a-duties and responsibilities specified
b-unit procedures: elaborating, affirming, or attacking
Which Critical Phase?
Pre-mission planning and rehearsal