How To Sit And Why Flashcards


Sit on edge of chair


Have subject sit on edge of chair. If you tell them to simply sit they tend to sit on it entirely and when they sit back comfortably a few bad things happen. They slouch back. They move their feet out toward camera. The head gets further away. The neck is probably back.

Alternately avoid chairs, couches, ETC and use a stool. There is no back so the subject won’t naturally slouch backwards and have the posing problems mentioned with chairs. They might slouch forward but that can be corrected by asking them to sit up straight.

Pull hair away from front side of neck????

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Leaning back from edge of chair pose


Great if you want to include a specific chair, couch bench. You’ll be shooting at an angle to the chair for this pose. Looked like 45ish. Photog kept the pose after getting the shot and moved almost parallel to the chair and grabbed another shot. And still another from an apple box. The idea she said was if their was a beautiful couch extending behind the subject you could capture it as background.

Ask subject to place arm closest back up on the chair. The elbow.

Subject likely will slouch so try asking them to pull up their head.

Watch for foreshortening of the arm that’s resting on the chair: Have the subject rotate her hand to correct this. Hand in elbow out looks like a triangle.

Lindsay Adler composed to include the hand resting on the subjects leg. You see the leg and knee as well as the back of the chair. Noticed when she was talking the assistant quickly zoomed or cropped to a shot cropped at the forearm and that also included the legs and back of chair.

My thoughts. At first I thought the subject wasn’t at the edge of the chair. In the shot the subject is on the edge of the chair but it’s the side edge angled to the camera. So her hip is next to the chair back in the shot.

Lindsay didn’t talk at all about the resting on the subjects leg. The tutorial was more about how to lean on the chair than the hand on the leg. It was resting in the knee almost cupping it. Legs are at angle to camera in the shot.

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