TRUE BELIEVERS: Did You Know People Believe That ... Flashcards


2 million people believe that they have been abducted by Aliens.


Ref: wiki Islam.Net/wiki/jinn

(MN: 1.6 Billion People believe in Genies (AKA JINN). )

Jinn (جن‎ ǧinn, singular جني ǧinnī ; variant spelling djinn) or, as Romanized more broadly, genies[1] are said to be supernatural creatures that occupy a parallel world to that of mankind. They are mentioned in the Qur’an, hadith, other Islamic texts and Arab folklore. The Jinn are believed to exist in many sub-species themselves, with some living in the air, others as humans on land, and some like “snakes and dogs”.[2] Together, the various jinns, humans and angels make up the three sentient creations of Allah. Like human beings, the jinn can also be good, evil, or neutrally benevolent.[3]

Islamic beliefs

The jinn are mentioned frequently in the Qur’an. There is a surah titled Sūrat al-Jinn (the 72nd chapter of the Qur’an), and verse 67:5 discusses the stars from the “lowest heaven” which are used as missiles against any mischievous jinn that attempts to eavesdrop on conversations between angels.[4]

In Islamic theology jinn were created from smokeless fire by Allah as humans were made of clay.[5] According to the Qur’an, a jinn named ʾIblīs refused to bow to Adam when Allah ordered angels and jinn to do so. For disobeying Allah, he was expelled from Paradise and called “Šayṭān” (Satan). The Qur’an also mentions that Prophet Muhammad was sent as a prophet to both “humanity and the jinn,” and that prophets and messengers were sent to both communities.[6][7] In Surah al-Jinn, the Qur’an describes a contingent of jinn being sent by Allah to Muhammad to hear and then convey his message to other jinns.

The Qur’an also describes Sulayman (Solomon) has having had an army of jinn that god had made subservient to him.

Jinn are usually invisible to humans, and humans do not appear clearly to them. Frequenting toilets,[8] they feed on feces and bones,[9] have the power to travel large distances at extreme speeds and are thought to live in remote areas, mountains, seas, trees, and the air. Like humans: jinn can also choose to become Muslims, will be judged on the Day of Judgment, and will accordingly be sent to Paradise or Hell.[10]

12 Million people believe that LIZARD people hold high offices and run the U.S. government.

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390,127 Jedi Religion
In England and Wales 390,127 people (almost 0.8%) stated their religion as Jedi on their 2001 Census forms, surpassing Sikhism, Judaism, and Buddhism, and making it the fourth largest reported religion in the country. › wiki › Jedi_cens…

That Star Wars Jedi are their saviors. At one time it was the third largest religion in the United Kingdom.


12 million American people believe that LIZARD people run our government!

Jan. 12, 2021, 3:31 AM CST
By Lynn Stuart Parramore, cultural historian
The deadly Capitol siege was fueled by far-out conspiracy theorists, including Ashli Babbitt, a QAnon supporter fatally shot by police as she tried to breach a barricaded doorway. Meanwhile, federal investigators are still looking into the belief system of Anthony Quinn Warner, who made statements about a conspiracy of lizard people taking over the planet before the explosion that damaged 41 buildings and injured three people in Nashville, Tennessee, on Christmas Day.

The notion of shape-shifting, blood-sucking reptilian humanoids invading Earth to control the human race sounds like a cheesy sci-fi plot.
Many are scratching their heads. Why are people embracing such bizarre ideas? But it’s actually a very old trope with disturbing links to anti-immigrant and anti-Semitic hostilities dating to the 19th century.

Bonkers? Sure. Harmless? Definitely not.

Law enforcement sources say Warner’s writings indicate his interest in a number of conspiracy theories — including the lizard people takeover. He may even have had a pastime of hunting such aliens in the park. Before the blast, Warner sent packages to friends filled with material expounding on his bizarre worldview. They included a letter that began “Hey Dude, You will never believe what I found in the park.”

Officials investigate whether Nashville bomber believed in ‘lizard people’
DEC. 31, 202002:05
The world-ruled-by-lizard-people fantasy shot to prominence in recent years in part through the ramblings of David Icke, a popular British sports reporter-turned-conspiracy theorist known for his eccentric ideas.

