(3)(c) (i) Explain, from either Catholic Christianity and Judaism or two Christian traditions, teachings about the origins of the universe. Flashcards

 Some Orthodox Jews believe the creation accounts are literal descriptions of the origins of the universe.  Prayers are said in Orthodox synagogues expressing this belief ‘Blessed be He who spoke and the world existed.’  Other Jewish denominations believe that the creation accounts are metaphorical stories which shouldn’t be considered as historical facts.  For all Jews, God is the source of all life and referred to throughout the Torah as the sole creator.


 Catholics read the Bible as an inspired text which had real human
authors, so they do not read the Creation accounts literally
 Catholics read the creation stories as inspired
poems/metaphors/myths about the relationship between God the
creator and God’s creation
 Catholics believe that God is the ultimate creator but that this is
compatible with a belief in the ‘Big Bang’ and evolution.
For other Christian teachings, candidates could include some or all of
the following, but other relevant points should be credited:
 Some Christians read the Bible as an inspired text, every word of
which is literally true, so they do read the Creation accounts
 Some read the creation stories as scientific or historical
descriptions of the beginning of the universe
 Some reject the idea of a Big Bang and evolution and believe that
God created the world in six days
 Some believe the universe is only about 6,000 years old.
For Jewish teachings, candidates could include some or all of the
following, but other relevant points should be credited:
 Some Orthodox Jews believe the creation accounts are literal
descriptions of the origins of the universe.
 Prayers are said in Orthodox synagogues expressing this belief
‘Blessed be He who spoke and the world existed.’
 Other Jewish denominations believe that the creation accounts are
metaphorical stories which shouldn’t be considered as historical
 For all Jews, God is the source of all life and referred to throughout
the Torah as the sole creator.
Relevant reference to sources are likely to include some of:
 Augustine’s Confessions XII, 7; Pope John Paul II’s Message To
The Pontifical Academy Of Sciences; Genesis 1&2.

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