Second Barons War Flashcards




Henry III became king at 9 years old and was forced to sign Magna Carta. He took personal control in 1234, when he became an adult. Henry III increased foreign warfare. He paid money to Pope Innocent IV to help him fight wars in Europe. He also increased taxes to fund more campaigns in France. In 1245, Henry waged war in Brittany and Gascony and lost, returning to England.

Simon de Montfort was a powerful baron, married to the sister of Henry III (Eleanor). Had lost land in the war and wanted it back. In 1248, Montfort was in France, campaigning successfully, but Henry intervened, sending his son Edward to France to take charge, angering Montfort.

Henry had close ties with the French due to his marriage, and he allowed French men into parliament. His tutor and adviser Peter de Roches was also French. Henry III also gave jobs in the Church to Italian clergy.

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Montfort had led the barons to calling a Great Council in 1258, where the king was required to agree to the Provisions of Oxford.

A council of 15 barons would be in charge of the Great Council, elected by 24 men, 12 appointed by the king and the barons respectively. The Provisions meant that the barons could make decisions without the king but the king could not make decisions without them.

Foreign members of the royal household would be banished, castles would be held by Englishmen, each county would have a sheriff and taxes would be decided locally.

In October 1259, the Provisions were extended, with the Provisions of Westminster, reforming local government, which threatened some of the barons’ power. This split the barons.

Henry saw a chance and rejected the Provisions of Oxford. In 1261, the Pope confirmed that Henry could be released from them. He appointed his own men to the council, De Montfort went to France in protest. In 1264, the barons sent for De Montfort, which started the Second Barons’ War.

De Montfort and his men were victorious at the Battle of Lewes in 1264, capturing the king and imprisoning his son, Edward. After the battle of Lewes, Montfort assumed control, which destabilised political support. Some barons worry that he is becoming too powerful, others were angry that Montfort had appointed his own friends and allies to the council.

Simon reconfirmed Magna Carta and the Provisions of Oxford. When Montfort called a Council in 1265, he included burgesses and knights from every county. Burgesses were the growing merchant classes, and considered low born. The Barons released Prince Edward, who raised an army, defeating Montfort at the Battle of Evesham in August 1265. Simon de Montfort was chopped into pieces, which were sent around the country.

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Long Term: The king’s power was not totally challenged until the English Revolution when Parliament gained more control than the monarch in 1688.
Women waited for a long time for their voices to be heard as only in 1928 men and women above age 21 were allowed to vote without property restrictions.

Short Term: Henry ruled until 1272 and never called another Great Council
When Edward became Edward I, however, he had learned from the conflict. In 1295, he called the Model Parliament.
This was the first parliament that resembled our parliament today, with invited aristocrats and elected commoners

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