Vaccines Flashcards


explain vaccine efficacy and vaccine effectiveness


Vaccine Efficacy:

Definition: Vaccine efficacy is a measure of the effectiveness of a vaccine in controlled, ideal conditions such as clinical trials or laboratory settings.
Setting: It is determined during the rigorous and controlled environment of clinical trials, where researchers closely monitor and control the conditions under which the vaccine is administered and its outcomes are observed.
Calculation: It is calculated using the relative risk reduction formula and is expressed as a percentage. The formula is (Attack rate in the unvaccinated group - Attack rate in the vaccinated group) / Attack rate in the unvaccinated group.
Limitation: Efficacy may sometimes differ from real-world effectiveness due to factors like variations in the population, natural exposure, and other conditions not replicated in clinical trials.
Vaccine Effectiveness:

Definition: Vaccine effectiveness is a measure of how well a vaccine performs in the real world, in routine conditions, and within a specific population.
Setting: It is assessed post-licensure, after the vaccine is widely distributed and used in the general population. It considers factors like the characteristics of the circulating strains, the target population’s health status, and other variables.
Calculation: It is usually calculated by comparing the incidence of the disease in vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals in a real-world setting.
Real-world Factors: Vaccine effectiveness may be influenced by factors such as vaccine coverage, the level of natural exposure to the pathogen, and the emergence of new variants.

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explain the clinical development phases of a vaccine, along with important ethical considerations


Ethical Principles - Informed Consent:

Explanation: Before any clinical trials involving human subjects, obtaining informed consent is crucial. This involves providing potential participants with detailed information about the study, including its purpose, potential risks and benefits, procedures involved, and their rights. Participants must voluntarily agree to participate after understanding this information.
Phase I Clinical Trials:

Objective: Phase I trials are the first step in testing a new vaccine in humans.
Scale: These trials typically involve a small number of healthy volunteers.
Focus: The primary goal is to assess the vaccine’s safety in humans and to determine the type of immune response it elicits.
Phase II Clinical Trials:

Objective: Phase II trials aim to further assess the safety and efficacy of the vaccine.
Scale: They involve a larger number of participants, often including individuals who represent the target population.
Focus: Researchers evaluate the vaccine’s ability to produce the desired immune response, its efficacy against artificial infection, and its performance in preventing clinical disease. Safety and side effects are closely monitored.
Phase III Clinical Trials:

Objective: Phase III trials involve a much larger number of subjects across multiple sites.
Scale: Hundreds to thousands of participants are included to evaluate the vaccine’s efficacy under natural disease conditions.
Outcome: If successful, these trials provide the data needed for regulatory authorities to consider granting a license for the vaccine’s market authorization for human use.
Phase IV - Post-Marketing Surveillance:

Objective: Post-marketing surveillance occurs after the vaccine is approved and available for use.
Focus: The aim is to detect any rare adverse effects that may not have been evident in earlier phases, as well as to assess the long-term efficacy and safety of the vaccine.
Monitoring: Continuous monitoring helps ensure that the vaccine remains safe and effective in a larger, more diverse population.

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What is a polyvalent vaccine?


A polyvalent vaccine is a type of vaccine that provides protection against multiple strains or types of a particular pathogen or multiple related pathogens. The term “polyvalent” is derived from “poly,” meaning many, and “valent,” referring to the valency or the number of antigens a vaccine targets.

In the context of your question about the tetravalent rhesus-human reassortment rotavirus vaccine (RotaShield), “tetravalent” indicates that the vaccine is designed to protect against four different strains of rotavirus. Rotaviruses are a group of viruses that are a common cause of severe diarrhea, especially in infants and young children. The tetravalent rotavirus vaccine aims to induce an immune response that provides protection against multiple strains of rotavirus, offering a broader spectrum of coverage compared to monovalent or bivalent vaccines targeting fewer strains.

It’s important to note that the example you provided, RotaShield, faced challenges and was eventually withdrawn from the market due to an association with an increased risk of intussusception in children.