Icke would have you believe that a race of reptilian beings not only invaded Earth, but that it also created a genetically modified lizard-human hybrid race called the “Babylonian Brotherhood,” which, he maintains, is busy plotting a worldwide fascist state. This sinister cabal of global reptilian elites boasts a membership list including former President Barack Obama, Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain, former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan.
This nonsense is espoused by a variety of internet conspiracy-mongers, including far-right, Trump-loving QAnon adherents, one of whom was accused in 2019 of murdering his own brother because he thought he was a lizard. As many as 12 million Americans believed in this lizard people conspiracy in a 2013 Public Policy Polling survey. It’s safe to assume the number is higher today.

The outlandish trope has roots in the second half of the 19th century, when the Industrial Revolution, Darwin’s theory of evolution and rapid scientific advances upended time-honored traditional ways of life, leaving people unsettled and unsure what to believe. It emerged more strongly toward the end of the century, when anxieties about perceived outsiders, especially Jewish ones, were fueled by waves of immigrants flooding urban centers in Great Britain and the United States in search of economic prosperity and religious freedom. The tide of immigrants ignited cultural conflicts, as well as health and sanitation crises, in cities that lacked adequate infrastructure for the millions of arrivals.

Amid this tumult, a colorful array of gurus and charismatic figures arrived on the scene claiming secret knowledge of world affairs and answers to burning questions. The writings of the Russian-born mystic Helena Blavatsky, the founder of Theosophy, bristle with cosmic energies and mysterious knowledge — including her claim of an ancient race of dragon men from a lost continent mentioned in her esoteric 1888 tome, “The Secret Doctrine.”

That Lizard people run our United States government. Our leaders are lizard people!

Ref: NBCNEWS.COM Jan. 12, 2021

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North Korea believes the volcano Goddess Jowangshin, is their Supreme God.

22 Fire Goddesses

In my quest to understand and process being a fire survivor, it has helped me tremendously to view fire in a variety of contexts. I love learning about different religions and belief systems, so in this post, I give you 22 Fire Goddesses.

They represent 16 different cultures/religions, and a wide variety of types of FIRE. There are destructive fire Goddesses, hearth and kitchen fire Goddesses, sacred fire Goddesses, healing and nourishing fire Goddesses, and even a Goddess who protects against fire. There are also many fire Gods, but I’ll save them for an upcoming post. Please leave a comment to let me know which Fire Goddesses I left any out.

Agnayi –Hindu goddess of fire

Aibheaog –Irish Fire Goddess

Aodh – Celtic Fire Goddess

Arani – Hindu Goddess of Fire

Brigit or Brighid – Irish Goddess worshipped in Celtic polytheism

Caia Caecilia, also called Gaia Caecilia – Roman Goddess of Fire, the Hearth, Healing, and Women

Chantico – Aztec Goddess of fires in the family hearth and volcanoes

Freya- Norse Goddess of fire and the domestic arts

Fuchi,-Japanese Goddess of fire

Gabija – Lithuanian Goddess of fire and of the hearth

Hestia – Greek Goddess of the hearth

Ida– Hindu goddess of fire and devotion

Itzpapalotl – Aztec Goddess of Fire and Birds

Li- Chinese Goddess of the nourishing fire

Mahuika – Maori fire Goddess

Nantosuelta – Gaul Goddess of nature, the earth, fire, and fertility

Oya – African Fire, Wind and Thunderbolt Goddess of the Yoruba Tribe

Oynyena Maria – Polish ,”Fiery Mary,” a fire Goddess who assists and counsels the thunder God Piorun

Pele – Hawaiian, the Goddess of fire, lightning, dance, and volcanoes.

Korea believes that the volcano ( Jowangshin)is their God and has chosen Kim mu Son (get name) as their anointed leader. On their news broadcast, you seen a picture of the volcano on the wall.


Heavens gate believed that Aliens living in the tail of a Hale-Bopp comet were going to rescue them and take them to paradise. All they had to do was commit suicide to reach paradise.

