Minor Arcana: Wands, Upright Flashcards


Suite of Wands



The wands are about our spirit and what makes us feel alive. It is about our passions, movement, adventure, desire, technology, competition, enterprises and our creativity. The element is active and denotes movement and travel. Positives: adventurous, aggressive, ardent, attractive, audacious, avid, bold, brave, buoyant, charismatic, charming, cheerful, confident, courageous, creative, daring, eager, ebullient, energetic, enthusiastic, exuberant, extroverted, fiery, forceful, heroic, inspiring, intrepid, inventive, magnetic, optimistic, original, outgoing, passionate, risktaking, self-assured, self-confident, undaunted, valiant, wholehearted, Negatives: aggressive, brash, cocky, dare-devilish, devil-may-care, foolhardy, hasty, headstrong, heedless, hot-headed, hot-tempered, impatient, impetuous, impulsive, imprudent, incautious, irresponsible, nervy, overconfident, overzealous, precipitous, presumptuous, rash, reckless, restless, rootless, self-absorbed, superficial, thoughtless, unprepared, Wands are governed by the Element Fire and so deal with energy, action, movement, change, creativity, inspiration, enthusiasm, exertion, strength, passion

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Ace of Wands, Upright

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Creative Force, Enthusiasm, Confidence, Courage, Getting The Green Light/Thumbs Up, So Get Going, Physical Beginnings, Potential, Growth, Action, Initiative, Creative, Inspirational, Drive, Ambition, Adventure, Excitement, Fired up and Ready to Go, Thumbs-Up, Green Light, Confident, Travel, Movement, One, Single, Original, Optimism, Fertility, Conception, New Lease of Life, News, Off to start something new, the future’s bright with lots to do, Aces in general are symbolic of new starts, They are the spark that lights the creative fire, When the Ace of Wands appears it signifies the start of something new–this could be spiritual or physical in nature, but either way symbolizes that all the creative energy needed to start something new will be there, There could also be feelings of spiritual awakening and enlightenment on any new journeys that are undertaken, As well as new journeys, projects, business ventures etc. this card is also synonymous with the start of a new relationship and sometimes depending upon the surrounding cards it may be interpreted as the actual birth of a child, Any new ventures and projects are very well starred and all the ingredients needed to get off to a successful start are symbolised by this card

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2 of Wands: Upright

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Personal Power, Boldness, Originality, Although there may be decisions to make, inner wisdom will show the path to take, The Two of Wands is a card all about choices, balance and harmony. Depending upon which literature is consulted it can also be symbolic of new projects and aims and ambitions. However all options must be carefully weighed up in order to reap reward. On the whole this card suggests that the querent may be faced with two alternatives one of which may be of exceptional promise. The key to selecting the right path will depend largely on the use of intuition and inner wisdom as guidance. In a relationship it could be that a crossroads has been reached and the time may right to either move on from it or perhaps move it to a deeper level. Partnerships, projects and travel are well starred with this card but it is important not to let any self doubt, negativity or anxiety interfere with progress

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3 of Wands: Upright

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Exploration, Foresight, Leadership, Things in business are looking good, everything is moving along nicely, as it should, The Three of Wands is a card of optimism and growth. It is a card that suggests that decisions made in the past are now beginning to bear fruit. Threes, of any suit often signify expansion and growth and this is also true of the Three of Wands, particularly where a business venture is concerned. Career opportunities are well starred with this card, and so too all of the inventiveness, creativity and imagination required to start any new projects. Partnerships are also well starred although any success may not necessarily be instant and could possibly be expected in the longer term. Any anxieties may now begin to lift and effort in the past may now be beginning to yield rewards. All in all, this is a positive card

