Thorax Flashcards


Anterior Mediastinum



* Anteriorly: sternum, transverse thoracic, 5th-7th costal cartilages
* Inferiorly: diaphragm
* Superiorly: thoracic plane
* Posteriorly: pericardium
* Laterally: mediastinal pleura


Loose areolar tissue
Lymph nodes
Small mediastinal branches of the internal thoracic artery
Thymus (involuted in adults)
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*  Azygos (venous) system is a collective term given to the H-shaped configuration of the azygos, hemiazygos, accessory hemiazygos veins and left superior intercostal vein
*  Responsible for draining the thoracic wall and upper lumbar region
*  Provides important collateral circulation between the SVC and IVC should they become obstructed


*  Azygos

	*  formed by the union of the right ascending lumbar vein and the right subcostal veins at the level of T12
	*  enters the thorax through the aortic hiatus in the diaphragm, and passes along the right side of the vertebral column
	*  in the aortic hiatus, it lies with the thoracic duct on the right side of the aorta
	*  in the thorax it lies upon the intercostal arteries
	*  arching over the right main bronchus at T5-T6
	*  ends: by emptying into the SVC at T4
*  Hemiazygos

	*  formed by the confluence of the left ascending lumbar vein and the left subcostal veins (sometimes communicates with the left renal vein)
	*  enters the thorax through the left crus of the diaphragm
	*  receives the lower left intercostal veins
	*  ascends on the left side of the vertebral column as high as T9 and then passes across the column, behind the aorta, esophagus, and thoracic duct, to end in the azygos vein
*  Accessory hemiazygos

	*  formed by veins of 3 or 4 intercostal veins below the superior intercostal vein
	*  descends on the left side of the vertebral column
	*  either crosses the body of T8 to empty into the azygos or hemiazygos vein


*  Azygos
right ascending lumbar vein
subcostal vein
5th to 11th right intercostal veins
right superior intercostal vein (which drains 2nd to 4th intercostal veins)
hemiazygos vein (and sometimes accessory hemiazygos vein)
some oesophageal veins
right bronchial vein
left ascending lumbar vein
left subcostal vein
9th to 11th left posterior intercostal veins
some oesophageal veins
Accessory hemiazygos
5th to 8th left posterior intercostal veins
left bronchial vein
some oesophageal veins


*  Azygos
absence of the azygos vein (rare)
azygos continuation of the IVC
azygos occasionally opens into the right brachiocephalic or the right subclavian veins
can groove the right lung before entering the SVC: azygos lobe/fissure
	*  hemiazygos continuation of the IVC (often occurs with duplicated IVC)
*  Accessory hemiazygos

	*  drains via a common trunk with the hemiazygos vein into the azygos vein
	*  forms a common trunk with the hemiazygos vein that passes anterior to the aorta called the interazygos vein
	*  drains directly into the left brachocephalic vein (rare)
	*  may communicate with left superior intercostal vein
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*  The breast is an apocrine gland in both males and females
*  In females it is responsible for the production of milk
*  Composed of adipose and glandular tissue
*  Suspensory Cooper's ligaments and connective tissue

	*  Retromammary space directly posteriorly
Cooper's ligament attach the breast to skin anteriorly and pectoralis fascia/serratus posterior fascia posteriorly
Adult breast has nearly multiple lactiferous lobules -> lactiferous ducts -> lactiferous sinus -> nipple-areola complex
Areola contain sebatious glands
	*  superior: clavicle
	*  inferior: middle of sternum
	*  lateral: midaxillary line
	*  medial: sternum
	*  axillary tail: extension of breast tissue into the axilla 


*  Overlies pectoralis major, serratus anterior

Arterial supply:

*  Internal thoracic perforators (through 2nd and 3rd intercostal spaces)
*  Lateral thoracic artery (branch of axillary artery)
*  Pectoral branch of the thoracoacromial artery (branch of axillary artery)
*  Intercostal perforators

