coasts Flashcards


coastal systems


coast- a narrow zone where the land and sea overlap —> it is a dynamic environment (constantly changing)

changes on coast can happen over different time scales:
- hours - tides
- days - weather —> influence type of wave
- weeks/months - erosion/transport —> changes profile of beach
- years - development of landforms
- millennia (thousands of years) - sea level change

coastal system:
- open system

inputs: energy and sediment coming into coastal system
- energy inputs come from waves, wind, tides and currents
- sediment

- erosional landforms e.g. cliffs
- depositional landforms e.g. spits, beaches, dunes

- dissipation of wave energy —> when a wave crashes onto a beach, the energy is transferred from the sea to the land
- accumulation of sediment above the tidal limit (sea can’t reach sediment anymore)
- sediment removed beyond local sediment cells

flows/transfers: move sediment from one store to the next
- erosion, deposition, transportation, weathering, mass movement

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dynamic equilibrium and example of positive and negative feedback

  • Coasts are open systems and are generally in dynamic equilibrium because the inputs and outputs are balanced

Example of negative feedback:
- A beach in dynamic equilibrium —> sediment is eroded from the beach during a storm by destructive waves —> sediment is deposited offshore (forming an offshore bar) —> waves hit offshore bar so waves lose energy —> this reduces erosion of beach —> constructive waves return and redistribute sediment from offshore bar back onto the beach —> dynamic equilibrium

Example of positive feedback:
- Vegetation on a sand dune is trampled on by tourists —> sand becomes exposed —> sand is blown away by the wind —> vegetation struggles to regrow and hold the dunes together —> sand becomes exposed —> sand is blown away by the wind

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offshore, inshore, foreshore, backshore, nearshore


- movement of water is not touching seabed

- waves interact with seabed
- area between the point where waves meet seabed and the low water mark

- area between high water mark and low water mark —> bit between where water gets to at high tide and low tide

- area above high water mark —> waves don’t normally reach backshore area but changes can still happen here e.g. wind can create sand dunes

- area between the high water mark and where waves begin to break

(picture of this in notes)

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sediment cells


sediment cell- a stretch of coastline within which the processes of erosion, transportation and deposition operate and the movement of sediment is largely self contained (sediment is moved around in the cell however sediment doesn’t really move around from one cell to the next) —> closed system

  • sediment cells are often separated from each other by boundaries such as headlands and stretches of deep water
  • larger cells are divided into smaller sub cells

sources of sediment:
- weathering and mass movement —> adds material into coastline
- river and estuaries —> rivers bring fine sediment into coastal zone
(in some sediment cells, as much as 90% of input of sediment into coastal zone is from rivers)
- offshore currents e.g. waves and tides etc —> bring material in with them
- marine organisms (corals and shells)
- cliff erosion
- longshore currents move material from one sub cell to the next

littoral currents also redistribute sediment within the cell/sub cell —> they will add or remove sediment from sinks

  • sink —> anywhere where sediment is stored for a period of time e.g. beaches, spits, bars, tombolos etc
  • sources (similar to input of sediment) —> sediment is gained from eroding sections of the coastline

(example in notes)

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sediment budgets


sediment budgets
- balance between inputs and outputs

inputs > outputs —> there’s a positive sediment budget and a surplus of sediment —> coast begins to grow

outputs > inputs —> there’s a negative sediment budget and a deficit of sediment —> coast begins to recede

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coastal processes


coastal processes:
- sub-aerial processes (operate on land)
- marine processes (operate in the sea)
- aeolian processes (driven by the wind)

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marine processes (erosion)


