Geography Water Flashcards


Is blue water water stored in rivers, streams, lakes, and groundwater?

Is green water the water stored in vegetation and soil? Is this the invisible part of the hydrological cycle?

Are fluxes the rate of flow between stores? Is cryosphere places on earth where water is frozen?

Are stores reservoirs where water is hold? Are processes the physical mechanisms which drive fluxes between stores?

Is the residence time the average time a water molecule spends in a reservoir? Does a closed system have few interactions with its surroundings?

What percentage of global water is fresh, and oceans? How much of freshwater is contributed by glaciers and ice caps?

Is the majority of freshwater found in ground ice and and permafrost?

Is sublimation the direct change from ice to water vapour? Are cryosphere processes the opposite?

Which water store do water molecules usually last the longest in depending on size?

Where do water molecules normally last the shortest?

Currently is evaporation rate greater than the precipitation rate? Is more water falling on land rather than being transported to the atmosphere from the land?

If more water was to remain on land rather than flow into the ocean, the water level in the store would decrease? Would this happen during an ice age?

Would the flux from ocean to atmosphere be quick if water was to travel at 400,000 cubic km per year? Due to more heat from the sun, would evaporation increase, lowering the residence time?



Yes. Yes.

Yes. Yes.

Yes. Yes.

2.5%, and 96.5%. 68.7%


Yes. Yes.

Ice caps

Atmosphere moisture

Yes. Yes.

Yes. Yes.

Yes. Yes.

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State 2 examples of precipitation? Is interception when rain gets caught by vegetation? Is groundwater a store which is underground in the rock layer?

Is infiltration the movement of water from the surface into the soil, whereas is percolation the transfer from the soil into the rock?

Is through flow the movement of water through the soil, whereas is surface run-off the movement of water along the surface and to the store?

Is stem flow the movement of water along the stem and to the plant, and is evapotranspiration evaporation and transpiration working together?

Is river discharge all the water in the river basin? Is this how water moving along the surface can be measured? Is the drainage basin an open system in the hydrological cycle that is surrounded by the watershed?

Is a watershed the land mass which channels rainfall and snowmelt to streams and eventually to larger stores?

Is the catchment another name for the drainage basin?

Is the Indus drainage basin one of the largest in Asia? Name 2 states the Indus River basin spreads over in India? How large is the River Indus’s drainage basin in square kilometres?

Does the drainage basin of the Indus River take up nearly 9.8% of the total geographical area of the country?

Does the Ganges stretch from Northern India and the Himalayas to the Bangladesh and the Bay of the Bengal?

How many square kilometres does the Ganges drainage basin cover?

How much can rainfall in different parts of the Ganges vary by?

In the catastrophic cyclone along the Ganges in 1970 how many people could have been killed? How many did the cyclone in 1991 kill?

Prior to the development of railways was the Ganges an important transportation artery? Is the Ganges one of the most agricultural regions in the world? Name one chief city located along the Ganges?

Is the drainage basin a sub system within the hydrological cycle? Is it the area of land drained by tributaries?


Rain and snow. Yes. Yes.




Yes. Yes. Yes.



Yes. Jammu and Kashmir. 321,289.




30 inches in western end to 90 inches in the eastern end

At least 300,000. 138,866 deaths.

Yes. Yes. Kolkata.

Yes. Yes.

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Is water budget the annual balance between inputs (precipitation) and outputs (evaporation)? Can water balance equation be displayed by precipitation (P) = discharge (Q) + evapotranspiration (E) + or - storage (S)?

Is potential evapotranspiration the potential amount of water being absorbed into the atmosphere? Does a water surplus occur when there are higher precipitation rates? Is soil moisture utilisation whether water in the soil is used, and is soil moisture deficiency a lack of soil water?

Is soil moisture discharge additional water entering the soil, and is field capacity the amount of rainfall in the field? Is river regime annual variation in discharge at a given point?

Is the Amazon drainage basin 7.5 million kilometers^2? Is it a humid climate and is the regime linked to snow melt?

Does the Yukon River in North America have a drainage basin of 850,000km^2? Does it have a tundra climate and does water freeze? In summer does water melt and the discharge increases?

Is the Nile in Northern Africa? Does it have a huge drainage basin and is it located in a warm, arid climate? Does the Aswan Dam significantly affect the regime? Has the flow reduced by 60% due to the construction?

