O&G - General (History Taking and Examinations) Flashcards


Sexual History

Presenting Complaints
Menstrual History
Sexual Contact History
HIV Risk Assessment
Other Histories
  1. ) Presenting Complaints
    - females (see gynae hx): pain, bleeding, discharge, vulval irritation, systemic sx, other sx
    - male: testicular pain/swelling, itching and/or sore skin, anogenital skin lesions, urethral discharge, dysuria
    - hx of PC: type, site, timing, onset, duration, cyclical? exacerbating/relieving factors, previous episodes

2.) Menstrual History - see gynae history

  1. ) Sexual Contact History - enquire about last 3 months
    - timing of last sexual contact, was this consensual?
    - regular sexual partner or a one-off casual encounter
    - clarify the sex of the patient and country of origin
    - type of sex: penetrative? oral? drugs? no of people?
    - contraception: type, consistency, any issues
    - repeat questions for other sexual partners
  2. ) HIV Risk Assessment - about partners/sex type
    - partners: HIV+, MSM, bisexual man, transactional sex
    - location: someone abroad or born in different country
    - drugs: injected drugs? previous partners injected?
  3. ) Other Histories - PMH, DH, SH, FH, ICE
    - PMH: STIs, vaccines (HepB/A, HPV), gynae hx inc cervical screening, obstetric hx,
    - DH: contraception, HRT, recent abx use, allergies
    - SH: smoking, alcohol, recreational drug use, diet and weight, occupation, tattoos abroad
    - FH: STIs e.g. HIV, hepatitis, malignancy
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Gynaecological Presenting Complaints

Vulval Itching/Soreness
Other Symptoms
  1. ) Pain
    - abdominal/pelvic pain: ectopic pregnancy, ruptured ovarian cyst, endometriosis, PID, ovarian torsion
    - superficial dyspareunia: genital herpes, vaginismus, lichen sclerosis, vaginal atrophy/menopause
    - deep dyspareunia: STI (gonorrhoea and chlamydia), PID, UTI, endometriosis, malignancy
  2. ) Bleeding - abnormal vaginal bleeding
    - intermenstrual: contraception (IUS), ovulation, STI, miscarriage, perimenopause, fibroids, malignancy
    - post-coital: ectropion, cervical cancer, STI, vaginitis
    - post-menopausal: vaginal atrophy, HRT, STI, malignancy (uterine, cervical, vaginal)
  3. ) Discharge - abnormal vaginal discharge
    - gonorrhoea and chlamydia
    - bacterial vaginosis: white and watery, strong fishy smell, w/o any soreness or irritation
    - trichomonas vaginalis: yellow frothy discharge with associated vaginal itching and irritation
    - candida: white, thick/curd-like, itchy, no smell
  4. ) Vulval Itching/Soreness
    - chlamydia, gonorrhoea, genital herpes
    - Candida (thrush), vaginal atrophy, lichen sclerosis
  5. ) Other Symptoms
    - urinary sx: frequency, urgency and dysuria
    - bowel sx: change in bowel habit or pain during defecation can be associated with endometriosis
    - abdominal distension: ascites due to ovarian cancer?
    - fever (PID), fatigue and weight loss (malignancy)
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Gynaecological History

Presenting Complaints
Menstrual History
Specific Gynae Questions 
Obstetric History
Other Histories
  1. ) Presenting Complaints
    - pain: abdo/pelvic, dyspareunia (superficial, deep)
    - bleeding: intermenstrual, postmenopausal, postcoital
    - discharge: volume, consistency, colour, smell
    - vulval itching and/or anogenital skin changes
    - systemic sx: fever, fatigue/weight loss, rash, arthralgia
    - other sx: urinary/bowel sx, anal discharge
  2. ) Menstrual History
    - duration: average is 5 days, >7 is prolonged
    - cycle length (28 +/- 7 days), is it consistent?
    - LMP: date of the first day of your LMP
    - blood flow: heavier than usual? blood clots (>10p coin)? impact on day to day life
    - pain: more painful than usual? affecting QoL?
    - age at menarche, menopause, menopause sx
  3. ) Specific Gynae Questions
    - sexually active? contraception: type and brand name, previous types
    - HRT: duration, method, cyclical? combined?
    - reproductive plans: currently trying or in the future
    - past gynae conditions or surgeries
    - cervical screening: date, result, HPV vaccine
  4. ) Obstetric History
    - gravidity and parity
    - current pregnancy: gestation, sx, complications
    - previous pregnancies: age of children, birth weight, mode of delivery, complications, breastfeeding?
  5. ) Other Histories - PMH, DH, FH, SH, ICE
    - PMH: bleeding disorders, cancer, VTE, migraines
    - DH: contraceptives, HRT, NSAIDs, GnRH analogues
    - FH: cancer (ovarian, endometrial, breast), bleeding disorders, blood clots, diabetes
    - SH: general social context, smoking, alcohol, recreational drugs, diet and weight, occupation
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Obstetric History

  1. ) Key Pregnancy Details - age, gravidity, parity,
    - gestational age, gravidity (no. of pregnancies regardless of outcome), parity (no of births >24wks)
  2. ) Presenting Complaints
    - N+V: commonly mild, often resolves around 20wk, if persistent and severe can -> hyperemesis gravidarum
    - reduced fetal movements: women start to feel fetal movements between 16-24 wks, always enquire
    - vaginal bleeding or discharge: take a mini gynae hx
    - urinary sx: UTIs common in pregnancy
    - pre-eclampsia sx: headaches, visual disturbance, swelling, epigastric pain, reduced fetal movements
    - other sx: fever, fatigue, weight loss, pruritus
  3. ) Current Pregnancy
    - gestational age, single or multiple? planned mode of delivery, use of folic acid, illnesses during pregnancy,
    - scan results: growth, placental position, anomalies
    - screening result (inc GDM), rhesus status, immunisation history
    - MH history: should be screened for psychiatric illness
  4. ) Previous Obstetric History
    - gravidity and parity, gestation of any stillbirths
    - term pregnancies: gestation at delivery, birth weight, mode of delivery, complications, assisted reproduction
    - miscarriage: gestation, how and why?
    - abortion: gestation, method
    - ectopic: site, management method
  5. ) Other Histories
    - PMH: gynae hx, DM, hypothyroidism, VTE, epilepsy, blood-borne viruses, genetic diseases,
    - DH: teratogenic drugs
    - FH: diabetes, genetic diseases, pre-eclampsia,
    - SH: general social context, smoking, alcohol, diet and weight, occupation, recreational drugs, domestic abuse
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Obstetric Presenting Complaints

Nausea and Vomiting
Reduced Fetal Movements
Vaginal Bleeding or Discharge
Urinary Symptoms
Pre-Eclampsia Symptoms
Other Symptoms
  1. ) Nausea and Vomiting
    - commonly mild, often resolves around 20wk, if persistent and severe can -> hyperemesis gravidarum
  2. ) Reduced Fetal Movements - women start to feel fetal movements between 16-24 wks, always enquire
    - if at 24wks have not yet felt fetal movements, they should be referred to a maternal fetal medicine unit
    - if >28wks, a handheld doppler is used to identify a HR (and CTG monitoring for >20 mins), if not present, an US must be performed

3.) Vaginal Bleeding or Discharge - take mini gynae hx

  1. ) Urinary Symptoms - UTIs common in pregnancy
    - dysuria, frequency, urgency, fever
  2. ) Pre-Eclampsia Symptoms
    - headaches, visual disturbance, swelling, epigastric pain, reduced fetal movements
  3. ) Other Symptoms
    - fever, fatigue, weight loss, pruritus
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