War Flashcards


To what extent did ‘X’ war bring about the greatest change?


Para 1- Econ:
What ‘X’ did.
-Crimean war=greatest econ change> 1st step in Russia’s industrialisation- showed outdated/backward infrastructure- serfdom based on agriculture not industrial economy- Reutern- increased foreign investment. Communication problems highlighted-stimulated Russian railway expansion-20,000km of trade constructed 1861-78-now logistically capable of expansion/maintaining/protecting empire. Civil war- brought 2nd greatest change- NEP after downturn of war comm. NEP-desalinisation, rejuvenation of trade, stops flourished, end to grain req. Industrial prod increased from 2,004 million roubles in 1921 to 11,083 in 1926.
WW2- not so much actual war as the preparation for war-Stalins 5.Y.Ps greatest econ change.
Para 2- Political:
Refer to ‘X’ war.
-Crimean war=significant social change. Removal of serfdom (450,000 deaths, blamed on backwardness of system)=rethink of gov. infrastructure necessary- Zemstva 1864 more democratic etc. Russo-Japanese-Tsar blamed for loss-discontent mounted- 1905 Duma/Oct Manifest. WW1 short term v. significant politically as the P.G was so much more liberal. WW2 didn’t-structure of gov didn’t change-members of politburo same.
Para 3- Social:
Crimean war v. significant in causing social change- emancipation-mention limitations-Military reforms. WW2(preparation)-focus on economic progression- collectivisation-peasants drafted into Kolkhozy- class warfare against kulaks.
Para 4- For Whom:
WW2- most change for peasants (kulaks) Crimean. WW1-most damage for workers.

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Did was bring about change?


Para 1- Political:
War did-especially defeats- even if change was limited.
-Crimean war- Zemstva 1864- more democratic.
-Russo-Japanese-defeat highlighted weakness of political system-Duma 1905.
-1st move towards constitutional monarchy=greater rep/freedom of speech-limited by fundamental laws.
-Civil war: Limited change as technically a victory- total loyalty to comm continued.
-WW2: Limited as was victory- Stalin’s popularity grew- Party membership= 3.67 mill in 1941- 5.8 mill in 1945.
Para 2- Econ:
Russian economy often dictated by involvement in conflict- larger war=greater impact.
-Russo-Turkish war= financial crisis=collapse of rouble & free trade era.
Civil war: Greater econ impact as actual policy developed to deal with war- war comm involved state control of larger enterprises etc- created unrest=NEP introduced.
Para 3- Social:
Little social change as direct result of war, yet war acted as catalyst for discontent, fuelling reform.
Crimean war: Emancipation edict result of defeat- demonstrated self-based society couldn’t compete with Britain/France- educated/literate working class needed- limited terms.
-WW2- collectivisation to prepare working classes for ww2 industrialisation programme- peasants drafted into kolkhozy- by 1941- 98% of all peasants households worked on collectives. Kulaks=’class warfare’ under stalin- to create socialism in countryside.
Para 4- Other Factors:
In some instances war just catalyst, other factors caused direct change-
Opposition: Bloody sunday (200 killed)- arguably caused Duma- war exasperated situation.
NEP- result of Kraustadt mutiny 1921- sailors protested against poor rations- 10,000 Red Army Guards killed.
Ideology: Whilst war stimulated Stalin to introduce 5.Y.Ps, Stalin thought giving workers more autonomy/control would encourage them to launch war against Tsarist past/promote comm.

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