Marine processes (operate in the sea) - erosion
- Hydraulic action - power of waves hits the cliff face and loosens the interior of joints and bedding planes
- Cavitation- As waves smashes into a crevice, it forces air and water into the crevice which compresses air bubbles —> cause air bubbles to fizz —> this builds up pressure —> as wave recedes the pressure is released which creates a mini explosion of air and water out of crack —> loosens rock
- Wave quarrying - energy of wave is enough to detach bits of rock
- Abrasion/corrasion —> Bits of rock/sediment carried by the sea are picked up by strong waves and thrown against rocks and cliffs, breaking bits off and smoothing surfaces
- Solution (corrosion) - Soluble rocks get dissolved by the seawater e.g. limestone
- Attrition - Bits of rock in the water smash against each other and break into smaller bits —> eventually turns rocks into sand grains

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  • Sub-aerial processes (operate on land) - weathering
  • Weathering- breakdown of rocks at the earths surface, in situ (without the rocks going anywhere) —> this is different to erosion as erosion removes the material as well as making the rock weaker

Different types of weathering:
- Physical/mechanical —> when rocks break up with no chemical changes
- Chemical —> rock breakdown due to a chemical reaction
- Biological —> rock breakdown due to organic activity

Salt weathering - (physical/mechanical)
1. Salt water enters cracks in rocks
2. When the sun shines, the water evaporates —> salt crystals are left behind in the cracks
3. Salt crystals grow over time, exerting pressure on the rock —> causes fragments of rock to break off

Wetting/drying (physical/mechanical) - certain rocks absorb water e.g. rocks with high clay content —> absorption of water makes rocks expand and drying out of rocks makes them contract —> rocks become weaker

Freeze thaw weathering:
1. Water enters cracks in rocks
2. When temperatures drop, the water freezes and expands causing the crack to widen
3. The ice melts and more water fills into the cracks
4. The process repeats itself until the rock breaks

Biological weathering:
1. Plant roots growing in cracks of rock —> widens cracks —> can cause rocks to break down

Chemical weathering:
- Carbonation - carbon dioxide in the atmosphere dissolves in rainwater —> makes it a weak carbonic acid —> carbonic acid reacts with limestone —> rocks are gradually dissolved

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mass movement

  • Sub-aerial processes (operate on land) - mass movement
  • Mass movement- movement of loose material down a slope due to gravity
  • Mass movement is an important input of sediment into the coastal system

Type of mass movement depends on:
- Type of material (e.g. consolidated rock or loose soil)
- Angle of the slope (gentle or vertical)
- Level of saturation of rocks

(Consolidated rock)
Rock fall:
- Loose fragments of rock break off a cliff face and fall onto the beach below
- Creates large fragments at the base of the cliff

- Rocks break off and slide down the cliff face
- Occurs when the bedding planes dip towards the sea

(Unconsolidated rock)
- Saturated soil and rock flows down a cliff face
- Happens after heavy rainfall on unconsolidated cliffs

Rotational slip (slump):
- Saturated soil and rocks slides down a cliff face with a rotational (curved) movement
- Creates a stepped profile in the cliff

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aeolian processes (driven by the wind)

  • surface creep —> larger particles of sand may be dragged along the beach (similar to traction)
  • saltation —> smaller grains of sand may bounce along the beach
  • suspension —> even smaller particles might be carried through the air
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factors affecting erosion:


wave strength:
- controlled by fetch and wind strength e.g. long fetches and stronger winds create bigger and powerful waves —> more erosion

- underwater topography of the seabed impacts the strength of waves
- gently sloping sea bed —> as waves enter inshore zone, it experiences friction with the sea bed and slows down —> waves lose energy —> less erosion
- steeply sloping sea bed —> less friction with the sea bed —> waves won’t lose as much of its energy —> more erosion

- beaches increase the distance a wave travels before it reaches the cliffs —> beaches act as shock absorber and absorbs some wave energy before it reaches cliffs —> waves energy is reduced —> less erosion
- headlands refract waves —> causes erosive power to be directed at the headland so waves in bay have less power —> less erosion in bays

- weathering creates weaknesses in rocks which can be further exploited by the processes of erosion
- weathering rates are higher —> rates of erosion will be faster

human activity:
- dredging (removing material from sea bed) —> material dissipates wave energy —> if material is removed then more wave energy reaches the shore —> erosion increases
- coastal management can reduce rates of erosion in one location but increase them down coast

