Business income vs. property income (Taxation) Flashcards


Business income vs. property income (Taxation)

  • It is a question of fact whether income is from business or property.
  • Capital property is property that provides a long term or enduring benefit
  • Disposition of capital property gives rise to capital gains or losses
  • Business income will arise from an “adventure or concern in the nature of trade”, determined as follows:
    o Conduct
     How long was the asset held? Have there been similar transactions?
    o Nature of the asset
     Is the asset capable of producing income? Is the asset related to the taxpayer’s ordinary business?
    o Intent
     Did the taxpayer originally acquire the asset with the intention to sell?
  • For an individual, business income is generally taxed at a higher rate than capital gain, as only 50% of capital gains are taxable.
  • For a CCPC earning less than the SB Limit, capital gain is generally taxed at a higher rate than business income, as the SBD doesn’t apply to capital gains

Reference: ITA 9, 248(1)

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