DR__Coral reefs and A Life on our planet/9 Months that made you Flashcards


From chasing Coral Netflix
80-90% of Corals in Florida now are gone!

A coral is an animal with lots of polyps. A coral is part of an animal. The ployp grows inside the animal. The animal feeds on the ployps then the animal grows over the coral skeleton.

So the Coral is part animal and part plant! So a coral is a hybrid. Part animal, part plant.


Our ecosystem is like a house of cards Remove a few cards and the whole system collapses with out any way to stop it.

Corals die here, some smaller fish vanish. More corals die and the big fish vanish. Humans are the big fish!

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A life on our planet. David Attenbourgh

The Earth has had 5 mass extinction level events. We cut down 15 Billion trees!

We over fished the ocean to a point it has become a dying desert. Huge fish, whales, coral reefs are all disappearing!

The Artic ice is disappearing. Global warming is killing the planet. Summer sea ice has reduced by 40% in 40 years.

Freshwater populations are down 80%.


We are replacing the wild with the tame. Like chickens.

70% of the mass of birds are domestic birds. Mostly chickens to eat.

Us humans account for over 1/3 the weight of mammals on Earth.

A further 60% are the animals we raise to eat.

All the wild animals on Earth only equal 4% now! (MN: In last 50 years, 75% of all animals are gone and are extinct!)

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BR__9 months that made you.

Upon conception you are smaller than a speck of dust. The first days in the womb, some genes are switched on while others are switched off. This determines how the body is built.

The switching on/off is dependent on what the mother ate and the humidity (dry season means bad immune system. Wet season means good immune system and newborn will live a very long life in the country of Gambia.}

In week 2, the cells which are all the same, divide up and turn into 350 different cell types which make up our bodies.

At week eight, Testosterone is released if the embryo is to be a boy. This changes the sex organ which is neutral to a penis. The embryos both have goads. The male will grow a penis and the female will grow ovaries. This happens and the embryo is about one inch long!


The face forms about 4 weeks. It doesn’t start out the way it looks at birth.

The eyes are on the sides of our heads where the ears end up. The nose is in the middle of the forehead. The lips are three pieces that join together to form our mouth.

Week 15. The brain has both hemispheres and it has all the brain cells it will ever need! Billions of neurons. Male or female, testosterone is what makes us competitive, example sports.

Two months after your body grows the sex organ, your brain is formatted and decides if you mentally are a male or female. Sometimes brain and gender do not match! This is transgender. (Like physically a male, mentally a female).

The brain area that stores long term memories (Hippocampus) will not be developed until after two and a half years of age. Interesting!

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