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erosional landforms


- formed on concordant coastlines
- more resistant outer band rock is eventually breached (waves will find a way through resistant rock)
- erosion speeds up when waves reach the less resistant bands of rock —> it spreads out laterally
- once harder rock is reached again, erosion slows down

headlands and bays:
1. alternating bands of hard and soft rock at right angles to the coast (discordant coastline)
2. soft rock is eroded quickly, forming a bay
3. hard rock is eroded more slowly and forms a headland which sticks out

  • beach develops in a bay —> headlands are sheltering bay and offering protection from high energy waves (can be due to wave refraction) —> less erosion
    - eroded soft rock from headlands and bays —> eroded rock forms sediment that becomes apart of the beach - wave refraction —> concentrates wave energy on the headland —> waves in the bay are less powerful —> constructive waves in bay —> encourages deposition in the bay, further developing the beach

wave cut platform:
- sea attacks base of cliff forming a wave cut notch
- sub-aerial processes e.g. freeze thaw weathering or carbonation will weaken rocks at the top of the cliff
- eventually wave cut notch will increase in size until the cliff can’t be supported —> it will collapse through mass movement
- material that has fallen off the cliff will be broken down by attrition and also smooth the wave cut platform through abrasion
- the process repeats and the cliff continues to retreat
(the larger the wave cut platform becomes, the slower the rate of erosion tends to be —> wave cut platform absorbs some wave energy before it hits the base of the cliff —> waves experience friction with wave cut platform —> waves lose energy)

caves, arches, stacks and stumps:
1. headlands have cracks —> abrasion and hydraulic action widen the cracks
2. repeated erosion of cracks causes cave to form
(wave refraction causes wave energy to be concentrated on the side of the headland)
3. continued erosion deepens the cave until it breaks through the headland to form an arch
4. arch is eroded until the roof collapses leaving a stack
5. a wave cut notch forms at the base of the stack, eventually causing it to topple over and collapse —> leaving behind a stump

- waves approach the bottom of the headland where there’s a crack —> they compress water into cracks and force it upwards —> water spurts out the top, forming a blowhole

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- beaches are accumulations of sediment —> act as an important shock absorber in front of cliffs
- the shape and characteristics of a beach are influenced by the type of rocks and sediments in the area
- waves, tides, and currents constantly shape the beach by eroding and depositing sand
- human activity like construction can also change the beach’s shape

storm beach- found at the back of the beach —> composed of the largest sediments thrown by waves above the usual high water mark (during storms, waves have high energy and can throw material right to the back of the beach)
- more prominent on shingle beaches

berms- a series of ridges marking the successively high tides as the cycle moves from springs to neaps (highest spring tide and highest neap tide)
- they’re built by constructive waves (strong swash so pushing material up the beach which builds berms)
- more prominent on shingle beaches

cusps- semi-circular
- waves approach beach —> as waves approach the horn of the cusp (picture headland and bay —> looks like bay), the wave energy is deflected in 2 directions —> swash of waves will meet —> as they return back to the sea, a powerful backwash is created —> removes material from embayment

ripples- very small ripples in the sand caused by the movement of waves and tides over the sand —> most commonly found on the foreshore between HWM and LWM
- very short lived —> when next tide comes in, it washes over that part of the beach and ripples may change shape or disappear

ridges and runnels- drainage routes for the tide
- as tide comes in, it floods onto the beach and makes little channels that washes water onto the beach
- as tide goes out, water flows back down the channels and flows back out to sea
- ridges are the raised section next to the runnels

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depositional landforms


spits- a finger of beach material extending out to sea
compound spits- several hooks
simple spit- one curved end