Heaven’s Gate was an American UFO religious cult based near San Diego, California. It was founded in 1974 and led by Marshall Applewhite (1931–1997) and Bonnie Nettles (1927–1985).

On March 26, 1997, deputies of the San Diego County Sheriff’s Department discovered the bodies of 39 members of the group, including that of Applewhite, in a house in the San Diego suburb of Rancho Santa Fe. They had participated in a mass suicide, a coordinated series of ritual suicides, in order to reach what they believed was an extraterrestrial spacecraft following Comet Hale–Bopp.

Official website
Just before the mass suicide, the group’s website was updated with the message: ‘Hale–Bopp brings closure to Heaven’s Gate …our 22 years of classroom here on planet Earth is finally coming to conclusion — ‘graduation’ from the Human Evolutionary Level. We are happily prepared to leave ‘this world’ and go with Ti’s crew.’[4]

Heavens gate believed aliens would take them from Earth in their spaceship.

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The Aztecs believed that human sacrifices had to be made everyday. They had to kill a man then quickly cut out his heart and hold it in their raised arm fast enough so people could see it pumping the blood out. If they failed just once to do this, then the Sun would not come up anymore.

Some years they sacrificed 20,000 people in this ritual.


State of Islam followers 1.8 Billion Muslims

The Black led religion of the state of Islam believes that Black people live on other planets and that they the DOMINATE species of the universe.

They believe that White men were made by a mad scientist!

Someday their people will come to rescue them from Earth.

Malcolm X was their spokesperson.

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9/11 Terrorists believed they were going to die and step right into paradise with 19 virgins each.


The study carried out between October and November last year for the public theology think tank,Theos also showed nearly four in 10, or 39 per cent, believe in ghosts and more than a quarter (27 per cent) believe in reincarnation.Apr 13, 2009

Did you know that 33% of Americans believe in reincarnation?

Did you know that 39% of the World believes in ghosts?

The major religions that hold a belief in reincarnation, however, are Asian religions, especially Hinduism, Jainism, Buddhism, and Sikhism, all of which arose in India. They all hold in common a doctrine of karma (karman; “act”), the law of cause and effect, which states that what one does in this present life will have its effect in the next life. In Hinduism the process of birth and rebirth—i.e., transmigration of souls—is endless until one achieves moksha, or liberation (literally “release”) from that process. Moksha is achieved when one realizes that the eternal core of the individual (atman) and the Absolute reality (brahman) are one. Thus, one can escape from the process of death and rebirth (samsara).

Ref: Brittanica encyclopedia

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Scientology 20,000 current members.

One of the major tenets of Scientology is that a human is an immortal alien spiritual being, termed a thetan, that is presently trapped on planet Earth in a physical “meat body.” Hubbard described these thetans in “The Space Opera” cosmogony. The thetan has had innumerable past lives and it is accepted in Scientology that lives preceding the thetan’s arrival on Earth lived in extraterrestrial cultures. Descriptions of space opera incidents are seen as true events by Scientologists

Ref: Wiki


488 million Buddha believers.

Buddhism Beliefs

Some key Buddhism beliefs include:

Followers of Buddhism don’t acknowledge a supreme god or deity. They instead focus on achieving enlightenment—a state of inner peace and wisdom. When followers reach this spiritual echelon, they’re said to have experienced nirvana.
The religion’s founder, Buddha, is considered an extraordinary man, but not a god. The word Buddha means “enlightened.”
The path to enlightenment is attained by utilizing morality, meditation and wisdom. Buddhists often meditate because they believe it helps awaken truth.
There are many philosophies and interpretations within Buddhism, making it a tolerant and evolving religion.
Some scholars don’t recognize Buddhism as an organized religion, but rather, a “way of life” or a “spiritual tradition.”
Buddhism encourages its people to avoid self-indulgence but also self-denial.
Buddha’s most important teachings, known as The Four Noble Truths, are essential to understanding the religion.
Buddhists embrace the concepts of karma (the law of cause and effect) and reincarnation (the continuous cycle of rebirth).
Followers of Buddhism can worship in temples or in their own homes.
Buddhist monks, or bhikkhus, follow a strict code of conduct, which includes celibacy.


