Ch. 15 Critical Thinking Skills Flashcards


What are the six critical thinking skills? (Table 15–1 P. 193)

1. Interpretation-
    The orderly and data collection. 
    Look for patterns to categorize data. 
    Clarify any data that you are 
    uncertain about
2. Analysis- 
    Be open-minded as you look at 
    information about a patient. Do not 
    make careless assumptions. Do the 
    data reveal what you believe is true, 
    or are there other options?
3. Inference--
    Look at the meaning and 
    significance of findings. Are the 
    relationships between findings? Do 
    the data about the patient help you 
    see that a problem exists?
4. Evaluation –
    Look at all situations objectively. 
    Use criteria (such as expected 
    outcomes, Kane characteristics,
    learning objectives) to determine 
    results of nursing actions. Reflect
5. Explanation –
    Support your findings and 
    conclusions. Use knowledge and 
    experience to choose strategies to 
    use in the care of patients
6. Self-regulation –
    Reflect on your experiences. Identify 
    the ways you can improve your own 
    performance. What will make you 
    believe that you have been successful?
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