  1. longshore drift moves material along the coastline
  2. when the coastline changes direction e.g. at a headland, longshore drift doesn’t change direction
  3. sediment builds out to sea —> this creates a spit
  • a change in wind direction will cause the spit to curve at the end —> recurved end
  • behind a spit, the sheltered area allows for the deposition of river sediment —> over time, this sediment builds up to form a mud flat —> as vegetation begins to grow on the mud flat, it transitions into a salt marsh

bars (barrier beaches):
1. a bar forms when a spit joins 2 headlands together
2. lagoon forms behind the bar

- if a spit joins up to an island, it creates a tombolo e.g. angel road of shodo island, japan

offshore bars:
- destructive waves carry sediment from the beach and deposit it offshore —> covered at high tide and exposed at low tide

barrier islands:
- similar to offshore bars expect they are permanently above the level of water
- ridge of material on a beach —> material on beach rises due to more deposition on the beach (rises above the level of the sea)
- more deposition on offshore bar —> waves will hit offshore bar which will slow waves down —> waves lose energy and deposit material —> eventually the bar will poke out of the water —> vegetation might colonise this area of sand —> traps even more sediment —> eventually barrier island is formed

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sand dunes (depositional landforms)


vegetation succession: evolution of plant communities at a site over time- from pioneer species to climax community

psammosere: name for the succession of vegetation which takes place on a sand dune

pioneer species: first plants to colonise an area of bare ground e.g. marram grass

climax community: a community of plants which have reached a steady state over time and vegetation has evolved to the end point of “succession” e.g. deciduous woodland

what’s needed for dune formation?
- large, flat beach
- large tidal range (large amount of sand exposed at low tide)
- plentiful supply of sand
- onshore wind (wind blowing from the sea onto the shore)
- an obstacle (to give sand something to build up around)
- vegetation

(large flat beach and large tidal range allows beach to dry out)

psamosere succession:

stage 1: strandline/obstacle
- there’s lots of obstacles along the strandline e.g. seaweed and driftwood act as an obstacle and sediment begins to build up

stage 2: embryo dunes
- overtime, an embryo dune develops which may become vegetated by pioneer species such as marram grass
- marram grass is adapted to the dry, salty, windy conditions
- vegetation stabilises the dunes in 2 ways —> roots bind the sand together// stems of marram grass help slow the speed of wind —> wind loses energy —> causes sediment to be deposited

stage 3: yellow dunes
- eventually several embryo dunes will coalesce (join together) to create foredunes and yellow dunes —> this is the tallest of the dune succession

stage 4: grey dunes/slacks
- grey dunes are fixed dunes which have been fully colonised by vegetation and may eventually develop into a climax community of heathland or woodland
- marram grass will die and decompose which adds organic matter back into the soil —> this increases amount of nutrients in the sand and also helps to retain moisture —> allows vegetation to change overtime
- depending on the height of the water table, areas between dunes (slacks) may be damp or even contain standing water

things that change as we go inland (dunes):
- dunes inland are older
- soil colour changes from yellow —> grey —> brown
- soil pH goes from alkaline (high percentage of calcium carbonate near the sea from shells etc) to acidic
- percentage of humus (organic matter) increases
- more vegetation cover as we go inland (becomes larger and more complex)
- slacks become more pronounced as we go inland —> ones towards back become filled with water
- mobile and fixed dunes —> ones further inland are less likely to be changing shape and more likely to be fixed

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salt marshes (depositional landform)


mudflats are commonly found in river estuaries (river meeting sea) and in sheltered areas e.g. behind a spit —> they are low energy environments with deposition of fine sediment

deposition is so prevalent in an estuary because of the interaction of the sea and river:
- the outgoing river and incoming tides both carry lots of fine sediment (clay and silt) —> large input of sediment into area
- the interaction of salt and fresh water encourages flocculation to occur —> salt in the sea water causes the clay particles to stick together and become heavier and sink —> deposition on seabed