Venous drainage:

Internal thoracic vein
Axillary vein
Posterior intercostal veins

Lymphatic drainage:

*  Three pathways: axillary, internal mammary, retromammary
*  75% of lymph drainage passes to the axillary nodes (mainly anterior and posterior nodes)
*  Remaining drainage is mainly to the parasternal nodes along the internal thoracic artery (medial side) and to the posterior intercostal nodes


*  Thoracic intercostal nerve T3-T5
*  Supraclavicular nerve from the cervical plexus


Breast hypoplasia: underdevelopment of the breast
Amastia: absence of breast tissue, nipple or areola
Amazia: absence of glandular parenchyma
Polythelia: supranumerary nipple
Polymastia: accessory breast tissue
Variations with hormonal level (puberty, pregnancy, post-menopause)
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Congenital diaphragm hernias


Congenital diaphragmatic hernia (CDH):

*  Congenital malformation of the diaphragm
*  Malformation of the diaphragm allows the abdominal organs to push into the chest cavity, hindering proper lung formation
*  CDH is a life-threatening pathology in infants, major cause of death due to two complications: pulmonary hypoplasia and pulmonary hypertension

Bochdalek hernia

hole in the postero-lateral corner of the diaphragm which allows passage of the abdominal viscera into the chest cavity
most common manifestation of CDH
Morgagni hernia
	*  herniation through the foramina of Morgagni which are located immediately adjacent and posterior to the xiphoid process of the sternum
*  Agenesis of diaphragm

	*  all or part of diaphragm fails to form
*  Diaphragm eventration

	*  abnormal elevation of part or all of an otherwise intact diaphragm into the chest cavity
	*  occurs because in the region of eventration the diaphragm is thinner
	*  allows the abdominal viscera to protrude upwards
*  Central tendon defect
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Coronary Arteries



*  The coronary arteries supply the myocardium with oxygenated blood


*  Arise just distal to the aortic valve from the coronary sinuses


*  Left coronary artery

	*  arises from left coronary sinus
	*  short common stem (left main) before dividing into the LCx and LAD (occassionally trifurcates with third branch being ramus intermedius)
	*  LCx runs in the left atrioventricular groove (with the great cardiac vein)
	*  LAD passes towards the apex in the anterior interventricular groove (also alongside great cardiac vein)
	*  in left dominant hearts, the LCx supplies the posterior descending artery (8%)
*  Right coronary artery

	*  arises from the right coronary sinus
	*  runs in the right atrioventricular groove to the inferior surface of the heart
	*  turns anteriorly to run in the posterior interventricular groove as the posterior descending artery (92%)


diagonal branches
septal perforators
obtuse marginal branches
left posterolateral branch
conus artery
sinoatrial artery
atrioventricular artery
marginal arteries
posterior descending artery
posterior left ventricular branch


*  LAD: anterolateral myocardium and apex, anterior two-thirds of the interventricular septum
*  LCx: lateral and posterolateral walls of the left ventricle
*  RCA: pulmonary outflow tract (conus artery), SA node, AV node, anterior wall of the right ventricle, inferior wall of both ventricles and the inferior 1/3 of the interventricular septum

Some variants:

*  Left circumflex arising from the RCA
*  Left circumflex and LAD having separate origins
*  One coronary artery arising from the aorta
RCA branches off the LCA
LCA branches off the RCA
RCA, LCA or both coronary arteries branching off the pulmonary trunk
Left dominant circulation
Conus artery arising separately
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Coronary Veins



*  The coronary veins return blood from the myocardium back to the right atrium
*  Coronary venous anatomy is highly variable, but is generally comprised of:

	*  coronary sinus: 

		*  wide venous channel situated in the posterior part of the coronary sulcus
		*  Drains into right atrium between SVC opening and tricus valve
	*  cardiac veins (drain into the coronary sinus)