If precipitation is higher than evaporation rates will more water be on land? Does soil moisture recharge occur when precipitation rates are higher than evapotranspiration?

Do soil utilisation rates increase as plants require more water during the summer months? Is there a soil moisture deficit where more water is absorbed through evapotranspiration?

Is soil moisture higher when precipitation is higher than evapotranspiration?

In temperate climates is water higher during the winter months as that is when there is more rainfall? Does water balance understand how surface run off changes over the course of a year?

In the Atacama Desert in Peru are evapotranspiration rates always higher than precipitation; does this indicate water deficit?

Before May in Bolivia are precipitation rates higher than evaporation rates suggesting a water surplus, however after does a deficit happen?

In Southampton state one period where precipitation rates are higher than evapotranspiration rates? Are evapotranspiration rates higher from May to September?



Yes. Yes. Yes.

Yes, yes. Yes.

Yes. Yes.

Yes. Yes. Yes.

Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes.

Yes. Yes.

Yes. Yes.


Yes. Yes.



September to December. Yes.

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Is the base flow a long term flow of a river which continues after a storm has passed? Is the rising limb the increased amount of input into a drainage basin leading to more discharge?

Is peak discharge the highest amount of discharge? Is bankfull discharge the level before floods occur? Is a falling limb a decrease in discharge?

Is lag time the amount of time taken for rain to become discharge? Is storm flow the water that arrives in the river due to surface run-off?

Is drainage density the sum of channel length per unit area? Are storm hydrography variations in river discharge within a short period of time? Do antecedent streams maintain its original course despite changes in underlying rock topography?

Before a storm is the main source of water groundwater? On a storm hydrography is the time between peak rainfall and peak discharge the lag time?

Does a flashy hydrography have a steep rising limb and a small lag time? Does a short lag time and steep rising limb associate with a rapid increase in discharge? Does this suggest rivers would be more likely to flood?

Conversely does a flat river hydrography consist of gently inclined limbs, a low peak discharge and a long lag time?

Does continuous rainfall lead to shorter lag time? If temperatures are hot may more water be evaporated from the land, subsequently leading to the lag time being longer?

If there was impermeable geology would more water surface run-off instead of infiltrate? Does clay soil allow water to infiltrate easily? Due to clay soil becoming saturated quickly is most of the water transported overland?

What type of soil slows down flow? Does a steep drainage basin lead to water being transported quicker and having a shorter lag time?

Does a larger drainage basin increase the distance water has to travel, increasing the lag time? If there is less vegetation, does as much rainfall get intercepted; would this decrease the lag time?

As an urban area is likely to be made up of impermeable rock would the lag time be shorter for rivers in these areas?

If vegetation was to be removed for buildings would the surface run off increase, reducing the lag time? If all urban rivers were to be channelized (not have to meander) would the flow rate be higher, reducing the lag time, and making the river flashy?

If population was to increase, would the building of homes and other infrastructure increase the number of obstacles, and therefore the lag time?

Would the increase of drains and sewers increase lag time, as a result of this process involving water treatment rather than being sent straight to the river?


Yes. Yes.

Yes. Yes. Yes.

Yes. Yes.

Yes. Yes. Yes.

Yes. Yes.

Yes. Yes. Yes.


Yes. Yes.

Yes. Yes. Yes.

Dry soil. Yes.

Yes. Yes.


Yes. Yes.



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Are droughts caused by abnormal weather creating serious hydrological imbalances in a certain area? Is a deficit the lack of water for a given population? Are meteorological hazards ones based on the lack of rain?

Does a synoptic chart show places with their respective pressures? Do millibars measure air pressure from about 890mb to 1060mb?

Do isobars join places with equal sea levels? Is Enso Cycle a scientific expression to describe the temperature between ocean and atmosphere in the equatorial pacific?

Does El Niño involve abnormal conditions? Does La Niña mean extremes of the usual?

State all the types of droughts?

Does meteorological drought mean a rainfall deficit? Does this impact the water for irrigation?

Does hydrological drought mean a stream flow deficit? Does this impact the amount of water stored in lakes and reservoirs? Is this type of drought the reduction of water in all elements of the hydrological cycle?

Does agricultural drought mean a soil moisture deficit? Are rural industries affected by soil moisture deficit?

Does a famine drought mean a food deficit? Can malnutrition and related mortality increase if famine drought began?

Is the Palmer Drought Severity Index for long term drought and does it look at the duration and intensity of atmospheric conditions associated with a drought?

