Ophthalmic Issues in FA Flashcards
What are the congenital ophthalmic issues in FA?
Nasolacrimal system defects
You are called to a farm to evaluate a 1-day old calf, and upon PE you notice this ocular lesion. What is it and what is it caused by?

Juvenile cataracts
Dt BVD (or herpes)
What is this lesion in the 1 day old calf?

Juvenile panuveitis
What is this in the 2 day old calf?

Septic keratitis
This calf will be systemically ill
What is an entropion and what can be done to correct this?
Entropion=inverted eyelid
Tx: inject saline to elevate lower lid away from the cornea; hemoclips to pull away from the eye; sx correction if needed
What is this and what is the tx?

Corneal dermoid
Tx: cryotherapy or sx
What is this and what does it affect?
What age group does this commonly occur in?
What is the tx?

Squamous Cell Carcinoma (most common tumor)- locally invasice affecting LN and orbital bones
Older, white faced cattle
Tx: sx excision, enucleation
Top 5 reasons for condemnation
What infectious disease is associated with this abnormality?
What is the source of infection?

Malignant catarrhal fever- blue eye (corneal edema)
Source: inapparent carrier sheep
What is the most likely cause of the exophthalmos in this cow?

Lymphosarcoma in the retrobulbar tissue (caused by BLV)
What is the Etx, source, transmission, CS, prevention and Tx?

Infectious keratoconjunctivitis
Etx: Moraxella bovis
Source: Carriers
Transmission: Flies
CS: Central ulcer, reflex uveitis, aqueous flare
Prevention: pasture management, fly management and vaccines
Tx: subconjunctival/bulbar PPG
What is this in small ruminants and what is the cause?

Small ruminant keratoconjunctivitis
Etx: Chlamydophila pecorum, Mycoplasma conjunctivae, Branhamella ovis
Tx: Systemic oxytetracycline, intrammamary ab, terramycin topical
What is this and what do you do to tx it?

Peripheral corneal edema
Caused by infectious bovine rhinotracheitis
Let it run its cours