		*  great cardiac vein: ascends to drain along the anterior longitudinal sulcus (adjacent to LAD)
		*  middle cardiac vein: ascends in the posterior longitudinal sulcus (with posterior interventricular artery)
		*  small cardiac vein: runs in the coronary sulcus between the right atrium and ventricle (with RCA)
		*  posterior left ventricular vein: runs on the diaphragmatic surface of the left ventricle
		*  Marginal vein of the left ventricle
		*  oblique vein of the left atrium: descends on the back of the left atrium
	*  thebesian veins (drain directly into the right atrium)

		*  anterior cardiac veins
		*  venae chordis minimae arise in the muscular wall of the heart

Variant anatomy:

*  Coronary sinus may act as a conduit between a persistent left SVC and the right atrium
*  Coronary sinus may drain into the left atrium (causing right to left shunt)
*  Great cardiac vein may drain into the SVC or left brachiocephalic via the oblique vein of Marshall
*  Great cardiac vein may drain into the azygous vein
*  Cardiac veins may converge to empty into a common opening or directly into the right atrium
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* Diaphragm is a dome-shaped fibromuscular septum which separates the thoracic from the abdominal cavity
* Important for breathing

Muscle slips can be grouped according to their origins:

	*  sternal: arises from two strips under the xiphoid process
	*  costal: arise from the inner surfaces of the costal cartilages of ribs 6-12 on either side (interdigitates with transversus abdominis)
	*  lumbar: arise from the lubocostal arches and from the crura
*  Two paired tendinous lumbocostal arches:

	*  medial lumbocostal arch (medial arcuate ligament): covers psoas major, attaches to the L2 vertebral body
	*  lateral lumbocostal arch (lateral arcuate ligament): covers quadratus lumborum, attached to the L1 transverse process tip of the 12th rib
*  Crura are tendinous structures the blend with the anterior longitudinal ligament of the vertebral column:

	*  right crus arises from the vertebral bodies of L1-3
	*  left crus arises from the vertebral bodies of L1-2
	*  the crura meet in the midline to form an arch called the median arcuate ligament

Central tendon: thin, strong aponeurosis situated immediately below and is fused to the fibrous pericardium


*  Aortic Hiatus (T12): aorta, azygos vein, thoracic duct
*  Oesophageal Hiatus (T10): esophagus, vagus nerves, esophageal arteries/veins from left gastric
*  Vena Caval Foramen (T8): IVC, right phrenic nerve
*  Medial arcuate ligament: the sympathetic trunk
*  Lateral arcuate ligament: the subcostal vessels and nerve
*  Left phrenic pierces the left muscle dome
*  Greater, lesser and least splanchnic nerves pierce each crus
*  Hemiazygos vein passes through the left crus

Contraction lowers diaphragm and increases thoracic cavity size

Nerve supply:

*  Phrenic nerves (C3-5) supply the ipsilateral hemidiaphragm with motor fibres
*  Lower intercostal nerves supply proprioceptive fibres to the margins
Blood supply:
Inferior and superior phrenic arteries (branches of the aorta)
Intercostal arteries
Subcostal arteries
Some supply from pericardiophrenic and musculophrenic arteries (branches of the internal thoracic artery)


Scalloped or serrated appearance: due to abnormal insertion of individual muscle slips
Dromedary diaphragm (hump)
Accessory diaphragm
Congenital diaphragm defects: Bochdalek, Morgagni, eventration, agenesis, central tendon defect
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Diaphragmatic openings

Caval opening (T8):
Esophageal hiatus (T10):
*  IVC
*  branches of the right phrenic nerve

	*  note: left phrenic nerve directly pierces the dome of the left hemidiaphragm
*  oesophagus
*  vagus nerves 

	*  left and right → form oesophageal plexus at oesophageal hiatus →  then become anterior and posterior vagal trunks