Is Crop Moisture Index used by farmers during growing season to monitor short term dry conditions?

Does the Palmer Hydrological Drought Index look at the impacts of drought on local hydrological cycle?

State one reason why the use of isobars to identify the pressure pattern is important? Do isobars tell us how high or low pressure is? Is low pressure mostly under 1,010? Is high pressure mostly above 1,010? Does the higher the isobar mean the higher the speed?

If difference between high and low pressure is high will air move faster to try and balance it? Do warm areas usually have low pressures, whereas what do cold pressures normally have high?

In high pressure areas does water struggle to condense, therefore creating little precipitation? Which direction does air travel around high pressure in?

If cold fronts are blue lines with triangles, and warm fronts are represented as red lines with triangles does the way they point indicate the direction the front is travelling?

Does warm air follow a warm front? When cold fronts and warm fronts meet is this a occluded front? Is this represented by a purple line with a semi circle and triangle next to each other? Is low cloud and patchy light rain associated with these?

Do crosses along blue and red lines indicate the weakening? Is rain and wind, and depressions associated with low pressure, whereas clear skies and sunshine, and anticyclones associated with high pressure?


Yes. Yes. Yes.

Yes. Yes.

Yes. Yes.

Yes. Yes.

Meteorological droughts, hydrological droughts, agricultural droughts, famine droughts.

Yes. Yes.

Yes. Yes. Yes.

Yes. Yes.

Yes. Yes.




We can use this to tell us where the wind is coming from. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes.

Yes. Yes.

Yes. Clockwise.


Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes.

Yes. Yes.

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Is abstraction the removal of water for human use? Is over abstraction when more water is removed then can be replaced?

Is an aquifer a groundwater store? Is degradation the wearing away of rock through erosive action from waves or wind?

Is primary production the creation of new organic matter by plants? Is nutrient cycling when energy is transferred between living and non-living organisms?

State one way groundwater is recharged? May forest stress differ its way of functioning? Does negative feedback loop reduce the effect of change? Does a positive feedback loop increase initial change and lead to a repetition of the cycle?

Is tipping point when small changes become significant enough to cause a critical change? Is resilience the ability to maintain functions after disturbance?

Is eutrophication when chemical fertilisers wash into the soil causing algae to bloom and reduce sunlight for everything beneath?

How many people live close to and depend on wetlands? Do wetlands act as a trap to flood water? Do wetlands protect land behind from coastal erosion?

State one factor demonstrating that droughts are a regular occurrence in Australia? Do some Australian experts believe droughts should be avoided when discussing unusual events?

Are most droughts associated with El Niño? Has east coast of Australia become drier and is climate change to blame for Big Dry of 2006?

Was the Big Dry a 1 in 1000th year occurrence that began in Australia’s agricultural heartland? How many farming families had to leave their land? Were less than 10m tonnes of wheat produced, compared to the normal 25m tonnes?

Did reservoirs fall by more than 40% of capacity despite decent water schemes in place? State one new water scheme that was produced to try and meet supply of water?

How many countries does the Sahel Region, immediately south of the Sahara contain? State the difference in annual rainfall within the Sahel Region in an average year?

How many people needed food assistance during the Ethiopian-Eritrean Drought in 1999-2000? Did socio-economic conditions associated with environmental degradation exacerbate the impacts? How often does the rural population in Sahel Region double?

Did Political instability during the Ethiopian-Eritrean mean food aid was blocked?


Yes. Yes.

Yes. Yes.

Yes. Yes.

By rainfall. Yes. Yes. Yes.

Yes. Yes.


300-400 million people. Yes. Yes.

Affects 30% of the country on average each year. Yes.

Yes. Yes.

Yes. 10,000. Yes.

Yes. Desalination plants.

  1. 100mm on the northern edge and 800mm on the southern margins.

10m. Yes. 20-30 years.


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Is flood frequency calculated by T (recurrence interval) = n (number of years of observation) +1/ m (rank order)?

Is the flood return period the average number of years between floods of a given size?

Will floods with the highest magnitude (severity) have the longest return time, for example once in every 500 years?

Does the calculation only take historical data into consideration?

If a flood has a flood return period of once in every ten years, is there a 10% chance of happening in any one year?

Will LICs suffer from post flood morbidity due to secondary flood hazards? What % of flood deaths occurs in Asia?