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explain BioThrax


It seems like you’ve provided information about BioThrax, the only FDA-licensed human anthrax vaccine in the USA, along with details about anthrax and its potential consequences. BioThrax is manufactured by Emergent BioDefense Corp. Here are some additional points and clarifications:

Subunit Vaccines:

BioThrax is a subunit vaccine, meaning it is composed of specific components of the pathogen rather than the whole, inactivated pathogen itself.
In the case of BioThrax, the vaccine contains protective antigen, a key component of the anthrax bacterium (Bacillus anthracis). This approach allows for the stimulation of an immune response without the risk of causing the disease.
Bacillus anthracis Spores:

Bacillus anthracis, the bacterium that causes anthrax, can form highly resistant endospores. These endospores are the dormant, tough, and resilient form of the bacterium.
The spores can be used as a bioweapon due to their ability to persist in the environment and their potential to cause infection when inhaled or through contact with broken skin.
Anthrax Infection:

Anthrax infection can occur through inhalation of spores, ingestion, or contact with broken skin.
Inhalation of anthrax spores can lead to a severe form of the disease that affects the lungs and is often fatal if not treated promptly.
Clinical Manifestations:

Cutaneous anthrax, resulting from spore contact with the skin, can lead to painless, large, black skin lesions.
Inhaled anthrax can progress to severe respiratory symptoms and, if untreated, can lead to systemic effects such as septicemia, shock, and death.
BioThrax Vaccine:

BioThrax is administered subcutaneously (under the skin) and is used for pre-exposure vaccination to protect individuals at risk of exposure to anthrax, such as certain military personnel and laboratory workers.
It is also used in combination with appropriate antibiotic treatment for post-exposure prophylaxis.

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explain the mechanism by which the anthrax exotoxin, consisting of Protective Antigen (PA), Edema Factor (EF), and Lethal Factor (LF), exerts its toxic effects upon entering host cells


The information you provided describes the mechanism by which the anthrax exotoxin, consisting of Protective Antigen (PA), Edema Factor (EF), and Lethal Factor (LF), exerts its toxic effects upon entering host cells. Let’s break down the key steps in this process:

PA (B Subunit) Binding:

Targets: PA, the B subunit of the exotoxin, binds to specific cell-surface receptors, including TEM8 (tumor endothelial marker 8) and CMG2 (capillary morphogenesis gene 2).
PA83 Cleavage:

Activation: PA83 undergoes cleavage by a membrane protease, leading to the formation of two fragments: PA20 and PA63.
Formation of Pre-Pore Complex:

Assembly: PA63 assembles into heptameric or octameric rings on the cell surface membrane, forming a pre-pore complex.
Binding of EF and LF:

Association: The pre-pore complex binds several copies of the A subunits, Edema Factor (EF), and Lethal Factor (LF).

Internalization: The entire complex, consisting of PA63 and associated EF and LF, is endocytosed into the host cell.
Low pH-Induced Changes:

pH Reduction: Inside the endosome, the pH decreases.
Conformational Change: The pre-pore complex undergoes a conformational change in response to the low pH, forming a cation channel.
EF and LF Entry into Cytosol:

Transport: The low pH-induced changes in the pre-pore complex enable the entry of EF and LF into the host cell cytosol through the cation channel.
EF (Edema Factor) Action:

Function: EF is a calcium (Ca2+)-calmodulin (CaM) dependent adenylate cyclase.
Effect: EF increases intracellular cyclic AMP (cAMP) levels, which can lead to a reduction in macrophage function.
LF (Lethal Factor) Action:

Function: LF is a zinc (Zn2+)-dependent endoprotease.
Effect: LF cleaves and inactivates mitogen-activated protein kinase kinases (MAPKKs), leading to disruption of cell signaling pathways, ultimately resulting in apoptosis (programmed cell death). This process kills macrophages and contributes to the pathogenic effects of anthrax.

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explain the characteristics of attenuated vaccines, using the example of the Oral Poliovirus Vaccine (OPV), also known as the Sabin vaccine


Attenuated Vaccines:

Attenuated vaccines are live, weakened forms of the pathogen that are less virulent than the wild-type strain. They are capable of inducing an immune response without causing the disease.
Example: Oral Poliovirus Vaccine (OPV):

OPV is an attenuated vaccine used to protect against poliovirus infections.
Manufacture of OPV (Sabin Vaccine):

Passage Through Non-Human Cells: The vaccine virus is cultured by passage through non-human cells at subphysiological temperatures. This process leads to increased mutations in the viral genome.
Mutation in IRES: A key mutation occurs in the Internal Ribosome Entry Site (IRES) of the viral genome. IRES is a specific region that allows for the translation of viral mRNA without the typical 5’-cap structure.
Properties of Attenuated OPV:

Replication in Gut, Not Nervous System: The attenuated virus can replicate in the human gastrointestinal tract, inducing an immune response. Importantly, it is designed to be attenuated specifically for neurovirulence, meaning it should not cause infection in the nervous system.
Concerns with Attenuated Vaccines:

Rare Reversion to Virulence: While attenuated vaccines are generally safe, there is a rare risk that the vaccine strain can revert to a more virulent form. In the case of OPV, there have been instances where the attenuated poliovirus in the vaccine reverted to a form capable of causing paralysis.
Vaccine-Induced Paralysis:

Rare Events: Vaccine-induced paralysis is a rare event but underscores the importance of monitoring and surveillance.
OPV and Circulating Vaccine-Derived Polioviruses (cVDPVs): The rare instances of vaccine-induced paralysis are often associated with the circulation of vaccine-derived strains of poliovirus in under-vaccinated populations.
Global Polio Eradication Efforts:

Transition to Inactivated Poliovirus Vaccine (IPV): Due to the rare risk of vaccine-derived poliovirus cases, many countries have transitioned to using the Inactivated Poliovirus Vaccine (IPV) for routine immunization. IPV does not carry the same risk of vaccine-derived strains.
The use of attenuated vaccines, while highly effective, requires careful monitoring and public health measures to minimize the rare risks associated with reversion to virulence.

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explain the Human Rotavirus (HRV) vaccine, which is developed by GlaxoSmithKline


HRV (Human Rotavirus) Vaccine:

Strain: The vaccine is based on an attenuated G1P strain of rotavirus.
Administration: It is administered orally.
Significance of Rotavirus:

Leading Cause of Diarrhea-related Illness: Rotavirus is recognized as a leading cause of diarrhea-related illness and death among infants.
Global Impact: The disease caused by rotavirus results in a significant global health burden, contributing to the death of more than 600,000 children under 5 years old each year.
Vaccine Efficacy:

Efficacy: The HRV vaccine has demonstrated 85% efficacy.
Statistical Significance: The efficacy is stated to be statistically significant (p < 0.001), indicating a high level of confidence in the vaccine’s ability to prevent rotavirus infection.
Intussusception Risk:

No Increased Risk: Unlike some earlier rotavirus vaccines, the information provided suggests that the HRV vaccine does not carry an increased risk of intussusception. Intussusception is a serious condition where one part of the intestine slides into another, potentially causing a blockage.
Overall Implications:

The development and use of an effective and safe rotavirus vaccine, such as the HRV vaccine, play a crucial role in preventing rotavirus infections and associated severe outcomes, including diarrhea-related illness and death in young children.
The absence of an increased risk of intussusception is a notable point, as this has been a concern associated with some previous rotavirus vaccines.

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What is febrile respiratory syndrome?


“Febrile respiratory syndrome” is a general term referring to a set of symptoms characterized by fever and respiratory symptoms, such as cough, sore throat, or difficulty breathing. This syndrome can be caused by various infectious agents, including viruses and bacteria. In the context of the information you provided about the vaccine developed by the U.S. military, it seems that the vaccine was administered to recruits to prevent febrile respiratory syndrome.

It’s important to note that “febrile respiratory syndrome” is a broad and nonspecific term. The specific cause of febrile respiratory symptoms would depend on the infectious agent involved. Vaccines developed to prevent respiratory infections, especially in military populations, are designed to protect against specific pathogens that may cause respiratory illnesses.

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explain the development of BioThrax and the specific characteristics of Bacillus anthracis, the bacterium responsible for anthrax


BioThrax Development:

Source: BioThrax is developed from culture filtrates of a toxin-producing but avirulent strain known as V770-NP1-R. This strain is derived from the U.S. weapon strain of Bacillus anthracis.
Avirulent Strain: The term “avirulent” indicates that this strain lacks the ability to cause disease, but it still produces certain toxins.
Bacillus anthracis Virulence Factors:

Plasmids: Bacillus anthracis carries plasmids, which are small, circular DNA molecules separate from the chromosomal DNA.
pXO1 Plasmid: Codes for the production of the anthrax exotoxin. This exotoxin is an ‘AB toxin,’ consisting of protective antigen (PA), edema factor (EF), and lethal factor (LF). The B subunits of the toxin deliver the active A subunits into the target cell.
pXO2 Plasmid: Codes for the production of a polypeptide capsule composed of poly-D-gamma-glutamate. This capsule provides protection by resisting phagocytosis (engulfing by immune cells) and hindering immune detection.
Exotoxin (AB Toxin):