		*  anterior vagal trunk predominately comprised of left vagal fibres, posterior vagal trunk predominately right vagal fibres
*  small oesophageal arteries from left gastric artery
Aortic hiatus (T12):
azygous vein and hemiazygos vein
thoracic duct
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1st rib



Most superior of the twelve ribs
Important anatomical landmark and is one of the borders of the superior thoracic aperture
First rib is short and thick and it has single articular facet for the costovertebral joint
First rib has a head, neck and shaft but lacks a discrete angle
No costal groove on its inferior surface
It has two tubercles
	*  transverse tubercle: posterior and lateral to the neck, bears an articular facet for the transverse process of T1
	*  scalene tubercle: anteriorly between the grooves for the subclavian artery and vein, anterior scalene muscle inserts here
*  There is a groove on lateral aspect which contains the lowest brachial plexus trunk and the subclavian artery
*  Anterior to the scalene tubercle is another groove for the subclavian vein


*  Costovertebral joint: articular facet on head of the rib with single articular facet on body of T1 vertebra
*  Costotransverse joint: articular facet on transverse tubercle with transverse process of T1
*  Costochondral joint: distal shaft with first costal cartilage

Muscle attachments:

*  Anterior scalene muscle: scalene tubercle
*  Middle scalene muscle
*  Intercostal muscles: from the outer border
*  Subclavius muscle: arises from distal shaft and first costal cartilage
*  First digitation of the serratus anterior muscle

Ligamentous attachments:

*  Parietal pleura: from the inner border (Sibson's fascia)
*  Costoclavicular ligament: anterior to the groove for the subclavian vein


*  Superior: lower trunk of the brachial plexus, subclavian vessels, clavicle
*  Inferior: intercostal vessels and nerves, parietal pleura
*  Anterior: sympathetic trunk (over neck), superior intercostal artery, ventral T1 nerve root
*  Posterior: parietal pleura, lung apex

Arterial supply:

*  Intercostal arteries

Variant anatomy:

Ossesous or fibrous articulation or fusion with a cervical rib
Bifid (forked) rib
Rudimentary (hypoplastic) rib: most commonly the first rib (0.2%)
Pseudoarthrosis of the first rib (0.1%)
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Internal thoracic artery



*  Arises from the first portion of the subclavian (prior to anterior scalene)
*  Terminates by dividing into the musculophrenic and superior epigastric arteries (~6th intercostal space)


*  It descends behind the cartilages of the upper six ribs lateral to the margin of the sternum
*  As it branches from the subclavian, it is directed downward and forward
*  It passes posterior to the subclavian veins
*  It then passes posterior to the first costal cartilage, lateral to the brachiocephalic vein
*  In the thorax, the phrenic nerve passes posterior to the artery moving from lateral to medial


*  Intercostal Branches

	*  supply the upper six intercostal spaces, two in number in each space
*  Pericardiophrenic artery

	*  long slender branch, which accompanies the phrenic nerve to supply the the diaphragm
*  Pericardial Branches

	*  supply the upper part of the anterior surface of the pericardium
*  Perforating branches

	*  supplies the Pectoralis major and the skin 
	*  second, third, and fourth spaces give branches to the breast
*  Musculophrenic artery (terminal branch)

	*  intercostal branches to the seventh, eighth, and ninth intercostal spaces
	*  also supplies the lower part of the pericardium
*  Superior epigastric artery (terminal branch)

	*  descends through the interval between the costal and sternal attachments of the diaphragm
	*  enters the rectus sheath and anastomoses with the inferior epigastric artery to supply anterior part of abdominal wall


*  Supplies the anterior body wall from clavicle to umbilicus including the sternum and the breasts

	*  via the Pericardiophrenic Artery it supplies the mediastinum, thymus, phrenic nerves and pericardium


*  Anomalous origin in 20%

	*  Second part of subclavian artery (uncommon ~7%)
	*  Third part of subclavian artery (rare ~1%)
	*  Common origin with thyrocervical trunk
	*  Right internal thoracic artery may arise from the ascending aorta
*  Terminal trifucation (~12.5%) with an additional xiphoid branch
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Left ventricle