Is flood depth linked to mortality due to people not knowing how to swim and drowning? Do crops and livestock suffer major damage due to having their roots washed away? How many deaths were floods during the period of 1900-2010 responsible for? How many people have been impacted by floods during this time?

Can standing water in tropical areas cause mosquitos and malaria? Can intense flooding lead to over supplies and possible eutrophication? Can floods recharge groundwater systems and move nutrients around the landscape?

Can heavy flooding lead to the polluting of nitrates in rivers?







Yes. 90%.

Yes. Yes. 200,000. 3b.

Yes. Yes. Yes.


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How many people died during the 2003 European heatwave? How many of these were in France alone? How many were suffering from heatstroke in hospital per day?

Is degradation when the beauty or quality of something is destroyed?

Does a flood occur when water levels exceed bankfull discharge? Is groundwater flood when the level of water within the rock and soil (water table) rises? Is the water table the upper level of the underground surface?

Is surface water flood when rainwater is unable to infiltrate, overwhelming the drainage basin? Is a jökulhlaup a sudden and large increase in glacier meltwater streams? Is flash flood rapid flooding of low lying areas?

Is a monsoon a seasonal change in the direction of prevailing winds?

Did the Germany 2021 floods cause lots of infrastructure such as railway lines, bridges, and sewage plants to be damaged? Were houses affected and was there concern that the Steinbach dam, south of Cologne may break? How many deaths were there in Germany?

Were these floods caused by low pressure air over Central Europe and burning fossil fuels?

State 2 places the impacts of the 2007 UK floods were particularly felt? How many millions worth of important national infrastructure and essential services were destroyed? Were 140,000 homes without normal water supply for 2 weeks?

How many schools across Yorkshire and Humbershire suffered damage? How much did the total costs amount to? Did this June flooding follow on from a very dry April?


30,000. 16,000. 500.


Yes. Yes. Yes.

Yes. Yes. Yes.


Yes. Yes. 165 deaths.


South and East Yorkshire, and Oxfordshire. 674m. Yes.

  1. 1b. Yes.
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Does futures involve what could happen and how people might be affected?

Is casualty a person who is hurt or killed in a war or another destructive event? Is a system a collection of elements that are organised for a common purpose?

Is a threshold an amount, level or limit on a scale? Does a teleconnection show how various elements of a climate cycle are connected?

Is intensification an increase in strength or magnitude? Is acceleration the quicker rate of the thing that is happening?

Is enhancement an addition to what is already happening in the water cycle? Is a positive feedback loop when one change leads to more changes?

Will climate change affect the amount of run-off? Is precipitation intensity a larger proportion of rainfall in shorter amount of time?

In the northern hemisphere does an earlier arrival of warm conditions lead to more melting? Has temperatures led to increase drying of land? Did the Palmer Drought Severity Index state that there were harsher conditions in the Sahel between 1900 and 2002?

Where was this the opposite? What year range did Scandinavia and Russia experience less droughts in?

Has the process of anthropogenic emissions in the atmosphere ultimately led to higher air temperatures and evaporation, subsequently leading to more precipitation in low lying areas causing floods?

Has the increase in air temperature also caused a rise in droughts and decreased snow, permafrost, and ice cover?

Does the loss of snow as a store threaten many communities in the Himalayas? Are oscillations leading to unpredictable rainfall patterns? Is an increase in droughts and floods a major concern for crops?

When will temperature changes in the UK become most evident? Will rainfall events become more intense? When air temperature increases will cold water species decrease, causing a rise in invasive (not native) species?

May climate change increase the flooding of estuaries? Will sea levels rise by between 0.4-1m by 2100? Will urban areas see more flash flooding?

Is modelling climate change difficult due to everything only being partly understood? Do high temperatures speed up water cycle?



Yes. Yes.

Yes. Yes.

Yes. Yes.

Yes. Yes.

Yes. Yes.

Yes. Yes. Yes.

South America and Central America.1960-2002.



Yes. Yes. Yes.

Summer. Yes, but annual rainfall will not change much. Yes.

Yes. Yes. Yes.

Yes. Yes.

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Is there water stress in a location if there is less than 1,700m^3 per yer per person? Is there water scarcity if water levels are below 1,000m^3 per person per year?

Is absolute water scarcity below 500m^3 per capita per year?

Is virtual water invisible water that is consumed? Is the water gap the gap between global water supply and demand?