development of a salt marsh (halosere succession):
- low lying vegetation e.g. eelgrass and algae may begin to grow on mudflats (growing under water) —> slows down the speed of water which leads to more deposition
- as level of mud rises, pioneer species begin to colonise the area —> these plants are able to tolerate high levels of salt and periodic submergence at high tide —> known as halophytes e.g. cordgrass —> the plant roots bind the mud together and their stems are slow the velocity of the water —> water loses energy —> sediment is deposited
- the pioneers are then succeeded by other plants e.g. sea lavender
- eventually, these species are replaced by other species —> dead organic matter improves soil fertility and helps soil to retain water —> taller plants begin the grow which adds height to the salt marsh
- as the height of the marsh rises, complex creek systems develop (streams) which channel the tides and these get deeper as the marsh gets higher
- as the land rises above the sea level and rainwater washes salt out of soil —> vegetation will be replaced by trees and shrubs —> climax community forms


sea level change


causes of sea level change:

- a coastal region experiencing seismic activity (earthquakes) may experience land being shifted upwards or downwards as a result of pressures being released by an earthquake
- subduction plate sinks under overriding plate —> lots of friction between 2 plates which causes the overriding plate to be stuck —> however, the subduction plate is still moving —> causes slow distortion of overriding plate (plate is being forced/bent upwards overtime) —> land rises so sea level appears lower

eustatic change —> global change in sea level resulting from a change in the volume of water in oceans

thermal expansion/contraction:
- as water becomes warmer, it expands and occupies a larger volume (may result as a result of global warming) —> the biggest single factor responsible for sea level rise in the past 300 years

melting ice:
- if ice e.g. glaciers and ice sheets across earth is melted then sea levels rise —> as temps increase due to climate change, we may see eustatic change taking on a more important role in influencing sea level
- sea ice doesn’t make sea level rise but if ice is outside of sea then it does (think about ice in a water glass etc)

  • during a glacial period, glaciers and ice caps grow and sea level falls
  • during an interglacial period, glaciers and ice caps shrink and sea level rises
  • happens more quickly than isostatic change (melting ice is a faster process)

isostatic change —> a local change in sea level resulting from the movement of land relative to the sea
- crust is floating on the mantle —> ice sheet adds lots of weight onto crust and pushes it down into the mantle below —> results in sea level rise
- if the weight is lifted e.g. ice sheet melts during interglacial period —> crust rebounds and rises —> sea level falls
- happens slower than eustatic change —> slow moment of earths crust

effects of sea level change in the UK:
- land in the north and west is rising as a result of isostatic recovery —> however as well as land rising, sea levels are also rising by a similar amount —> effect of isostatic recovery isn’t that significant
- land in the south and east in sinking —> as well as land sinking, sea level is also rising —> effect of submergence will be worse

this is all because of the way the ice covered the UK at the end of the last glacial maximum


sea level change landforms


Emergent landforms:
Raised beaches:
- Raised beaches are formed when a fall in sea level leaves beaches above the high tide mark. Over time, beach sediment becomes vegetated and develops into soil
- The cliffs above raised beaches are no longer eroded by the sea, and slowly get covered by vegetation —> called relict cliffs —> not uncommon to see wave-cut notches, caves, arches and stacks within relict cliffs —> these raised features are gradually degraded over time

Isle of Jura in Scotland

Submergent landforms:
- Rias are formed when river valleys are submerged by rising sea level
Long and cross profile:
- Wide and deep at their mouth —> become narrower and shallower the further inland they reach
- Milford Haven in South Wales

Dalmatian coastlines?
- Rivers run parallel to the coast —> sea level rises —> valleys are flooded and higher ground ins left behind, leaving islands parallel to the coastline —> forming a dalmatian coastline
- Dalmatian coastline in Croatia

