Leasework Faults Flashcards


List the leash work training faults?


Tight leash and incorrect position of check chain on dogs neck.
Failing to use correct jerk on the leash.
Jerking dog up from a lagging position, instead of encouraging him to the right position.
Giving commands without without change of tone.
Not giving correct commands to dog.
Repeating commands.
Yelling at the dog.
Incorrect timing of the command with the correction.
Nagging at the dog by voice or leash.
Corrections not definite.
Actions too jerky and erratic.
Not concentrating on the dog and anticipating how he will react.
Not walking in a straight line allowing dog to dictate.
Slovenly walking by handler causing dog to develop slow reactions.
Too little praise at the right time.
Not giving the dog sufficient play to make him enjoy obedience.
Failing to keep the training progressive.
Stepping into the dog in the halt instead of correcting the dog.
Failure by the handler to concentrate on the exercise which causes the dog to become confused.
Lack of variation in exercises so that dog becomes bored.
Performing control exercises for too long a period causing dog to become bored and apathetic.

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