Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, PCOS Flashcards


What Are the Symptoms of PCOS?


It is estimated that between 5% and 10% of women of childbearing age have PCOS. Approximately five million women in the United States may be affected. Although PCOS is usually diagnosed in women in their twenties and thirties, girls as young as eleven can potentially develop the symptoms.

If a woman has PCOS, her ovaries are enlarged and her unbalanced hormones cause small cysts to grow on her ovaries, and while these cysts are not cancerous, they can be painful during ovulation or even cause irregular periods. If left untreated, PCOS can lead to diabetes and heart disease.

PCOS makes it more difficult for women to get pregnant. The untimely cessation of ovulation leads to PCOS and pregnancy issues.
The symptoms of PCOS are usually quite pronounced. They may include:

Weight gain or trouble losing weight due to metabolism issues
Extra hair on your body
Thinning hair on your scalp
Irregular periods — you may have fewer than nine in a year or they may cease altogether
Very heavy periods
Fertility problems
Pelvic pain
Very oily skin
Depression, anxiety or eating disorders
Gestational diabetes or pregnancy-induced high blood pressure
Nonalcoholic steatohepatitis — severe liver inflammation due to fat accumulation
Metabolic syndrome — increased blood pressure, increased blood sugar, abnormal cholesterol and triglyceride levels that significantly increase your chance of cardiovascular disease
Type 2 diabetes or prediabetes — PCOS and diabetes sometimes go hand-in-hand
High levels of androgen and insulin resistance, even after menopause
Sleep apnea
Abnormal uterine bleeding
Endometrial hyperplasia — which is when your uterine lining becomes too thick
Cancer of the uterine lining
Because of enlarged ovaries blocked by PCOS cysts or because the hormone androgen interferes with ovulation, infertility is a common symptom. It’s often very difficult, though not impossible, to get pregnant with PCOS. If you’re concerned about PCOS and pregnancy, ask the top OB/GYNs in Queens that part of the Forest Hills Medical Services for a definitive diagnosis.

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The Tests for Diagnosing PCOS


The cause of PCOS isn’t clear, but factors include heredity, inflammation, and elevated levels of male hormones as well as high levels of insulin—a hormone that regulates how the food you eat is changed into energy and used by your body. In patients with PCOS the male sex hormone androgen is usually slightly elevated and the female sex hormone estrogen registers lower than normal. Obesity may worsen PCOS symptoms. Elevated levels of androgen have been associated with PCOS hair loss, as well as extra hair growing on your body.

A correct diagnosis is essential for treatment. Your Forest Hills, Queens gynecologist will perform a few tests and take a detailed medical history for assessment. A physical exam to look for extra body hair and blood pressure check may follow. Tests may include:

A glucose tolerance test
A blood test to check cholesterol and triglyceride levels
A determination of the body mass index (BMI)
Lab tests to check blood sugar, insulin, and other hormone levels
Other tests to rule out thyroid or other glandular issues

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Follow-Up Testing


Your gynecologist may order a pelvic ultrasound to look for cysts on your ovaries. You may have a sleep study to check for obstructive sleep apnea. You may receive a screening for depression and anxiety. Your Forest Hills or Rego Park, Queens doctor will take all your symptoms into consideration before reaching a diagnosis.

There are other conditions that can mimic the signs of PCOS. Adrenal hyperplasia, an excess hormone production by your adrenal glands, has similar symptoms. Imbalance in the thyroid function can produce some of the same problems. Hyperprolactinemia, a condition that leads to excess hormone production by the pituitary gland, also shares some characteristics. Your doctor rules these out, one by one, while correctly diagnosing PCOS.

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What Are the Treatments for Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome?


There are several treatment avenues available to help alleviate not only the underlying cause of PCOS, but also many of its symptoms. If you want to overcome the condition, it is imperative that you follow your doctor’s instructions regarding care and lifestyle changes. At the same time, make sure you speak up about what does and does not work for you. Treatments for the condition may include:

A PCOS diet that’s low in carbohydrates and high in vegetables and fruits
The PCOS diet that helps control weight gain while strengthening your immune system
A regular exercise program, such as walking or swimming
Cessation of smoking
Birth control pills to help with many of the symptoms
Metformin to regulate your periods
Fertility medication if you are trying to get pregnant with PCOS
Progestin therapy, which is an estrogen replacement therapy
Spironolactone, which blocks effects of androgen on your skin
Eflornithine cream to slow hair growth
Clomiphene, an oral anti-estrogen medication
Letrozole, a breast cancer treatment that can stimulate ovaries
Gonadotropin, hormone medicine
Electrolysis, a needle with electric current that damages and destroys hair follicles
Counseling or support groups that can help you deal with PCOS symptoms
Ovarian drilling to puncture and destroy a part of an ovary to reduce the hormone androgen
Surgery, as a last resort in some cases, to remove unusually large cysts
A top OB/GYN in Queens, NYC may continue to monitor you for signs of your most worrisome symptoms, such as the relationship between PCOS and diabetes. Your liver condition, ovulation phases and cholesterol and triglyceride levels may also be monitored over time. There is no cure for PCOS, but you can treat your symptoms. The key is to maintain constant communication with your doctor.

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