There are about 488 million Buddhists worldwide, representing 7% of the world’s total population as of 2010. The three major branches of Buddhism in the modern world are Mahayana Buddhism, Theravada Buddhism and Vajrayana (sometimes described as Tibetan) Buddhism.12 While affiliation with particular branches of Buddhism is not measured in most censuses and surveys, Mahayana Buddhism is widely believed to be the largest, because it is prevalent in several countries with very large Buddhist populations, particularly China, Japan, South Korea and Vietnam.

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Confucius 6 million followers.

Confucianism is a philosophy and belief system from ancient China, which laid the foundation for much of Chinese culture. Confucius was a philosopher and teacher who lived from 551 to 479 B.C.E. His thoughts on ethics, good behavior, and moral character were written down by his disciples in several books, the most important being the Lunyu.

Confucianism believes in ancestor worship and human-centered virtues for living a peaceful life. The golden rule of Confucianism is “Do not do unto others what you would not want others to do unto you.”
Ref: National Geographic


Rastafarian followers: 700,000 to 1 million.

Rastafarianism is considered an offshoot of Abrahamic religious traditions like Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Rastafarians believe in the Judeo-Christian God and call him Jah. They believe Christ came to Earth as a divine manifestation of Jah. Some Rastafarians believe that Christ was black, while many focus on Emperor Haile Selassie of Ethiopia as the black messiah and rebirth of Christ. They believe that Ethiopia is the holy land, a Heaven on Earth where true Rastas live eternally as bodily and spiritual immortals, negating the need for an afterlife. Rastafarians believe the Ark of the Covenant is currently hidden in Ethiopia.

Another leader to shape the movement which would eventually be called Rastafarianism was Marcus Garvey.
Garvey taught that Africans were the lost tribe of the Israelites and that Christ would be born again on Earth, this time as a king in Africa. Because of his prediction, Rastafarians see Garvey as the return of John the Baptist, citing that his prophecy came true with the coronation of Haile Selassie as Emperor of Ethiopia.

Jamaicans believe that when Christ returns, everyone will be teleported to Ethiopia to live in paradise eternally.

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Ghost dance and ghost shirts

Thousands of Native American followers.

They told the people they could dance a new world into being. There would be landslides, earthquakes, and big winds. Hills would pile up on each other. The earth would roll up like a carpet with all the white man’s ugly things – the stinking new animals, sheep and pigs, the fences, the telegraph poles, the mines and factories. Underneath would be the wonderful old-new world as it had been before the white fat-takers came. …The white men will be rolled up, disappear, go back to their own continent.

The Buffaloes would all come back. Everything would revert to the way it was before the white man appeared in America.

In addition to this, they were all issued special shirts called the ghost dance shirts. They were told that if you wear the ghost dance shirts into battle the white man’s bullets will not harm you.

So the Indians went to war, attacking the white man wearing their ghost dance shirts and they got mowed down like being run over by a lawn mower. They were just totally decimated. This quickly brought an end to the ghost dance religion.

Ghost dance.


John Frum cargo cult. Thousands of followers.

During WWII they used the locals to build an airfield on the neighboring island of Efate. The Americans gathered about a thousand natives to build an air strip. When the workers returned with tales of men who had possessions beyond the dreams of the people of Tana, the whole society tried to imitate what they saw. They started building landing strips, warehouses and radio masts out of bamboo. Carved figurines of American warplanes, helmets and rifles were made from bamboo and used as religious icons. Islanders began to march in parades with USA painted or tattooed on their chest and backs. John Frum emerged as the name of their Messiah, although there are no records of an American soldier with that name. //When the soldiers left, the islanders predicted the return of John Frum. [This is how a religion can get started] On February 15th, 1957, an American flag was raised in Sulphur Bay to declare the religion of John Frum.
Each year John Frum Day is celebrated with parades and military drills. They believe these annual rituals will draw the god John Frum down from the volcano and deliver the cargo of prosperity to all of the islanders. [Still going strong as of December 2020 per Wikipedia.

Cargo cult John Frum

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