One of the four heart chambers
Receives oxygenated blood from the left atrium and pumps it into the systemic circulation via the aorta
Conical shape
Apex projects anteroinferiorly
Thicker walled than right ventricle
Separated from right ventricle by interventricular septum which is concave in shape (bulges into right ventricle)
Smooth inflow and outflow tracts, but rest of ventricle lined by trabeculae carnae
Blood flows in via the atrioventricular orifice lined by the mitral valve and flows out passing through the aortic valve into the aorta
	*  There are two papillary muscles that attach to the mitral valve:

		*  anterolateral group which attaches to the anterolateral leaflet
		*  posteromedial group which attaches to the posteromedial leaflet


Superior: carina, trachea
Posterior: oesophagus, left atrium
Lateral: left pleural cavity, left lungs
Inferior: diaphragm

Arterial supply:

*  Left Anterior Descending artery - supplies free wall and most of the papillary muscles
*  Left Circumflex artery - supplies free wall
*  Marginal and Diagonal branches

Venous drainage:

*  Great cardiac vein, Middle cardiac vein, Posterior vein of left ventricle, Left marginal vein

	*  Drains into Coronary sinus

Nerve supply:

*  Sympathetic and Parasympathetic (vagal) stimuli flow through the paired cardiac plexus near the base of the heart


Double-inlet ventricle - in-flow from both the right and left atria
Parachute valve - mitral valve chordae tendinae inserting into a single papillary muscle
Transposition of great vessels
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Variant anatomy:


*  Lungs are the functional units of respiration
*  Apex extends above the sternal end of the first rib, base rests on the diaphragm
*  Fissures

	*  oblique fissure divides the left lung into LUL and LLL
	*  oblique fissure and horizontal fissure divides right lung into RUL, RML, RLL
*  Segments

	*  right lung is composed of three lobes subdivided into 10 segments (APA LM PALMS)
	*  left is composed of two lobes and 8 segments (ASIA ALPS)
*  Surrounded by the pleura which separated them from the chest wall
*  Tracheobronchial tree is a branching structure of ever-decreasing diameter air tubes

	*  can broadly be divided into conduction (air heating) and respiratory zones (gas exchange)


*  LUL (ASIA): apicoposterior, anterior, superior lingular, inferior lingular
*  LLL (ALPS): superior, anteromedial, lateral, posterior
*  RUL (APA): apical, posterior, anterior
*  RML: lateral, medial
*  RLL (PALMS): superior, anterior, medial, lateral, posterior


*  Medial: pericardium, SVC, right brachiocephalic vein, brachiocephalic artery, aortic arch, left subclavian artery, descending aorta, oesophagus, trachea, vagus nerves, phrenic nerves, heart
*  Anterior: ribs, intercostal vessels and nerves
*  Posterior: ribs, intercostal vessels and nerves, vertebral bodies, sympathetic trunk
*  Azygos vein arches over the right lung hila

Arterial supply:

*  Pulmonary arteries: supplies de-oxygenated blood from the right ventricle

	*  right pulmonary artery runs posterior to ascending aorta and anterior to right main bronchus
	*  left pulmonary artery runs anterior to left main bronchus and enters root of left lung without dividing

		*  it is attached to the aortic arch by the ligamentum arteriosum (remnant of the ductus arteriosum)
	*  within the lung, the pulmonary arteries divide with each bronchus division
*  Bronchial arteries: branches of the thoracic aorta that supply oxygenated blood

	*  two arteries arise from the left side of the thoracic aorta: superior left bronchial artery, inferior left bronchial artery
	*  one arises from the right: right bronchial artery

		*  common origin with an intercostal artery and this is called the intercostobronchial trunk

Venous drainage:

*  Pulmonary veins: drains to the left atrium
*  Bronchial veins: drains to the pulmonary veins, SVC and the azygos venous system