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4 of Wands: Upright

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Celebration, Freedom, Excitement, Who knows, who can tell, but it looks like everything may turn out well, The Four of Wands is a good card to have in a spread; it suggests that after a period of hard work the rewards can finally be reaped, It signifies that something has successfully completed, whether this is a project or a relationship, a deep sense of fulfilment, joy, security and harmony may well be felt, It is a card of setting firm foundations, Now could be a good time for house purchases and this card is by tradition often known as the ‘marriage card’, Therefore marriage could well be starred, but of course this will depend upon surrounding cards, This is also the card of the professional man/woman: an innovator or renowned designer, It suggests that what is set out to be achieved may very well come to fruition and the time will come to be able to look back and reflect happily on all that has been achieved, New romance may also be starred with this card

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5 of Wands: Upright

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Disagreement, Competition, Hassles, Battles, Conflict, Chaos, Commotion, Unruly, Boisterous, Struggle, Inner Struggle, Lack of Cooperation, Lack of Control, Challenges, Feats, Opposition, Territory, Battles, Skirmishes, Pettiness, Quibbles, Rows, Disagreements, Sparring, Egos, Defensive, Aggressive, Assertive, Conflicting Personalities, No Common Ground, Lack of Team-Work, Pent-Up Energy, Adrenaline, Frustration, Restlessness, Impatience, Dissipation, Petty Problems, Irritations, Bothersome Trivialities, Rough Play, Sport, Games, Competition, Going for Gold, Sales, Brainstorming, Bright-Sparks, Strikes, Picketing, Arguments and bickering, Being irritated, Wanting to stand out from the crowd, Clashing of personalities, Opposition, Difficulty in moving forward, Doing sport, Being annoyed by demands, Taking things too seriously, Arguments, and disagreement all around, a positive way forward must be found, The aces, twos, threes and fours of any suit tend to form the framework and basis of any situation with fours traditionally being cards of consolidation, However just as things appear to be on an ‘even keel’ then the fives come along to shake everything up! The Five of Wands is certainly no exception, It is a card that symbolises a period of heated debates, arguments and general upheaval, particularly in a work related environment, This card can be viewed as a ‘fly in the ointment card’ or a ‘spoke in the wheel’ card, Traditionally the picture on the Five of Wands is one of people holding up sticks as if they are about to fight or are fighting, However this is not conflict in the physical sense, Instead it is a clashing of personalities and people fighting to get their ideas heard, There is no physical violence indicated with this card, Any fighting is of a verbal or mental nature, On another level it can symbolise inner conflict, for example there may be a project making too many demands on time and it may be hard to give it up, Alternatively it may be that someone may not be giving their all to a project right now and questions may be arising as to their commitment levels, In a relationship there is a warning with this card to beware of any conflicts; as the result could be a danger of the partners beginning to lead separate lives, Although this card may suggest that things could be shaken up a bit, sustained effort, productive discussions and careful negotiation are the tools to smooth the way

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6 of Wands: Upright

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Triumph, Acclaim, Pride, All the hard work has now been done; this is the way the game was won, The Six of Wands is a very positive card to have in a spread, It suggests that reward may now be reaped from past effort, It is a card of victory and triumph, possibly, but not necessarily after a period of struggle, There is also an indication that past effort may even bring public acclaim for example a competition that has been won, or a race or something successfully completed that is noteworthy, However it is important that the winner remain magnanimous in victory and is sure to commiserate and reconcile with any rivals that may be less fortunate, In other words it is important not to rub any of the losing competitor’s noses in that fact that they lost, In a relationship this is a very positive card to appear in a spread, as it suggests that each person is working towards the same goals and objectives, Progress is also certainly starred with this card and also the ability to successfully adapt to any changes

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7 of Wands: Upright

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Aggression, Defiance, Conviction, Success is there, to be found, with courage, strength and holding ground, The Seven of Wands is a card of challenges and this could be anything from having to confront an exam to possibly, issues arising at work, When this card appears in a spread it is important to be fully aware of everything that is going on around, Often when there has been a period of stability something can crop up to make things a little more difficult, This card can symbolise that plans that may once have been acceptable, may now, not be liked by business colleagues, There may also be heightened competition and jealousy on the part of compatriots, The Seven of Wands upright is all about holding ground and not giving in, It is about skilfully negotiating a way around any difficult situations in order to succeed in the face of adversity, In a relationship things may be moving to a new and deeper level, but as things here change, so too, do the challenges within it, Although this is a card of challenges it is also traditionally known as the ‘self protection’ card and or the ‘standing one’s ground’ card, So when the Seven of Wands shows up it tends to suggest that the querent may well have great reserves of stamina, resolve, courage and energy in order to surmount any challenges or problems, It is important not to lose sight of longer term goals for as long as the challenge is faced off, then success can be achieved