Components: The exotoxin consists of three components - PA, EF, and LF. PA is the protective antigen that facilitates the entry of the other two components into the target cell.
Function: The exotoxin plays a crucial role in the virulence of Bacillus anthracis, contributing to the severity of the disease.
Capsule Formation:

pXO2-Encoded Capsule: The capsule formed by poly-D-gamma-glutamate is a protective structure that contributes to the bacterium’s ability to evade the immune system.
Avirulent Strain and pXO2 Absence:

Lack of Capsule Formation: The avirulent strain used for BioThrax lacks the pXO2 plasmid, which means it does not produce the protective capsule. This absence of the capsule likely contributes to the strain’s avirulence.

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What do you conclude about the risk of cancer from Ad vaccine from these data?


To interpret the data presented, we can examine the odds ratios (OR) and their 95% confidence intervals (CI) for different types of cancer in relation to the Ad (adenovirus) vaccine. The odds ratio represents the odds of an event occurring in the exposed group (vaccinated) compared to the unexposed group (non-vaccinated). The 95% confidence interval provides a range within which we can be 95% confident that the true odds ratio lies.

Let’s break down the findings for each type of cancer:

Brain Tumors:

Odds Ratio (OR): 0.81
95% CI: 0.52-1.24
Interpretation: The odds ratio is less than 1, suggesting a lower odds of brain tumors in the vaccinated group compared to the unvaccinated group. The confidence interval includes 1, indicating that this result is not statistically significant.

Odds Ratio (OR): 1.41
95% CI: 0.39-5.15
Interpretation: The odds ratio is greater than 1, suggesting a higher odds of mesothelioma in the vaccinated group, but the wide confidence interval indicates substantial uncertainty. This result is not statistically significant.
Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma:

Odds Ratio (OR): 0.97
95% CI: 0.65-1.44
Interpretation: The odds ratio is close to 1, suggesting a similar odds of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma in both the vaccinated and unvaccinated groups. The confidence interval includes 1, indicating that this result is not statistically significant.

The findings do not provide strong evidence of a significant association between Ad vaccine and an increased risk of brain tumors, mesothelioma, or non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma.
The confidence intervals for all three types of cancer include 1, indicating that the results are not statistically significant, and the observed associations may be due to chance.

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explain viruses as vectors


The concept of using viruses as vectors for delivering antigens from other pathogens has been explored in vaccine development. These vaccines, known as viral vector vaccines, leverage the ability of certain viruses to efficiently enter cells and deliver genetic material. By using these viral vectors, scientists can introduce genes encoding antigens from other pathogens, stimulating an immune response against those specific antigens.

Some commonly used viral vectors in vaccine development include:

Vaccinia Virus:

Use: Vaccinia virus, which is part of the poxvirus family, has been extensively used as a viral vector in vaccine development.
Example: The smallpox vaccine, which is based on the vaccinia virus, was highly effective in eradicating smallpox.

Use: Adenoviruses, which can cause respiratory and gastrointestinal infections in humans, have been modified for use as viral vectors.
Example: Adenovirus vector vaccines have been developed for various diseases, including COVID-19. They are used to deliver genetic material that codes for specific antigens, prompting an immune response.
Vesicular Stomatitis Virus (VSV):

Use: VSV has been explored as a viral vector for vaccines.
Example: VSV-based vectors have been investigated for diseases such as Ebola virus and are being studied for other applications.
Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV):

Use: HSV has been considered as a potential vector for gene delivery, including vaccine development.
Example: Research is ongoing to explore the use of HSV vectors for various applications, including cancer immunotherapy.
Viral vector vaccines offer several advantages, including their ability to induce strong immune responses, especially cellular immunity. However, there are challenges and considerations, such as pre-existing immunity to the viral vector in the population and potential safety concerns.

In the context of your question, viruses carrying antigens from different pathogens can indeed be used to develop vaccines. This approach allows for the development of vaccines against a wide range of diseases beyond those caused by the specific viruses used as vectors.

