Set 4 Flashcards
Lack of interest or feeling
There was such a pervading air of apathy in the high school that most clubs were shut down due to lack of interest
Though my pipes have been leaking for days, my landlord is so apathetic that he hasn’t answered any of my phone calls or come by to fix anything
Of dubious authenticity or origin; spurious
Most people believe that stories of alien abduction are apocryphal, but what if there really is a big government conspiracy and all those stories are true?
Farthest or highest point; culmination; zenith
No one could have foreseen that receiving the Pulitzer Prize at the age of eighteen would be the apogee of his career, and that nothing he produced afterward would achieve any kind if critical success
Perigee (ant)
The moon is at apogee when it is at it’s farthest point away from the earth in its orbit; it is at perigee when it is closest to earth
One who abandons long held religious or political convictions, a betrayer of a cause
His fellow party members were shocked when Fred became apostate, running for office on his former opponent’s ticket
Deification, glorification to godliness, the perfect example
The apotheosis of technology in modern society seems to he reaching new highs; computers and gadgets are practically worshipped by consumers
Appropriate, pertinent, relevant, apropos
His choice of songs for the opening ceremony was entirely apposite; everyone agreed that it was perfectly suited to the event
Give notice to, inform
The officer apprised Chris of his rights before questioning him
An expression of approval or praise
Providing approbation for good behavior is the best way to train puppies; the praise is particularly effective when accompanied by treats
To take for one’s own use, confiscate
My friend oscar is a natural mimic; he unintentionally appropriates the mannerisms of others until it’s impossible to tell which ones are his own
Diametrically opposed, as in antithesis
Nothing could be more antithetical to the spirit of sportsmanship than point shaving