Has there been a growing disparity (unfairness) between water use and population growth? By 2025 how many people will be living in conditions under absolute water scarcity? How much of the world’s population might be living under water stress conditions?

What percentage of global population consumes 80% of global water? Does 25% of global population drink water contaminated by faeces? How much of the world’s water is used in agriculture?

Which countries are most vulnerable to water supply? If a country is in a time of crisis will they have to sell water to become more stable, increasing vulnerability?

Is renewable fresh water most common in countries such as Canada, Brazil, and Russia? State one country with a high water insecurity level? Are there countries in Central Africa with high levels of water?

If data on a water supply map was only based on one year, could this be different to their normal water level and therefore be unreliable?

Do low pressure zones of mid-latitudes and equatorial regions have most rain making them secure? In the hydrological cycle is climate variability determined by topography and geology?

Is salt water enrichment the movement of saline water into aquifers? Does groundwater pumping at water wells lower water table and allow salt water into aquifers? Does thermal expansion of sea allow saltwater to intrude further inland?

Do many island nations rely on aquifers for the majority of their fresh water? What % of fresh water in Samoa comes from aquifers? Are they considering moving to locations such as New Zealand?

In the 1960s was the Green Revolution invented in order to develop more agricultural land per acre? Does the reliance on pesticides for production mean more nutrients created by fertilisers are washed into the rivers, through eutrophication?

Do these nutrients cause algae to grow, disabling organisms from below to get necessary sunlight to grow? Therefore are many pesticides now banned in the developed world?

Is the pollutant asbestos a serious health issue and carcinogenic (promotes formation of cancer)? How much waste water in developing countries discharges into rivers? Is 3b litres dumped daily? How many effluents reach the Ganges? Is the amount of waste being discharged expected to rise by more than 100% in next 20 years?

Globally how many people rely on groundwater? How much is groundwater likely to be developed by in Delhi? What percentage of Indian groundwater is used in irrigation and industrial respectively?

State one landlocked country that will suffer less from saltwater encroachment? What land masses do high pressure countries normally contain? Could over-abstraction for one use cause water stress in a country?

In July 2010 did the United Nations General Assembly for the human right to water and sanitation state that every human should have sufficient water for personal and domestic use (between 50 and 100 litres per person per day), which must be safe, accessible and affordable (should not exceed 3% of household income)? Should this water also be physically accessible to all (collection time should not exceed 30 mins)?

In 2010 how much accessible freshwater was being used?


Yes. Yes.


Yes. Yes.

Yes. 1.8b people. 2/3 of the population.

12%. Yes. 70%.

Sub Sahara. Yes.

Yes. Morocco. Yes.


Yes. Yes.

Yes. Yes. Yes.

Yes. 35%. Yes.

Yes. Yes.

Yes. Yes.

Yes. 90%. Yes. 12%. Yes.

2.5b people. More than 100%. 89% and 2%.

Kenya. Deserts. Yes.

Yes. Yes.


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Does physical water scarcity mean a lack of surface and groundwater? Does economic scarcity mean not having the economic ability to have access to the water despite it being there? Is water poverty index ways to measure the scarcity?

Is a choropleth map a thematic map, where each region is shaded according to the range of interest?

Are two factors affecting the price of water whether the water supply is subsidised and the amount of rainfall?

As a result of New York having less agriculture than London, would they be able to supply water elsewhere lowering the price for other uses? Would the difficulty of gaining the water supply make the price of the water increase?

How much of Syria’s population is below the poverty line and how much of Turkmenistan’s population is below the poverty line?

Is most of Ukraine’s population above the poverty line despite their country currently being in a war state, where most people are unable to gain any income?

If someones wealth increased would their ability to pay for clean water also increase?


Yes. Yes. Yes.



Yes. Yes.

82.5% and 0.2%.



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Is the ‘Battery of Asia’ the country that supplies energy to other countries in order to develop?

How many people live in the Mekong’s drainage basin? As Vietnam is where the delta is, if dam is built and sediment is unable to be transported, does the delta go underwater?

Do 13m Vietnamese not have access to clean water? How many people in farmlands are affected by water stress?

State one human factor contributing to water scarcity along the Mekong? If the land is flatter does water take longer to flow therefore possibly causing water scarcity?

Without water would people be unable to farm and live below poverty line? If there was no longer water how much of the world’s fish supply would be lost? Without Mekong would as many goods be transported? If water decreased would there be less hydro power?

