Impairment of Assets Flashcards
impairment loss
amount by which the carrying amount of an asset or a cash-generating unit exceeds its recoverable amount
Assets within the scope of IAS36
- Property, Plant & Equipment
- Intangible assets
- Goodwill
Goodwill (Special consideration)
Difficult because it is a residual balance, consisting of assets that cannot be individually identified or separately recognized. It is not possible to identify either fair value less cost to sell or cash flows specifically related to goodwill => goodwill can only be tested for impairment at the level of cash-generating units
Impairment recoverable amount
- recoverable amount > carrying amount then no further action is required
- recoverable amount < carrying amount then impairment loss
Recoverable amount
equal to higher of
- fair value less cost of disposal
- value in use (PV future cash flows)
value in use
present value of future cash flows expected to be derived from an asset or cash-generating unit
Impairment loss recognition for individual assets - cost model
impairment loss is recognized immediately in profit/loss
Impairment loss recognition for individual assets - revaluation model
impairment loss is treated as a revaluation decrement (in profit/loss is there is no further revaluation surplus)
First step impairment revaluation model
write-down asset (accumulated depreciation set to zero and transfer to asset)
Asset revaluation surplus (taxes)
Take into account taxes in the asset revaluation surplus (surplus gets lower due to the taxes)
identifying cash generating units
- smallest identifiable group of assets
- that generates cash inflows
- that are largely independent of the cash inflow from other assets or group of assets
active market for output then…
asset shall be identified as a CGU even it some or all output is used internally
Recognition of impairment losses (CGU)
1) any impairment loss is first allocated to goodwill of CGU
2) remaining impairment losses are allocated to assets on a pro-rata basis
3) the carrying amounts of the individual assets of CGU cannot be reduced blow their lower bounds, highest of their Fair value less costs of disposal, value in use, zero
4) any excess loss below an asset’s lower bound is reallocated to the remaining assets based on their new carrying amounts after the initial allocation of impairment losses
corporate assets
are integral to other cash-generating units generating cash flows but do not by themselves independently generate cash flows
Steps allocation to corporate assets
1) allocation of corporate assets to other CGUs that were using the CGUs services during the reporting period (include into impairment test)
2) if no reasonable allocation possible: test CGUs separately
Reversal of impairment losses
shall be reversed, if and only if, there has been a change in the estimates used to determine the asset’s recoverable amount since the last impairment loss was recognized (annually assessed)
NOT reversal of impairment losses
Reversal for goodwill is NOT allowed
How allocate reversal impairment losses
- relating to a CGU: allocate across the assets of CGU on pro-rata basis
- relating to specific assets within CGU: Accounted for in the same way as for individual assets. New carrying amount of an asset cannot be increased above lower of a) recoverable amount b) carrying amount that would have been determined had no impairment loss be recognized