What are the SOURCES of Vitamin D?
Naturally in ANIMAL foods
-Oily fish -Liver
-Milk- quantity depends on time of year
-Breakfast Cereals
-Marg- Fortified by LAW
-non- dietary factor
-Vitamin D formed when a PIGMENT under the skin is converted to Vitamin D by the action of SUNLIGHT
What are the FUNCTIONS of Vitamin D?
1). Vitamin D is needed for the GROWTH and MAINTENANCE of bones and teeth- help calcium absorb FROM the INTESTINE to the BLOODSTREAM.
2). Vitamin D plays a key role in the prevention of MUSCLE WEAKNESS.
3). Vitamin D plays a direct role in REGULATING BLOOD PRESSURE by INHIBITING the activity of a system- RENIN-ANGIOTENSIN SYSTEM.
4). Vitamin D plays an important role in the regulation of the IMMUNE SYSTEM.
5). Vitamin D is required for the UPTAKE OF CALCIUM and PHOSPHORUS by teeth and bones.
What are two types of vitamin D?
•Cholecalciferol- VIT D3
-Natural form of the vitamin- occurs in foods (formed by action of sunlight)
•Ergocalciferol- VIT D2
-Synthetic form of the vitamin- some activity as the natural form
-produced by action of light on yeast
What is a deficiency in Vitamin D?
-unnatural limb posture, delayed ability to stand up, knock knees/ bow legs
•RICKETS- children
•OSTEOPOROSIS- not a deficiency
-After 30, CALCIUM GRADUALLY GETS LOST from bones- become weak, more PORUS and brittle
-Women go through rapid bone loss after menopause (oestrogen levels decreases)
-Peak bone mass- around 30
-Osteoporotic bones will easily fracture
-Asian diet- low in Vitamin D- culture doesn’t expose to sun
What does an excess of Vitamin D lead to?
•Loss of appetite
• Hypertension
• Too much vitamin D- cause excessive calcium to be deposited in soft tissues, eg kidneys
HYPERVITAMINOSOS D- results in kidney damage
Factors affecting absorption- BIOAVAILABILITY
•Cheap diet- poor selection of foods/ low quality foods
•Lack of sunshine
What are the effects of cooking?
•Vitamin D is STABLE and INSOLUBLE in water- only mildly affected by cooking
•ALCOHOL- causes more Vitamin D to be excreted
Advice to older people to reduce Vitamin D deficiency?
•Supplementation- 10mg a day- esp if housebound
•Sunshine- encourage time outside in sun- synthesis of Vitamin D- due to action of sunlight on skin
•Diet foods rich in Vitamin D- eg eggs, milk, oily fish-
easy to eat and digest
•Fortified foods- margarine- fortified with vitamin D
•Don’t consume too much alcohol- causes Vitamin D to be excreted in urine rather that being stored in body
Those who may be deficient?
•Elderly- housebound- can’t receive natural form
•Asian Culture- diet is low
•Pregnant women- must be prescribed by GP
•Children- prevent rickets