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8 of Wands: Upright

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Quick Action, Conclusion, News, Lots of energy starting to flow, problems and delays starting to go, The Eight of Wands is a very positive card to have in a spread, because it signifies that projects that have already started will progress very swiftly, Any projects that are nearing completion are starred as coming to a speedy yet satisfactory conclusion, Delays and hold ups should begin to disappear, The whole suit of Wands indicates travel and this is also true of the Eight of Wands which suggests that trips abroad may also be on the cards, As a card of free flowing energy, any anticipated correspondences should arrive with positive news, Personal drive and energy should increase, However because this is a card of fast moving events it is essential to ensure that decision making is well thought out, Romance is well starred with this card, For persons already in a relationship then this card is a great one to have in a spread as it suggests that both partners have all the necessary space and freedom in order to continue in harmony, When opportunity knocks it’s time to open the door

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9 of Wands: Upright

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Defensiveness, Perseverance, Stamina, Now is the time to make a stand, success and reward are close at hand, The Nine of Wands is all about ensuring that an unassailable position is secured or maintained, It is a card about recognising one’s strengths and harnessing inner resources to ensure that something is brought to a successful completion, Sometimes in life it may feel as if life is becoming tough and this is a card that suggests that with the correct amount of drive and determination any issues may well be overcome and problems sorted, Traditionally this card is known as the ‘last stand card’, It is a card that suggests that although the end may be in sight a final last concerted effort will be required to bring things to a successful completion, By building upon any firm foundations already built the querent should be able to move forward positively and seize any opportunities that may arise, Now may also be a good time to complete any outstanding projects and turn any obstacles and delays into opportunities

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10 of Wands: Upright

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Overextending, Burdens, Struggle, With success comes pleasure and gain, avoid too much pressure, to avoid any pain, The Ten of Wands upright is a relatively good card to have in a spread, it suggests that something has or is nearing a positive end, Perhaps a project has been completed or is about to be brought to a close, or maybe a promotion has been won? Although on the face of it these may be positive events they is also a down side and this comes in the form of any added responsibilities that comes with success, For example a promotion may mean more overtime and longer hours, This card can also be symbolic of taking on too much responsibility in the pursuit of any goals, It may be a time that a great deal of juggling is required in order to meet both social and work demands, In traditional symbolism the Ten of Wands is depicted by a man with shouldering all of his Wands on his back, In other words although his crop may have been successful carrying home the rewards is quite a burden, Possibly a good way to interpret this card is to acknowledge that even success brings problems of its own, however nothing is insurmountable

