Othello: Act 4 Flashcards


What is the summary of Act 4 Othello?


Iago and Othello talk about Desdemona’s and Cassio’s affair.
Othello gets so worked up he gets an epelemtic fit and falls into a trans.
Cassio comes by and but Iago tells him to wait a little bit away.
Othello recovers and Iago tells him to hide and watch while he speaks to Cassio.
Othello hides and Iago asks Cassio about Bianca, and wehter they are going to get married.
These questions make Cassio laugh, and Othello itreprets this as Cassio’s glowing that he slept with Desdemona.
Middle of the conversation and Bianca walks up and throws the handkerchief at Cassio.
Which makes it look as Cassio took it from Desdemona and gave it to his prostitute.
Iago and Othello make plans to murder him and Desdemona.
A noblemen named lorovico arrives from Venice with letters fromt he Duke removing Othello from command, and putting Cassio in charge.
While Othello reads the letters, by lorovico, Desdemona and others, he gets angry and hits her, shocking everyone.
Othello accuses Emilia of helping Desdimona cheat, then calls Desdemona a whore.
Rodergio complains to Iago,sa ying that Iago has been taking his golden jules and promises to have delivered them to Desdemona, but he’s no closer to sleeping with Desdemona than before.
Iago gets his trust back, by convincing Rodergio that the best way to sleep with Desdemona is to kill Cassio, so Othello and Desdemona won’t be able to leave the Island.
Rodergio agrees.

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