Without the Mekong is South East Asia unable to produce 17b dollars from their fishing industry per year? Does the money generated from the dam building in Laos mainly go to developer (China)?

Without the Mekong would biodiversity reduce? In 1994 did a dam limit the amount of fish migrating? Do communities rely on fish farming?

Is there conflict because China has failed to join the Mekong Commission? Is China increasing hydro power in their country and decreasing elsewhere? Is economic development increasing in China but stationary elsewhere?



60 million people. Yes.

Yes. 2.5m people.

Building dams in the upstream. Yes.

Yes. 1/4. Yes. Yes.

Yes. Yes.

Yes. Yes. Yes.

Yes. Yes. Yes.

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Is the Nile the longest river on earth? Name the two main branches the Nile is made up of? How much of its discharge is made by the Blue Nile? Is the actual river formed at Khartoum in Sudan?

How much of global water crisis is happening in Ethiopia? How much of their population live in places of high water stress? Do they aim to not have any water, sanitation, or hygiene problems by 2030?

Did the prime minister struggle to maintain control over the water crisis? Were people forced to dig up wells? Did Ethiopia have their worst drought for 50 years after 3 dry rainy seasons?

Is the Nile Basin the main water source in Ethiopia? How much of Ethiopia’s population is in the agriculture industry?

Does data suggest Ethiopia as one of the fastest growing economies? Do they have a current growth rate of 9.5% per year? Has the water stress decreased agricultural productivity by 10%? Will Ethiopia be unable to finish scheme of putting up 4b trees?

How much is Egypts reliance on the Nile likely to increase by in the next 30 years? Does Nile supply Egypt with 90% of their water?

Were 300m people living along the Nile in 2017? Do human interventions make water become much less equal? Has the Aswan Dam reduced amount of water in Ethiopia stunting its growth? Does Water Aid provide Ethiopia with the resources they are without?


Yes. Blue Nile and White Nile. 85%. Yes.

7.5%. 25%. Yes.

Yes. Yes. Yes.

Yes. 80-85%.

Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes.

25%. Yes.

Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes.

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State one country the Aral Sea drainage basin encompasses? Since the 1960s has the drainage basin already shrank to half its normal self? State two countries which have a shortage in water due to the lack flowing in the Aral Sea?

Has the Soviet Union diverging Aral Sea caused a deficiency in irrigation techniques in Central Asia? State one physical factor that affects the amount of discharge in the Aral Sea?

Does the Aral Sea help with fishing stocks? Is the salt content rising in the drainage basin killing organisms? Due to inadequate water supplies have people started to migrate, affecting the local economy? Does desiccation of Aral Sea cause more dust?

Is there conflict over the amount of water received between countries? Can factors that are not even caused by humans still cause a lot of tension between all the countries reliant on the Aral Sea?

Did the Soviet Union deliberately deprive the Aral Sea of its two main tributaries? Is ASEAN meant to control the even spread of goods in Asia?

Is tide aid when you can have aid under certain conditions? Did water used to be provided by local government?

State 2 ways water poverty index is measured?

Is the resources the physical availability and quality, and is capacity the effectiveness of water management to ensure afford?


Uzbekistan. Yes. Uzbekistan and Kazakstan.

Yes. Global warming.

Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes.

Yes. Yes.

Yes. Yes.

Yes. Yes.

Resources and Capacity.


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Is a user someone who consumes something in that region? Are players different groups of people who are affected by or involved in making decisions? Are trans-boundary water sources stores of water shared by more than one country?

Is techno-fix addressing large scale, complex problems with technological solutions which frequently cause problems to sustainability? Is desalination the process by which dissolved mineral salts in water are removed?

Is rainwater harvesting is the collection of rainwater that would otherwise flow down gutters and into the drain? Is recycled water highly treated wastewater that has been filtered to remove solids and other impurities, as well as disinfected by water treatment plants?

Is sustainability long lasting and maintaining resources for future uses? Is grey water water that has already been used domestically, commercially, or industrially?

Is top down when a government comes up with one scheme that either positively or negatively affects everyone? Is bottom up lots of individual projects?

Can desalinisation help manage water supplies? Will water being managed reduce conflict, meet demand, prevent exploitation from private corporations, and lead to sustainability?

How many desalination schemes are there globally? Is the desalination plant in Saudi Arabia called the Ras al-Khair? How many plants are in Israel? Is the running of these very energy intensive?

