2) Elizabeth's Religious Policies 4: Recusants Flashcards
What were Recusants?
Recusants were people who refused to attend church, believed in the doctrine of the Roman Catholic Church and were not willing to compromise.
Did they accept Elizabeth at all?
Recusants accepted Elizabeth as Queen, but not her Church.
What were Recusants willing to let happen to them?
Recusants were willing to be fined and were more openly opposed to her church.
What made Recusants more of a threat?
Recusants’ nature made them more of a threat - religion was their life.
How many Recusants were there?
It’s estimated that 1/3 of the nobility and a sizeable selection of the gentry were Recusants, as well as Marian Bishops.
How many known Recusants did the council estimate there were in 1582?
In 1582, the council estimated that there were over 1,900 known Recusants.
What did the government do about Recusants?
They made no attempt to identify them until the late 1570s, when bishops were ordered to give names of Recusants in their episcopacies.