*  Pulmonary plexus, which is composed of fibres from the vagus nerve (parasympathetic and visceral afferent) and sympathetic ganglia

Lymphatic drainage:

*  Bronchopulmonary nodes at the hilum

*  Bronchopulmonary foregut malformations

	*  pulmonary sequestration: aberrant formation of segmental lung tissue that has no connection with the bronchial tree or pulmonary arteries
	*  foregut duplication cysts: bronchogenic cyst are abnormal development of bronchial-tree during embryogenesis resulting in a cyst that does not communicate with the bronchial tree
	*  congenital pulmonary airway malformation: multicystic mass of segmental lung tissue with abnormal bronchial proliferation

	*  oesophageal lung: main bronchus arises from the oesophagus
*  Pulmonary aplasia: unilateral or bilateral absence of lung tissue
*  Accessory fissures:

	*  azygos fissure: laterally displaced azygos vein makes a deep pleural fissure into the apical segment of the right upper lobe during embryological development
	*  inferior accessory fissure: divides the right medial basal bronchopulmonary segment from the rest of the lower lobe
	*  superior accessory fissure: separates the right lower lobe into superior and basal segments
	*  left minor fissure: separates the lingula from the rest of the left upper lobe
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Lymphatic drainage



*  Lymphatic drainange of breast originate from breast lobules and flow into a sub-areolar plexus, called Sappey’s plexus
*  From Sappey's plexus, lymphatic drainage takes place through three main routes: 

	*  Axillary pathway

		*  fed by Sappey’s Plexus, as well as by ducts satellite lymphatics and by most of parenchymal lymphatics
		*  this pathway runs around the inferior edge of the pectoralis major and reach the anterior group of axillary nodes
		*  level 1 spread is below pectoralis minor, level 2 is behind pectoralis minor, level 3 is above pectoralis minor
	*  Internal mammary pathway
parasternal nodes
originates from both the lateral and medial halves of the breast and passes through the pectoralis major
connections may lead across the median plane and hence to the contralateral breast
Retromammary pathway
		*  comes from the posterior portion of the breast
		*  retromammary space nodes
*  Lymphatics may reach the sheath of the rectus abdominis and the subperitoneal and subhepatic plexuses
*  Usually axillary lymph nodes receive more than 75% of the lymph drained from the breast (mainly anterior nodes and posterior group)
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Middle mediastinum


* Bounded by the pericardial sac


Ascending aorta
Azygos vein opening into SVC
Tracheal bifurcation
Pulmonary artery dividing into left and right
Right and left pulmonary veins
Phrenic nerves
Lymph nodes
Pericardiocophrenic arteries and veins
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*  The oesophagus is a muscular tube that conveys food and fluids from the oropharynx to the stomach
*  Divided into three parts:

	*  cervical: continuous with the oropharynx, commences at the lower border of cricoid cartilage (at level of C5/6) or cricopharyngeus muscle
	*  thoracic: from thoracic aperture (T1) to the oesophageal hiatus (T10)
	*  abdominal: from oesophageal hiatus to the cardia of the stomach at the gastro-oesophageal junction
*  Three normal oesophageal constrictions

	*  cervical constriction: due to cricoid cartilage at the level of C5/6
	*  thoracic constriction: due to aortic arch at the level of T4/5
	*  abdominal constriction: at oesophageal hiatus at T10/11
*  Muscular wall: skeletal muscle in the upper part and smooth muscle in the lower part
*  Non-keratinised stratified squamous epithelium which is replaced by columnar epithelium at the gastro-oesophageal junction
*  Layers: mucosa, submucosa, muscularis (inner circular, outer longitudinal layers), serosa