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explain the aspects of a viral vector used in gene therapy, particularly the Ad5 (adenovirus serotype 5) vector


The information you provided outlines aspects of a viral vector used in gene therapy, particularly the Ad5 (adenovirus serotype 5) vector. Let’s break down the key points:

Viral DNA Entering Nucleus:

The adenovirus vector is designed to enter the host cell’s nucleus, where it can deliver its genetic material.
Integration into Host DNA:

Adenoviruses very rarely integrate their DNA into the host genome. Unlike retroviruses, adenoviruses lack the machinery necessary for stable integration.
Use of Retroviral Integration Machinery:

In gene therapy applications, adenoviral vectors may combine with retroviral integration machinery to facilitate the expression of the delivered genes.
Gene Therapy Vector:

Adenoviral vectors are commonly used in gene therapy to introduce therapeutic genes into target cells.
Delivery of Antigens for Immune Response:

In the context of vaccines, adenoviral vectors can be designed to deliver antigens to target cells. These antigens are then presented to immune cells through major histocompatibility complex (MHC) molecules.
Induction of Cytotoxic T-Cell Response:

Adenoviral vectors have the capability to generate a strong cytotoxic T-cell response, which is crucial for effective immune responses against intracellular pathogens or cancer cells.
Ad5 Clinical Trials:

Clinical trials involving the Ad5 vector have demonstrated safety and effectiveness, supporting its use in various applications, including gene therapy and vaccine development.
No Adjuvant Needed:

An adjuvant is a substance added to vaccines to enhance the body’s immune response. The note mentions that Ad5 vectors do not require an adjuvant, suggesting their intrinsic ability to elicit a robust immune response.

Pre-existing Immunity: Adenoviruses, including Ad5, are common viruses, and many individuals may have pre-existing immunity due to prior exposure. Pre-existing immunity can decrease the efficiency of the vector by neutralizing the virus before it can deliver its payload. This is a notable challenge in the use of adenoviral vectors.

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explain the use of adenovirus (Ad) as a vaccine vector, particularly in the context of replacing specific encoding regions with cargo genes for vaccine development


Adenovirus (Ad) as a Vaccine Vector:

Cargo Gene Replacement:

The vaccine vector involves replacing specific adenovirus encoding regions, such as E1A and E1B, with cargo genes. This modification allows the adenovirus to deliver the desired antigens or genes for vaccination.
E1A and E1B Encoding Regions:

E1A: This is the first adenovirus protein produced following cell entry. It plays a role in activating other early gene promoters.
E1B: An early gene that produces two proteins. One of its functions is to decrease the activity of the p53 protein, which is involved in regulating cell cycle and apoptosis. This reduction in p53 activity may contribute to the inhibition of apoptosis, which is a mechanism involved in host cell → tumor cell transition.
Examples of Adenovirus Vaccine Vectors:

Example 1 - AdRG1:

Nature: Replication competent, recombinant Ad5.
Cargo Gene: Rabies glycoprotein (RG).
Administration: Given orally.
Results: Induces immunity to rabies in rodent, canine, and skunk models.
Example 2 - Ad85A + Mycobacterium tuberculosis Antigen 85A:

Nature: Adenovirus vector expressing Mycobacterium tuberculosis antigen 85A.
Administration: Given intranasally.
Results: Induces strong CD8 T cell immunity in the lungs of mice.
These examples demonstrate the versatility of adenoviral vectors in delivering various cargo genes to induce specific immune responses.

Potential Applications:

Adenoviral vectors are versatile tools in vaccine development, capable of inducing both antibody and cellular immune responses.
The ability to replace adenovirus encoding regions with specific cargo genes allows for the development of vaccines targeting a variety of pathogens, including viruses and bacteria.

The choice of cargo genes and the specific design of the adenoviral vector play a crucial role in determining the effectiveness of the vaccine.
Intranasal administration, as in the second example, is a route that can induce strong mucosal and lung-specific immune responses.

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Rhabdovirus (Lyssavirus)
What functions do you think the G antigen has?