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Page of Wands: Upright

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Feeling confused, Feeling as though there is something that one wants to create–maybe something new and maybe with someone, Feeling drawn to create something and not quite know how to, Experiencing new feelings or just feelings that are new to one and that one has little to no experience with so far, Feeling a bit scared and insecure to initiate something new, Feeling afraid of making a mistake and doing something wrong and messing things up, A touch of performance anxiety and inexperience, Early stages of a relationship or a new phase–such as starting over or turning over a new leaf, Pages are indicative of youth–either literally a young person (like a kid or teen) or someone who is acting youthful or like a child, Also someone who is “new” at what one is doing or feeling, A student or apprentice, Wands are about passions–either literal passion (sex) or that which we are passionate about, Can also stand for being quick and hot tempered, Pages barely know how to fight and defend, What you probably have here is what one is likely to feel towards some someone one is attracted to–hormonal flushes and a stirring in his pants, Not bold enough to approach someone–though if one were to approach that person, one would be all for it, Feelings are very immature and can’t go any deeper, Beginning stages, Something new and unfamiliar–whether a new person or a new direction with or without someone or someone familiar, etc., Lightening up, Taking a chance or giving someone/something a fair chance, Someone young or young at heart, Full of energy and lust for life (may slow down a little as one matures), Quick ‘surge’ of creative energy, Good news, Opportunity for new growth, Optimism, Enthusiasm, New romance, Passionate and exhilarating person and/or relationship Stimulating sex (partner), Be Creative, Creativity, Be Enthusiastic, Enthusiastic, Courageous, Be Courageous, Confidence, Confident, Be Confident, Fair hair, red hair, eyes of blue, loyalty, travel, trust, and much to do, The Page of Wands as with any of the court cards can be a little tricky to read in a spread because not only are they symbolic of people they may also be symbolic of a situation, Generally pages relate to younger children, If children are around then the Page of Wands would be symbolic of a child with a friendly outgoing nature, This person would be a fun character to be around and they would exhibit characteristics such as loyalty energy, intelligence, drive and determination, This card may also symbolise that a younger person may be at hand to offer help, advice or assistance, If children are not the focus of the spread then the Page of Wands would symbolise the imminent arrival of some really welcome news, Pages are also great cards to have in a spread as they indicate new projects and new ventures and all of the creative ingenuity and spark needed to get something new off the ground, Loud and Outrageous,

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Knights of Wands: Upright

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Positives: Charming, Self-Confident, Daring, Adventurous, Passionate, Negatives: Superficial, Cocky, Foolhardy, Restless, Hot-Tempered, Fair hair, eyes of blue, swift in thought, there’s lots new to do, and Trouble initiating something, The Knight of Wands is symbolic of someone who likes to live their life in the fast lane, They have a tendency to change their minds and sometimes it may prove difficult to keep up with them, However a warm generous and likeable personality ensures that no matter how unpredictable this character may be he she will always remain quite popular, The suit of wands generally is indicative of travel and when the Knight of Wands appears this is no exception, Indeed in a spread this card may symbolise foreign travel or even emigration, Certainly, with this card around there is little or no room for boredom, as changing jobs, or moving home, or even embarking upon a new relationship are well starred, This is a card that goes hand in hand with a very fast changing environment

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Queen of Wands: Upright

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Attractive, Wholehearted, Energetic, Cheerful, Self-Assured, Hair red or blond, eyes blue or brown, a kind helpful lady without a frown, The Queen of Wands is a positive card to have in a spread on a couple of levels, On the first level this card is symbolic of a bright, generous, gregarious, fun-loving and independent thinking woman, She is a very positive person to have around particularly as she is known for being a homemaker and can be trusted to give out good sound advice, On the second level this card may also signify the success of a business venture, or the appearance of someone who may bring good advice and wise counsel in that area, Certainly this is a great card for anyone who may have designs on an acting career or any job that demands strong leadership, With the Queen of Wands in a spread now may very well be a good time to start thinking about any career moves, As with all of the cards in the suit of Wands, travel is also starred with this card, This is a great card to have in a spread especially if good sound advice is needed in any area of the querent’s life, It suggests that a kindly woman is going to be on hand to help out

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King of Wands: Upright

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Creative, Inspiring, Forceful, Charismatic, Bold, Eyes grey or hazel, hair red or fair, he’s a wonderful character who really does care, The king of Wands in the upright position is a figure of authority, He is symbolic of someone who delivers wise counsel and he is renowned for his enterprising, energetic and positive nature, He is a skilled arbitrator and negotiator, He is also a skilled leader and his integrity is second to none, Sometimes the King of Wands may present in a spread as someone who acts as a mediator in any dispute that the querent may be having, He has a knack for resolving arguments and may often act swiftly to bring an end to any conflict, On the whole this card represents a charming, responsible, loyal, entertaining, witty, honest, conscientious and generous person, Just like his queen, he too is a lover of home and family life, This is the card of a very passionate and virile man who is good at moral support and encouragement, On another level the King of Wands can also symbolise the conception of great and fantastic plans maybe even a career into something like politics, He is symbolic of turning ideas from just dreams into reality

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