AZ Water Law and Land Descrip 20 Flashcards
Surface Water Rights - are regulated thru this Doctrine, which also means “First In Time - First In Right.”
Doctrine of Prior Appropriation -
Surface Water Rights - First In Time - First i=In Right. This means that the First Person to Claim a “Beneficial Use” of the Water Has the Senior Right To It
Chap 20
Brings Colorado River Water to Urban Areas in Central Arizona by way of 336-Mile Canal?
(CAP) Central Arizona Project (CAP) -
Brings Colorado River Water to Urban Areas in Central Arizona by way of 336-Mile Canal
Chap 20
What type of Renewable Water Source replenishes groundwater using CAP?
- In AMAs_Active Mgmt Areas (Maricopa, Pima and Pinal Counties) - _______ is responsible for replenishing groundwater using CAP water.
- Property Owners - charged on property tax bill.
CAGRD - Central AZ Groundwater Replenish District - Renewable Water Source replenishes groundwater using CAP
- _In AMAs_Active Mgmt Areas (Maricopa, Pima and Pinal Counties)_ -
- CA G RD is responsible for replenishing groundwater using CAP water.
- Property Owners - charged on property tax bill.
Chap 20
What are the 2 Renewable Water Sources?
2 Renewable Water Sources are -
- CAP - Central Arizona Project - Brings Colorado River Water to Urban Areas (336-mile canal)
- CA G RD - Central Arizona Groundwater Replinish District - Replenished Groundwater using CAP (Colorado River water)
Chap 20
- What was Adopted in 1980 and Established (ADWR) AZ Dept of Water Resourses
- What 3 things is this Code Responsible for?
AZ - Groundwater Management Code -
- Adopted in 1980
- Established ADWR: the AZ Dept of Water Resourses (ADWR)
- Controls Severe Overdraft - INA’s and AMA’s_Overdraft
- Distribute Groundwater - Provide means
- Increases Water Available - ex: CAP_Central AZ Project
Chap 20
What are the objectives of the AZ Groundwater Management Code?
AZ Groundwater Management Code Objectives:
- Control Severe Overdraft: Over Pumpling of groundwater faster than it can be replaced by nature.
- Distribution of Groundwater - Provide Means
- Increase Water - Supply in AZ - by supplemental sources like CAP - Central AZ Project (brings Colorado River Water in)
Chap 20
What Type of Groundwater Restriction area?
- Threatens to Exceed Areas - Irrigation uses Limited Water Supplies.
- Irrigated Acreage Restricted but specific conservation measures are not required.
INA’s - Irrigation (Non-Expansive) Areas -
- Threatens to Exceed Areas - Irrigation uses Limited Water Supplies.
- Irrigated Acreage Restricted but specific conservation measures are not required.
Chap 20
What type of Groundwater Restriction Area is the following?
- Excessive Overdraft Areas (Over Pumping) is occuring.
- Areas: Pinal, Phoenix, Prescott, Santa Cruz, and Tucson
AMA’s - Active (Management) Areas -
- Excessive Overdraft Areas (Over Pumping) is occuring.
- AMA’s Areas: Pinal, Maricopa County (Phoenix), Yavapai County (Prescott), Santa Cruz County, and Pima (Tucson)
- Rashins: Domestic (25%), Agricultural (69%), Industrial (6%)
Chap 20
Ass____ W____ S_____ P_____
Regulates Limited Groundwater supplies To Assure Water in AMA’s
Assured Water Supply Program -
Regulates Limited Groundwater supplies To Assure Water in AMA’s
Chap 20
Under the Assured Water Supply Program,
- Public Report Issued - inside an AMA (must obtain):
- Ass____ Water S____ C_______ (100 years) - must be issued by _____ to Subdivider to get a P____ Re___.
Subdivider (Water Provider) must demonstrate:
- Unint_______ Water - Supply for ____yrs
- Fin_____ Ability - Con_____ Water D_____ System
- Subdivison Goals - Consistent with AMA Mgmt Goals.
Assured Water Supply Program (Rpt/Water) -
Public Report Issued - inside an AMA (must obtain):
- Assured Water Supply Certificate (100 years) -
must be issued by ADWR to Subdivider to get a public report.
Subdivider (Water Provider) must demonstrate:
- Uninterruptable Water - Supply for 100 yrs
- Financial Ability - Construct Water Delivery System
- Subdivison Goals - Consistent with AMA Mgmt Goals.
Chap 20
Outside of an AMA
Under ADWR’s AD______ WATER SU______ PROGRAM -
- Need Ad______ W____ Rep_____ - With PR App from ADWR
- If Inadequate Water: Dis______ in Pur_____ Contract and Ad______
Outside of an AMA (Active Mgmt Areas) Subdividers must provide:
With Public Report Application:
- Adequacy Water Report - With PR App from ADWR
- If Inadequate Water: Disclosure in Purchase Contracts and Advertising
Chap 20
What type of wells are these?