How much is a plant? Might the desalination process contaminate the groundwater? Does the desalination process provide water for agriculture?

Is an example of a mega dam the Three Gorges Dam in China? Do mega dams displace lots of people? How many residents did the Three Gorges Dam displace? Can the reservoir built behind a dam be used for water sports and to attract tourists?

Have dams flooded the land mass the size of California and affected a population the same size as Germany?

Is water transfer the physical movement of water on any scale, in order to satisfy human needs? Is the Chinese South-North water transfer an example? How much is this transfer example going to transfer and how much is the state funding for the project?

Does the navigation of water transfers become difficult during the monsoons? Using the transfers are you able to balance supply and demand over large distances?


Yes. Yes. Yes.

Yes. Yes.

Yes. Yes.

Yes. Yes.

Yes. Yes.

Yes. Yes.

14,000. Yes. 5. Yes.

$80 million. Yes. Yes.

Yes. Yes. 1.3 million people. Yes.


Yes. Yes. 44.8b m^3 per year and 60%.

Yes. Yes.

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Is one reason Singapore has water scarcity because it has limited land for the collection and storage of rainwater? Had Malaysia’s traditional supply of 80% of Singapore’s water halved in 2010 following Singapore’s national water agency creating a diversified water supply, leading to less water needing to be imported? Is one of these new ways of getting fresh water through NEWater, which can take recycled water and use advanced technologies to make it safe to drink?

Has Singapore reached an agreement with Malaysia to continue to import until 2061? Can Singapore’s new 4 NEWater plants meet up to 30% of the nation’s water needs? By 2060 does Singapore’s National Water Agency (PUB) aim to meet 55% of their needs?

Has Water Aid in Uganda trained local builders to construct rainwater harvesters? Does smart irrigation (programmed schedule) conserve water without a significant reduction in crop yield?

Is one reason why superpowers may not need to put into water management programmes to control the amount of water because they can generally afford to import water from countries that have higher volumes of it? Due to the superpowers getting most of their water from elsewhere would less water be needed from their own country, suggesting it would have to be less closely managed?

When there is a question about sustainability do you need to think about whether it will last, is it eco-friendly, does it benefit everyone, is it bottom up?


Yes. Yes. Yes.

Yes. Yes. Yes.

Yes. Yes.

Yes. Yes.



Is the Integrated Water Resource Management when all stakeholders come together to form an agreed solution? Is the Colorado Impact an old 1922 agreement which has since been followed by many others?

How many states does the Colorado River drain? Does it contain 11 dams and provide water for 50 million Americans? What capacity was Lake Powell and Lake Mead at in 2016? Has increased demand declined the storage? How long has the drainage basin been in a persistent drought?

Should Farmers and US federal government have any conflict due to the Colorado Basin? Is this because farmers produce large amount of income for this region? Does the government ensure farmers receive the necessary amount of water?

Could indigenous groups and the US federal government potentially have conflict because the government maybe supplying water to other stakeholders instead of allowing more to indigenous people? Could this affect indigenous people as they feel like they should have their right of land?

Are farmers in California getting 20% more water than they actually need? In 1922 was water allocated by state? What year did the Hoover dam and Lake Mead get complete? What year was a deal agreed that Mexico could receive water from the Colorado?

In 1956 was there a lack of consideration about the water deficit not meeting all allocations? After the lower basin used all their water allocation for the first time were states left to find other ways of collecting water?

In 2007 was there an agreement reached that all surpluses and deficits of countries should be the same? Does Minute 139 allow Mexico to store some water in Lake Mead to increase effort for drought preparedness?

In 1992 did UNECE promote joint management and conservation of shared freshwater ecosystems in Europe and neighbouring regions?

Does the Helsinki Rules regulate how rivers and their connected groundwaters that cross international boundaries are used? Was this founded in 1966?

Do the Berlin Rules founded in 2004 replace the Helsinki rules by making rules relating to how freshwater resources are used within and on international boundaries?

Do the current difficulties in the Nile Basin illustrate the difficulties in implementing the Berlin Rules and the global challenge to achieve global water sharing?

State three water sharing treaties that have been made?


Yes. Yes.

Eight. Yes. 43%. Yes. Since 2000.

No. Yes. Yes.

Yes. Yes.

Yes. Yes. 1937. 1944.

Yes. Yes.

Yes. Yes.


Yes. Yes.



United Nations Economic Commission for Europe, Helsinki Rules, and Berlin Rules.