- Fjords are formed when rising sea levels submerge a glacial valley
Long and cross profile:
- Shallow mouth caused by a raised bit of ground (called the threshold) —> formed by deposition of material —> very deep further inland
- U shape cross profile
- Sognefjorden in Norway




beach profiles:
- sand tends to produce gentle beaches —> sand becomes compacted and doesn’t allow much percolation —> quite a lot of water left to be directed back down the beach —> strong backwash
- the larger the material, the steeper the beach —> more percolation occurs —> less water left so backwash is weaker —> more material is moved up the beach than down
- larger material can also stack more easily allowing the beach profile to increase in gradient

swash and drift aligned beaches:

swash aligned
- beach is parallel to the incoming waves
- minimal LSD
- found on irregular coastlines e.g. in a bay

drift aligned
- waves approach beach at an angle —> waves are parallel to the direction of LSD
- sediment is transported along the coastline
- found on regular coastlines




What is wave energy affected by? —> the height of a wave is an indication of energy —> taller the wave, the more energy it carries
- Wind strength
- Wind duration
- Fetch of the wave (the maximum distance of sea the wind has blown over)
- Sea bed: gently sloping sea bed —> as waves enter inshore zone, it experiences friction with the sea bed and slows down —> waves lose energy —> less erosion// steeply sloping sea bed —> less friction with the sea bed —> waves won’t lose as much of its energy —> more erosion

Anatomy of a wave:
- Crest- highest point of wave
- Trough- lowest point of wave
- Wave height- different in height between crest and trough
- Amplitude- half the wave height
- Wave length- difference between 2 crests/2 troughs
- Frequency- number of waves per minute

How are waves formed?
1. Waves are created by the wind blowing over the surface of the sea. The friction between the wind and the surface of the sea creates small waves which gives the water a circular motion
2. When waves approach the inshore zone —> friction with the sea bed slows the bottom of the waves but the top of the wave carries on moving at the same speed it was moving before —> movement of the water becomes more elliptical
3. This shortens the wavelength and increases the wave height
4. Eventually the crest becomes unstable and collapses —> waves break

2 types of waves and characteristics?
- 6-8 per minute
- Low frequency
- Low and long
- Strong swash, weak backwash —> carries material up the beach and deposits it

- 10-14 per minute
- High frequency
- High and steep
- Strong backwash, weak swash —> removes material from the beach

  • Constructive waves tend to deposit material —> size of beach increases
  • Destructive waves cause erosion —> size of beach decreases

Waves and feedback:
Constructive waves build up the beach making it steeper —> a steeper beach means the waves are more likely to be destructive —> destructive waves will erode the beach, creating a gentler profile —> this creates constructive waves and the pattern repeats itself

Wave refraction:
- Occurs when waves approach a coastline that is not a regular shape (headland and bay)
- Wave energy becomes concentrated on the headland, causing greater erosion
- In a bay, the waves lose power, causing deposition




Tides- the periodic rise and fall of the level of the sea, caused by the gravitational pull of the moon and the sun —> moon is the main influence on tides/ sun enhances or diminishes the effect of the moon

Spring tide: when the moon, earth and sun are in a line, the combined gravitational pull creates the highest high tides and the lowest low tides —> greatest tidal range

Neap tide: when the earth, moon and the sun form a right angle, their gravitational pulls interfere with one another, giving the lowest high tides and the highest low tides —> smallest tidal range




Currents- general flow of water in one direction

3 types of currents:

Longshore currents (littoral drift)
- Flow of water parallel to the coastline —> longshore current moves water and sediment along the surf zone

Rip currents
- Strong currents moving away from the beach
- Develop when there’s lots of waves hitting the beach —> water is piling up against the beach (and doesn’t have anywhere to go) —> eventually the waves finds a route back out to sea —> creates a strong current

- Winds drive water across the ocean surface, creating space for cold water to moves from the deep ocean to the surface —> brings nutrients towards the surface


longshore drift

  1. Swash carries sediment up the beach in the direction of prevailing wind
  2. Backwash carries sediment back down the beach at right angles
  3. Overtime, sediment is moved along the beach

concordant and discordant coastlines


Concordant coastline- alternating bands of hard and soft rock that are parallel to the coast

Discordant coastline- alternating bands of hard and soft rock at right angles to the coast




hard engineering


soft engineering