Viewpoints Of Theology. Explains life and religions. Flashcards


Card 1A

1: Bible would not hold up in court.

People think of the Bible as God’s holy word, and the absolute truth.

But, in reality, the Bible contains plagiarisms of ancient gods and religions. This is called “Syncretism “ and it has been ongoing for thousands of years.

In the ancient days, countries like the Roman Empire overran neighboring countries to steal its resources, its people and its tax base money and put it all into the mighty Roman Empire.

At this time, the captives had to add all the Roman gods to the captives gods. Then all the popular sayings were merged, the miracles were merged. This is syncretism and the gods and religions we have today are merged saviors and merged gods from ancient religions.

The Bible is a great collection of syncretism in miracles, sayings and supernatural events.


So, most everything your god has said and done was said and done before by more ancient gods.

Most western believers do NO background checks on religions. They were told from the cradle about god and Jesus and that the Bible is holy.

The Bible isn’t holy. The Bible isn’t even a book. It’s a collection of books telling themed stories to convince people that god is real and he is the true god. This principle is called the “Fuerbach Principle “, named for Ludwig von Fuerbach. The principle simply means that every religion thinks that their savior and god are the one true god and the others are phonies.

The word bible means collection of books. Like the word bibliography means where the reference to a fact came from.

Note: the ancient world had laws called strictures. These stated what you could and could not do. Might somehow be related to our idea of scriptures telling us what we should and should not do.

There are millions of gods. Thousands of saviors and hundreds of thousands of religions and denominations. How can you possibly think you have the one true god?

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Card 2A

  1. So, how could you place your trust in the Bible?

Our court system uses only facts. Nothing in the Bible would hold up in court. Everything would be objected by the opposing attorney.


SPECULATION: Objection, calls for speculation.

LEADING: Objection, leading the witness.

OPINION: Objection, calls for opinion.

ARGUMENT: Objection, argumentative.

HEARSAY: Objection, Hearsay.

Nothing in the Bible is a fact. It’s all hearsay, opinion, argumentative, speculation. And LEADING, it has the express intent of leading you to Jesus.

The intent of the Bible is not a record of history. It is an all out, no holds barred effort to control your thinking.


Back in the 4th century, the Roman Emperor Constantine discovered by accident that religion makes people their own policeman. It makes the believer a “PRISONER OF THEIR OWN BRAIN”.

Constantine had an Epiphany that he could make everybody a Christian by law and that would free up legions of watchdog soldiers to go off and conquer new lands.

It was a genius plan that worked!

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Card 3A

  1. Consciousness/life is just like fire. Both are chemical reactions.

Most people think they are a real person living in a body. They think the body will someday die, and they will magically enter another body. An eternal body. This is called Metempsychosis. It’s a psychological belief that will never happen, yet billions of people demand to believe it. A good book to explain why we think this way is called “Denial of Death.” It won the Pulitzer Prize back in the 70’s.

There is nobody inside your body. You feel like you are a real person who is immortal and will live forever, but actually there is nobody inside. No Executive I.

All you are is an electrical/chemical reaction. For a training aid, we will compare your electrical reaction to a common fire.

So pick up a match and look at it. It’s inanimate. It isn’t living and it is inert and cannot move. Where is the fire stored? The fire does not exist because no chemical reaction has occurred. Just like you did not exist before you were born. Just think of all the things that happened before you were born. 14 Billion years happened. They came, occurred and went, yet you never existed!

So you are looking at a match and it cannot do anything. No fire.

Okay, now strike the match and a very small fire appears. Wow. Where did that come from?

Now, set some curtains on fire with the tiny fire from the match.

Holy cow, now we have a huge fire. The whole house is burning down!


Card 3B

With the house in flames look at how big and powerful the fire is now. Yet for billions of years it never existed before you struck the match. So what is keeping the fire alive?


The fire is having a chemical reaction therefore it exist, just like you are having a chemical reaction and existing this very moment.

Now if this fire was in California, many, many acres of land and many cars and houses would burn to the ground.

Well, we can’t let that happen, so we better give the fire department a call and get them all excited.

So the firemen put out the fire and it suddenly is gone. Where did it go? It simply ceased to exist, and will never exist again! Never!

Oh sure, there will be millions of other fires, but our fire was brought into existence and made to stop existing. Even if we started our experiment all over again, it would be a different fire.

So you see how very simple this is? Our life, our existence is nothing more than a chemical reaction.

It’s a hard pill to swallow, but it’s a fact.

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