The G antigen in rhabdoviruses, including lyssaviruses such as the rabies virus, plays a crucial role in the virus’s life cycle and pathogenesis. The G antigen refers to the glycoprotein on the surface of the virus particle. Here are some key functions associated with the G antigen in rhabdoviruses:

Virus Attachment and Entry:

The G glycoprotein is responsible for mediating the attachment of the virus to host cell receptors. It recognizes and binds to specific receptors on the surface of host cells, facilitating virus entry.
Cell Fusion:

In some rhabdoviruses, including certain strains of the rabies virus, the G glycoprotein has been implicated in the process of cell fusion. This involves the merging of the viral envelope with the host cell membrane, allowing the virus to enter the cell.
Induction of Immune Responses:

The G antigen is a major target for the host’s immune system. Antibodies generated against the G glycoprotein can neutralize the virus, preventing its entry into host cells and aiding in the clearance of the infection.
Virulence Determinant:

The G glycoprotein is often considered a virulence determinant, meaning that variations or mutations in the G protein can influence the pathogenicity of the virus. It can affect the ability of the virus to replicate and spread within the host.
Vaccine Target:

The G glycoprotein is a common target for vaccine development against rhabdoviruses. Vaccines designed to induce an immune response against the G antigen can confer protection by preventing virus attachment and entry into host cells.
Host Tropism:

The G glycoprotein may contribute to the determination of host cell tropism, influencing which types of cells the virus can infect.

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explain the common excipients found in vaccines


In addition to the active components (antigens or inactivated pathogens) that stimulate an immune response, vaccines may contain various excipients, which are inactive substances used to improve the stability, effectiveness, and safety of the vaccine. These excipients serve various purposes and can include substances like stabilizers, preservatives, adjuvants, and diluents. Here are some common excipients found in vaccines:


Purpose: Help maintain the stability and effectiveness of the vaccine during storage and transportation.
Examples: Dextrose, sucrose, sorbitol.

Purpose: Prevent microbial contamination and increase the shelf life of the vaccine.
Examples: Thiomersal (ethylmercury), formaldehyde.
Note: Thiomersal, despite containing mercury, is used in tiny amounts and has been shown to be safe in vaccines. It is primarily used in multidose vials to prevent bacterial and fungal contamination.

Purpose: Enhance the body’s immune response to the vaccine.
Examples: Aluminum salts (e.g., aluminum hydroxide, aluminum phosphate).

Purpose: Used to reconstitute vaccines that come in a freeze-dried (lyophilized) form before administration.
Examples: Sterile water for injection.

Purpose: Improve the stability and dispersion of the vaccine components.
Examples: Polysorbate 80.
Buffering Agents:

Purpose: Maintain the pH of the vaccine to ensure stability.
Examples: Phosphates, citrates.

Purpose: Used as preservatives to prevent bacterial contamination.
Examples: Neomycin, streptomycin.

Purpose: Help disperse and stabilize the oil-water phases in certain vaccines.
Examples: Sorbitan trioleate.
It’s important to note that the use of specific excipients can vary between different vaccines, and vaccine formulations may differ based on factors like the type of vaccine, its intended use, and regulatory guidelines.

Concerns regarding vaccine components, such as thiomersal, have led to modifications in vaccine formulations. Thiomersal, for example, is now generally reduced or eliminated from routine childhood vaccines in the United States and Europe. Additionally, single-dose vials and pre-filled syringes often do not contain thiomersal.

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explain Adjuvants


Adjuvants are substances added to vaccines to enhance the body’s immune response to the antigen (the active component of the vaccine). They serve to improve the efficacy and durability of the immune response, often allowing for the use of smaller amounts of the antigen in the vaccine. Here are some key points about adjuvants:

Increased Immune Response:

Adjuvants work by enhancing the immune response to the antigen. They stimulate and modulate the immune system, leading to a more robust and longer-lasting response.
Cytokines as Adjuvants:

Cytokines, which are signaling molecules involved in immune responses, can function as adjuvants. For example, interleukin-1 (IL-1) is a cytokine that can enhance the immune response when included in a vaccine formulation.
Aluminium Hydroxide:

Mechanism: Aluminum salts, such as aluminum hydroxide, are commonly used adjuvants in vaccines.
Mode of Action: Aluminum hydroxide is thought to enhance the immune response by promoting the formation of a depot at the injection site. This depot allows for a gradual release of the antigen, leading to prolonged exposure to the immune system.
Stimulation of Monocytes: Aluminum hydroxide has been reported to upregulate monocytes, which are a type of white blood cell involved in the immune response.
Other Adjuvants:

In addition to cytokines and aluminum salts, other substances can also serve as adjuvants. Examples include:
Oil-in-water emulsions (e.g., MF59, AS03).
Toll-like receptor (TLR) agonists.
Benefits of Adjuvants:

Reduced Antigen Amount: Adjuvants allow for the use of smaller amounts of antigens in vaccines while still achieving a strong immune response.
Enhanced Immunogenicity: Adjuvants can enhance the immunogenicity of antigens, especially those that may be weakly immunogenic on their own.
Vaccine Formulation Considerations:

The choice of adjuvant depends on various factors, including the type of vaccine, the specific antigen, and the desired immune response.
Vaccine Safety:

Adjuvants are carefully evaluated for safety in vaccine development. Their use is regulated, and vaccines undergo rigorous testing to ensure they are both safe and effective.


explain the typical components found in many inactivated vaccines


Inactivated Tetanus Toxin / Toxoid:

Purpose: To stimulate an immune response against the tetanus toxin, which is produced by the bacterium Clostridium tetani and causes tetanus.

Purpose: As a preservative. Formaldehyde is used to inactivate the tetanus toxin or toxoid, preventing its further replication while maintaining its immunogenicity.

Purpose: As a preservative. Thimerosal is an organomercury compound that helps prevent bacterial and fungal contamination in multidose vials. It is important to note that thimerosal is no longer used in routine childhood vaccines in the United States.
Aluminum Phosphate:

Purpose: As an adjuvant. Aluminum salts, such as aluminum phosphate, enhance the immune response to the vaccine antigen, in this case, the tetanus toxoid. Adjuvants help improve the vaccine’s efficacy.
Disodium Phosphate:

Purpose: As a pH regulator. Disodium phosphate helps maintain the pH of the vaccine formulation within a specific range, ensuring its stability.
Monosodium Phosphate:

Purpose: As a fungicidal agent. Monosodium phosphate helps prevent the growth of fungi in the vaccine, contributing to its stability and safety.
Sodium Chloride:

Purpose: As a preservative and antiseptic. Sodium chloride helps maintain the osmotic balance of the vaccine, and it also has mild preservative properties.
Distilled Water:

Purpose: As a diluent. Distilled water is used to reconstitute or dilute the vaccine, especially in cases where the vaccine is provided in a lyophilized (freeze-dried) form.
It’s important to emphasize that the use of these ingredients is carefully regulated, and their concentrations are controlled to ensure the safety and efficacy of the vaccine. Additionally, vaccine formulations may vary, and some vaccines may have specific formulations based on regional or regulatory requirements.


explain why the immune system may under-respond to a cancer challenge


Immune Evasion by Cancer Cells:

Cancer cells can employ various mechanisms to evade detection by the immune system. This includes downregulating the expression of antigens, inhibiting immune cell recognition, or producing molecules that suppress immune responses.
Tumor Microenvironment Suppression:

The microenvironment surrounding tumors can create an immunosuppressive environment. Factors such as immune checkpoint molecules, regulatory T cells (Tregs), and myeloid-derived suppressor cells (MDSCs) may hinder the activation and function of immune cells.
Antigen Heterogeneity:

Tumors can be heterogeneous, meaning they contain a variety of different cell types with distinct genetic and molecular profiles. This heterogeneity can make it challenging for the immune system to mount a comprehensive and effective response.
Tumor Antigen Recognition:

Cancer cells may not express antigens at levels sufficient for effective recognition by the immune system. Additionally, some tumor antigens may be similar to normal self-antigens, leading to immune tolerance and reduced response.
Immunosuppressive Cytokines:

Tumors can release immunosuppressive cytokines that inhibit the activation and function of immune cells, creating an environment that is conducive to tumor growth.
Lack of Co-Stimulatory Signals:

Adequate co-stimulatory signals are crucial for the activation of immune responses. Tumor cells may lack these signals, leading to insufficient activation of immune cells.
Tumor-Induced Tolerance:

Prolonged exposure to tumor antigens may lead to immune tolerance, where the immune system becomes less responsive to these antigens over time.
Suppression of Dendritic Cell Function:

Dendritic cells, which play a key role in initiating immune responses, may be suppressed or inhibited by tumors, leading to reduced activation of T cells.
Therapeutic cancer vaccines, like ICT-107 for glioblastoma, aim to overcome some of these challenges by training the immune system to recognize and target specific cancer-associated antigens. These vaccines stimulate an immune response to enhance the body’s ability to identify and eliminate cancer cells.