- Wells used for Domestic Purposes, not for Irrigation. Pump capacity of 35 gpm maximum.
- Permit required from ADWR.
Exempt Wells -
- Wells used for Domestic Purposes, not for Irrigation.Pump capacity of 35 gpm maximum.
- Permit required from ADWR.
Chap 20
When Property is Sold with Well Rights, what form must be used?
Info Needed: names, contact info, W____ Loc_____, and Ass____’s P_____ N_____.
Transfer of Well Rights -
Transfer Form - filed with ADWR when Property Sold
* Info Needed - Names, Contact Info, Well Location, and Assessor’s Parcel Number.
Chap 20
Adj_______ of Water Rights
- Court process - to Determine Extent and Priority of Water Rights (Doctrine of Prior Appropriation) in the Gila River/Little Colorado River System.
- Well Owner’s (Claim) - must be Filed to be Included in Court’s Decision.
Adjudication of Water Rights -
- Court process - to Determine Extent and Priority of Water Rights (Doctrine of Prior Appropriation) in the Gila River/Little Colorado River System.
- Well Owner’s (Claim) - must be Filed to be Included in Court’s Decision.
Chap 20
This Code creates Two Types of Areas for Groundwater Restrictions.
Arizona Groundwater Management Code
2 Groundwater Restrictions -
INA’s - Irrigation Non-expansion Areas - Areas where irrigation uses Threaten To Exceed Limited Water Supplies
AMA’s - Active Management Areas - Areas where Excessive Overdraft (Over Pumping) Occurs. AMA’s in Phoenix, Pinal, Prescott, Santa Cruz, and Tucson.
Chap 20
What type of water rights are these?
- Irrigation Grandfathered Rights - Land irrigated from 19__ to 19__.
- Type-1 Non-Irrigation Rights - Water Re___ from Irrigation can be used for In_____ or Sub______
- Type-2 Non-Irrigation Rights - Based on His_____ Groundwater Pumping such as Live____ Watering, In_____, or G___ C_____. May be Sold Seperately.
Grandfathered Water Rights -
- Irrigation Grandfathered Rights - Land was irrigated from 1975 to 1980.
- Type-1 Non-Irrigation Rights - Water Retired from Irrigation can be used for Industry or Subdivision
- Type-2 Non-Irrigation Rights - Based on Historical Groundwater Pumping such as Livestock watering, Industry, or Golf Course. May be Sold Seperately.
Chap 20
What type of Irrigation right is the following?
- Land must have been “IRRIGATED” from 1975 to 1980.
- Allows Irrigation to Specific Acreage
Irrigation - Grandfathered Right - (75-80)
- Land must have been “irrigated” from 1975 to 1980.
- Allows Irrigation to Specific Acreage
- Not Sold Seperately
Chap 20
What type of Water right is this?
- Water use Retired from Irrigation
- Can be used for Industry (Mfg Goods) or Subdivision.
Non-Irrigation Rights - Type 1 - (Retired; Industry or Subdivision)
- Water use Retired from Irrigation
- Can be used for Industry (Mfg Goods) or Subdivision.
- Not Sold Seperately
Chap 20
What type of Water Right is this?
- Historical Groundwater Pumping for a Non-Irrigation use such as Livestock Watering, Industry, or Golf Course.
- May be** **Sold Separately from land
Type 2 - Non-Irrigation Right - (Livestock, Industry, or Golf Course)
- Historical Groundwater Pumping for a Non-Irrigation use such as Livestock Watering, Industry, or Golf Course.
- May be** **Sold Separately from land
Chap 20
Method of Describing Property Boundaries using Distances and Compass Directions from Point to Point.
Point of Beginning, Distance/Direction between points, Closure must Begin and End at Same Point
Metes and Bounds -
Method of Describing Property Boundaries using Distances and Compass Directions from Point to Point.
Point of Beginning, Distance/Direction between points, Closure must Begin and End at Same Point
Chap 20

Recorded Plat Map or Lot & Block -
- Subdivision Map - that shows the Loc____ and Boun____ of Individual Parcels (Platted) and is R______ with County Recorder’s Office.
- Area Mapped - P__ M__ that ID’s Parcels by L__ & B____ numbers.
- “Sm_____ Parcels” use ths method. Most common in Populated Areas.
Plat - Means to make a map
Recorded Plat Map or Lot & Block -
- Subdivision map - that shows the Location and Boundaries of individual parcels (platted) and is “Recorded” with County Recorder’s Office.
- Area mapped - Plat Map ID’s Parcels by Lot & Block numbers.
- “Smallest Parcels” use ths method. Most common in Populated Areas
Plat - Means to make a map
Chap 20