The Life And Adventures Of Reggie Chase Flashcards



  • Reggie is spoon-feeding Dr Hunters baby, Gabriel. Works for Dr Hunter as “mother help”. Is 16 but looks 12.
  • Her brother, Billy, is “pretty much a career criminal”.
  • When she was interviewed for the mother’s help job, she lied about her experience with children.
  • Ms. MacDonald, Reggie’s formed classic teacher, is helping her prepare for her A-levels. Ms. MacDonald has a “criminally untidy house”. In exchange for tutoring, Reggie runs errands for Ms. MacDonald.
  • Reggie has won a scholarship to the “horrible posh school” when she was 12, but she never fit in.
  • Reggie and her mother always held multiple jobs. Reggie works in Mr. Hussain’s shop on Sunday mornings and always held paper routes.
  • Ms. MacDonald left the school due to a fast-growing brain tumour. Has a dog called Banjo.
  • Yesterday afternoon, a woman rang the doorbell just after Dr Hunter arrived home. They stepped aside to talk privately. Dr Hunter has “a funny, tight look on her face”. Pins a card to the kitchen notice board that says “Detective Chief Inspector Louisa Monroe.
  • Mr Hunter has business troubles.
  • One evening, as Dr. Hunter and Reggie are giving the baby a bath, Dr. Hunter abruptly tells Reggie, “You know there are no rules […] There isn’t a template, a pattern that we’re supposed to follow.” She goes on to say, “What you have to remember, Reggie, is that the only important thing is love.” Reggie agrees.
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