explain Tumor-specific antigens


Tumor-specific antigens are molecules expressed on the surface of cancer cells that can be recognized by the immune system. These antigens can be classified into various categories, and they play a crucial role in the development of targeted therapies, including cancer vaccines. Here are some types of tumor-specific antigens:

Mutated Proteins:

Example: Mutated proteins resulting from mutations in oncogenes (mutated proto-oncogenes) or tumor suppressor genes. Examples include mutated RAS and p53 proteins. These mutations can lead to abnormal cellular functions and contribute to tumorigenesis.
Overexpressed Proteins:

Example: Proteins produced in abnormally large quantities in cancer cells compared to normal cells. For instance, tyrosinase, which is involved in melanin synthesis, is often overexpressed in melanoma.
Viral Proteins:

Example: Proteins from oncogenic viruses that contribute to the development of cancer. Examples include Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) and human papillomavirus (HPV), which are associated with certain cancers.
Oncofetal Antigens:

Example: Oncofetal antigens are proteins normally synthesized only during embryonic development but can reappear or be overexpressed in cancer cells. Carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) is an example of an oncofetal antigen. CEA is involved in adhesion in embryonic gastrointestinal tissue and is found in elevated levels in certain cancers, particularly colorectal cancer.
Understanding tumor-specific antigens is crucial for developing targeted immunotherapies, including cancer vaccines and adoptive T cell therapies. These therapies aim to harness the immune system’s ability to recognize and eliminate cancer cells based on the presence of these antigens. The unique expression patterns of these antigens in cancer cells make them attractive targets for therapeutic interventions.

Cancer vaccines, in particular, work by exposing the immune system to these tumor-specific antigens, either through the use of peptides, proteins, or genetic material encoding these antigens. This exposure helps activate and enhance the body’s immune response against cancer cells expressing these specific antigens, contributing to the elimination of the tumor.


explain how do anti-cancer vaccines work?


Anti-cancer vaccines work by harnessing the body’s immune system to recognize and attack cancer cells. These vaccines aim to stimulate an immune response specifically against cancer cells, utilizing various strategies to present cancer-associated antigens to the immune system. Here’s a general overview of how anti-cancer vaccines work:

Identification of Tumor-Specific Antigens:

Tumor-specific antigens are molecules expressed on the surface of cancer cells but not on normal cells. These antigens serve as markers that can be targeted by the immune system. Different types of tumor-specific antigens include mutated proteins, overexpressed proteins, viral proteins from oncogenic viruses, and oncofetal antigens.
Vaccine Formulation:

The vaccine is designed to contain these tumor-specific antigens or antigens derived from cancer cells. These antigens can be delivered in various forms, such as peptides, proteins, DNA, or dendritic cells loaded with tumor antigens.
Activation of Antigen-Presenting Cells (APCs):

The vaccine is administered to the patient, and the tumor antigens are taken up by antigen-presenting cells (APCs), particularly dendritic cells. Dendritic cells play a crucial role in initiating immune responses.
Processing and Presentation of Antigens:

APCs process the tumor antigens and present them on their surfaces in association with major histocompatibility complex (MHC) molecules. This complex serves as a signal to activate T cells.
Activation of T Cells:

T cells, particularly cytotoxic T cells (CD8+ T cells), recognize the presented tumor antigens. This recognition leads to the activation and expansion of T cells specific to those antigens.
Immune Response:

Activated T cells circulate throughout the body and infiltrate tumor tissues. These T cells recognize and selectively kill cancer cells expressing the targeted antigens. This process is essential for eliminating cancer cells.
Memory Response:

The immune system generates memory T cells that “remember” the specific tumor antigens. This memory response helps the immune system respond more rapidly and effectively if the cancer were to recur.
It’s important to note that anti-cancer vaccines can be broadly categorized into two types:

Preventive (Prophylactic) Vaccines: Aimed at preventing certain cancers caused by infectious agents, such as vaccines against human papillomavirus (HPV) and hepatitis B virus (HBV) to prevent cervical and liver cancers, respectively.

Therapeutic (Treatment) Vaccines: Designed to treat existing cancer by stimulating the immune system to target and destroy cancer cells. These vaccines are often used in combination with other cancer treatments like surgery, chemotherapy, or radiation therapy.