Couples - Theorists Flashcards
Parsons (couples)
- Instrumental and expressive roles
Believed men and women biologically suited to these roles
Bott ( couples)
Join conjugal roles / separated conjugal roles
Wilmott and Young ( Couples)
‘symmetrical family’
- Bethanal green study
- roles more similar
- supports march of progress
Oakley (couples)
Boulton (couples)
criticises symmetrical family
found only 15% of men helped in housework
- 20 % men helped in childcare
Warde and Heatherington (couples)
- stereotypical viewpoint
- sex typing of domestic tasks still strong
Gurshuny (couples)
Trend towards equality
Argues that with more women in work → causes this shift to more equality in sharing of domestic work within a household
Sullivan (couples)
looked at data from 1975/87/97 and found a trend towards greater equality and less gendering of domestic roles
Men → more likely to have long blocs of leisure time
Women → more likely to have leisure time interrupted by children (Triple shift)