Mini D_R Bacteria on our bodies; The Spartans; Jacking up Chicago for sewers Flashcards

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Bacterial World: Microbes that rule our world D_R

Humans are not the autonomus entities we think we are. Like a building, we are a colony of trillions of bacteria.

MN: A building could not be a building without the steel and bricks. Likewise, humans, like a building cannot exist without our constituents of bacteria.

Plants are just like us in that they house a composition of bacteria to live; to eat; to get energy and power from the Sun.


Babies acquire their microbiota [micro bio tah] and the baby will develop the microbiota the rest of its life.

The Mother’s breast milk will blend more microbes to her newborn.

MN: Baby was protected in the womb but needs critical microbe absorbsion.

This microbial invasion to the newborn will grow into its immune system and these microbes will stay with its new human home until the person dies.

Even a kiss for a few seconds will exchange 80 million bacteria with their partner.

It is estimated that less than 1% of the bacteria in our bodies is harmful.

Humans have 3.3 million bacteria genes. Plus trillions of other bacterial cells.


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The Spartans. D_R PBS DVD 3/2017

Ancient Greece Spartans: The blueprint for Western Civilization.

450 BCE The “300” warriors died in attack by Persia outnumbered 40 to 1.

Frugality is where we get our word Spartan from. Hellenism, the world of Helen.

Money was outlawed. Homosexuality was highly encouraged. Slavery was on a massive scale.

Modern Western Civilization is based on ancient Sparta. If you did not speak Greek, you were a slave.


Women were commonly married off at 12 years old, and would disappear from all family the rest of her life. {No Reunions}

Women stayed inside the house all their life! But in Sparta it was different. Women were everywhere, because the men were always off fighting wars. {See the beginning of Western Culture?}

Helen of Troy was originally Helen of Sparta. Spartan women’s dancing was to jump high and hit their Buttocks with their heels as many times as they could.

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2,500 years ago, Western Civilization was threatened with extinction by the Persians. Women universally in the ancient world were considered worthless in democracy. They were basically slaves for thousands of years.

In ancient Greece, the sexes were segregated. Women were expected to only be seen and not heard. It was shameful to even mention a woman in public. Women were purposefully not educated. Spartans felt an educated woman would become lazy and a chatterbox.

Girl on girl sex was encouraged. Boys at age 7 were sent away to learn how to be warriors. (MN: Notice no schools!)

Boys at age 12 were assigned older males as their mentors and their lover!

Marriage: Girls would have their head shaved and wait in a dark room. Then a young boy would come to the room and copulate with her. Then the boy would leave and go back to spend the night with his mentor lover.


(MN: Basically in the ancient world, women were second class citizens, but in Sparta they were more equal with men. (MN: Hence the Western Culture.)

Spartan mothers would tell their sons to come home from war in victory or come back dead on your shield.

Having male babies to become warrors was always the highest priority.

Even if a man and woman were married, both sexes slept with complete strangers to keep the males (soldiers) numbers up. This was accepted as normal and righteous.

In the end, the Spartans died out holding onto its belief in eternal war. Sparta collapsed with no army left. Being resistant to change is what destroyed their civilization.


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“Ellis Chesbrough”, the man who jacked up the city of Chicago by sometimes eight feet or more to move the streets above the sewers.

The problem was that Chicago was very flat and sewers had to be tilted to create flow. The sewers were built above the ground to do this, but how to get the streets on top of the sewers. Answer: They jacked up Chicago!

About 150 years ago, 1855 to 1858, Chicgo was “Jack screw” lifted to install a sewer system. Raised about 15 to 20 feet, one building at a time. Sometimes an entire city block.

1855, bathtub water was filthy, regulary filled with dead fish and raw sewage.

Water in the past was so dirty for thousands of years people drank beer for breakfast along with their food.

Making beer kills germs, thus it is safe to drink.

1831, Cholera killed 140,000 people.


Ellis Chesbrough raised buildinggs 10 feet in downtown Chicago. 1,000 jacks, 250 men turning 4 jacks each.

Ellis made the sewers so they would work. Pullman used his Rail Road screw jacks to lift the buildings above the sewers.

Sleeping car inventor, George M. Pullman jacked up Chicago. They added bricks to shore up foundations then removed the jacks. “Jack Screws” made to lift trains back on the tracks. Ellis had to raise Chicago 4 to 5 feet, sometimes 8 feet so his sewer lines would gravity feed.

1855-1858, The roads were raised fitted with new sewers and now new roads were high as 10 feet above bottom of building. They needed stairs to climb up to the street after walking out the front door. Some buildings had 600 men with 1,000 jacks working together.

EOF REF: Netflix Documentary

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