they can't kill us all (introduction) Flashcards




Reporter (from Washington post, black) sent to Ferguson, Missouri to cover the shooting of Michael brown, an unarmed black eighteen year old boy who was killed by a police officer (killed by white police officer, Darren Wilson)

Mobilizing grievances- police brutality, harassment, racial profiling, and racism (resident after resident had told us stories of being profiled, of feeling harassed. These protest, they insisted were not just about mike brown)
-Residents told stories of being stopped and searched for no reason and emergency calls being ignored

The relationship between police and residents of Ferguson was bad. Residents had no trust in law and the police officers exhibited no humanity towards the residents

Those who protested were often arrested by the police (150 were arrested in a week)
People who participated in this SM demanded justice

Brown was killed outside of a gas station. He was shot 8 times

These protest started the “Black Lives Matter” SM

Wrote book from interviews with young protest leaders, elected officials, police officers and chiefs and the families and friends of those who in death became national symbols

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