Hormones and behaviour Flashcards


Explain the effect of one hormone on human behaviour with reference to one study


Hormones are chemical messengers that are secreted from the endocrine system. They communicate through the system of blood vessels which hormones are released into. They regulate slow processes such as growth and metabolism. An example of a hormone is adrenaline. One hormone is cortisol, this hormone is secreted by the adrenal gland which is responsible for stress and is a steroid hormone related to immune system functioning. High levels of cortisol are associated with very stressful situation as it regulates the body’s stress response. One study that demonstrates the function of cortisol is Newcomer at al (1999) study.

The aim of the study was to investigate how levels of cortisol interfere with verbal declarative memory.It was a randomized double blind experiment, running for 4 days. A self selected sample of 51 normal and healthy people ages 18-30 was used. All participants gave informed consent. There were three experimental conditions: 1. A high level or cortisol (tablet of 160 mg per day), equivalent to cortisol levels in the blood as a consequence of a major stressful event. 2. A low level of cortisol (tablet of 40 mg per day), equivalent to cortisol levels in the blood as a consequence of a minor stressful event. 3. A placebo (tablet of no active ingredient). The results were as follows: the high level group preformed worse on the verbal declarative memory test than the low level group. They preformed below placebo levels after day 1. The low level group (low stress) showed no memory decrease. The placebo group improved over the 4 days.Evaluation: this was a controlled randomized experiment so it was possible to establish a cause-effect relationship between levels of cortisol and scores on a verbal declarative memory test. Ethical issues were observed with informed consent. The negative effect of taking high dosages of cortisol was reversible so no harm was done.

In conclusion, the study demonstrated that there is a cause and effect relationship between cortisol and verbal declarative memory. This is because cortisol inhibits transfer between short term and long term memory as it is a Nero hormone that binds to the cortisol receptor sites in the hippocampus. This explains why participants in the high-level group showed lots of omissions as they couldn’t recall memory from the LTM as cortisol was bonding to receptors in the brain therefore memory wasn’t transferred from the STM to the LTM as couldn’t be recalled.

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Explain one study investigating pheromones and behaviour


Pheromones are chemical signals that are transferred between individuals of the same species that effects attraction. Usually, scents are processed in the main olfactory bulb but in mammals pheromones are processed in the vomeronasal organ (VNO) and then to the olfactory system through the accessory olfactory bulb. Currently, research is inconclusive as to if humans have a VNO and has only been found present in fetuses before birth. Androstadienone (AND) is a likely candidate for the male pheromone. AND is a derivative of testosterone (found in sweat, testes and semen) and has been shown to have an effect on attraction from women. Estratetraenol (EST) is the likely candidate for the female pheromone and is secreted in urine. It has been shown to signal gender and effect male perception (showing it has pheromonal effects on the opposite sex).

The aim of Lundstrom and Olsson’s study was to investigate the effect of ansrostadienone on the mood of woman in the presence of men. It was an experiment, the experimental design was two independent variables with two levels each. The participants were 37 heterosexual woman, mean age 25 years, with a normal menstrual cycle. Female participants mood was studies in a 2 x 2 experimental design. They were assessed after being exposed to either androstadienone or a control situation, and in the presence of either a male or female experimenter. The experimenter carried out a number or measurements including several questionnaires. One of the questionnaires measured participants mood. The experimenter was either female (age 28) or male (age 30). The results were that Androstadienone increased woman’s mood in the presence of a male experimenter, but not a female experimenter. The placebo group with the male experimenter mods stayed the same. AND isn’t enough on its own to change behavior, you have to think about social context with AND.

In conclusion, Androstadienone may serve the function of signaling sexual attractiveness, which supports its role as a pheromone. This is because it increases your mood which intern increases your attractiveness. Relating to the study, the woman’s mood only increased when there was a male experimenter with AND as the AND made the woman’s mood increased and they found the male experimenter more attractive. However, when the experimenter was female, there was no change in mood as due to social context the participants weren’t attracted to the same gender as they are heterosexual females and there is no reason subconsciously for the participants to be attracted to her. Therefore, these findings provide support for the role of AND as a male pheromone in signaling attraction and showcase the role of pheromones in human mating behavior.

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Outline the study used in ‘Explain the effect of one hormone on human behaviour with reference to one study’


One study that demonstrates the function of cortisol is Newcomer at al (1999) study. The aim of the study was to investigate how levels of cortisol interfere with verbal declarative memory.It was a randomized double blind experiment, running for 4 days. A self selected sample of 51 normal and healthy people ages 18-30 was used. All participants gave informed consent. There were three experimental conditions: 1. A high level or cortisol (tablet of 160 mg per day), equivalent to cortisol levels in the blood as a consequence of a major stressful event. 2. A low level of cortisol (tablet of 40 mg per day), equivalent to cortisol levels in the blood as a consequence of a minor stressful event. 3. A placebo (tablet of no active ingredient). The results were as follows: the high level group preformed worse on the verbal declarative memory test than the low level group. They preformed below placebo levels after day 1. The low level group (low stress) showed no memory decrease. The placebo group improved over the 4 days.Evaluation: this was a controlled randomized experiment so it was possible to establish a cause-effect relationship between levels of cortisol and scores on a verbal declarative memory test. Ethical issues were observed with informed consent. The negative effect of taking high dosages of cortisol was reversible so no harm was done.

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Outline the study used in ‘Explain one study investigating pheromones and behaviour’


The aim of Lundstrom and Olsson’s study was to investigate the effect of ansrostadienone on the mood of woman in the presence of men. It was an experiment, the experimental design was two independent variables with two levels each. The participants were 37 heterosexual woman, mean age 25 years, with a normal menstrual cycle. Female participants mood was studies in a 2 x 2 experimental design. They were assessed after being exposed to either androstadienone or a control situation, and in the presence of either a male or female experimenter. The experimenter carried out a number or measurements including several questionnaires. One of the questionnaires measured participants mood. The experimenter was either female (age 28) or male (age 30). The results were that Androstadienone increased woman’s mood in the presence of a male experimenter, but not a female experimenter. The placebo group with the male experimenter mods stayed the same. AND isn’t enough on its own to change behavior, you have to think about social context with AND.

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