*  Posteriorly: vertebral column, descending aorta, thoracic duct, accessory hemiazygos and hemiazygos veins (at T8/9), longus colli
*  Anteriorly: trachea (T4/5), recurrent laryngeal nerves (in tracheo-oesophageal groove), left main bronchus, left atrium, pulmonary trunk and veins
*  Left lateral: lung, pleura, aorta, left subclavian artery, thoracic duct
*  Right lateral: lung, pleura, azygos vein
*  Descends with the left and right vagus nerve through the oesophageal hiatus

Arterial supply:

*  Upper third: inferior thyroid artery
*  Middle third: oesophageal branches of the thoracic aorta
*  Lower third: oesophageal branches of the left gastric artery (site of portal-systemic collateral pathway)

Venous drainage:

*  Upper third: inferior thyroid veins to brachiocephalic veins
*  Middle third: azygos vein to SVC
*  Lower third: left gastric vein to portal vein

Lymphatic drainage:

Follows arterial supply
Upper third: deep cervical lymph nodes
Middle third: posterior mediastinal lymph nodes
Lower third: left gastric and coeliac group lymph nodes


Sympathetic trunk (sympathetic)
Vagal plexus (parasympathetic)
Enteric nervous system


*  Oesophageal bronchus: bronchus arises directly from oesophagus
*  Oesophageal atresia: oesophagus not continuous due to an inappropriate division of the primitive foregut into the trachea and oesophagus
*  Tracheo-oesophageal fistula: abnormal communication between trachea and oesophagus (congenital or acquired)
*  Oesophageal duplication cysts
*  Aberrant right subclavian artery passing anterior or posterior to the oesophagus
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Pericardium is a conical, flask-like, fibroserous sac, in which contains the heart and the roots of the great vessels
Defines the middle mediastinum
Two parts: fibrous and serous
	*  Fibrous

		*  fused with the external coats of the great vessels and is attached to the central tendon of the diaphragm
		*  attached to the posterior surface of the sternum by the superior and inferior sternopericardiac ligaments
	*  Serous

		*  serous pericardium is a closed sac which lines the fibrous pericardium and is invaginated by the heart
		*  has a visceral and a parietal portion

			*  visceral layer covers the heart and great vessels
			*  parietal layer lines the pericardium and is inseparable
			*  between layers of serous pericardium is the pericardial space which contains 15-50 mL of serous fluid
		*  space formed between the aorta and pulmonary artery is the transverse sinus (sits posterior to left atrium)
		*  space formed between the pulmonary veins and IVC is the oblique sinus (blind ending)
*  Recesses (SIPPP):

		*  superior aortic recess: lies along the ascending aorta

			*  inferior aortic recess: lies between the right lateral aspect of the ascending aorta and the right atrium
	*  pulmonic recess: forms the lateral extent of the transverse sinus
	*  pulmonary venous recess: lies between the superior and inferior pulmonary veins
	*  postcaval recess: extends along the lateral aspect of the superior vena cava


*  Anteriorly: body of the sternum, cartilages of left third-to-seventh ribs, pleura and lungs, thymus
*  Posteriorly: oesophagus, descending thoracic aorta, pleura and lungs
*  Laterally: pleura and lungs, phrenic nerves

Blood supply:

*  Pericardiophrenic artery (branch of internal thoracic artery)
*  Pericardial branches from the thoracic aorta

Venous drainage:

*  Pericardiophrenic vein to the internal thoracic vein
*  Tributaries to the azygos system

Nerve supply:

Vagus nerve
Phrenic nerves
Sympathetic trunks

Lymph drainage:

*  Anterior and posterior mediastinal nodes

Variant anatomy:

*  Pericardial agenesis - absence of pericardium to varying degrees

Phrenic Nerve



*  Phrenic nerve is important for breathing → passes motor information to the diaphragm and receives sensory information from it


*  Arises C3-5 (ventral rami)


*  In the neck

	*  phrenic nerve lies on the anterior scalene muscle
	*  passes over the dome of the pleura and enters the thorax posterior to the subclavian vein

		*  note: right and left phrenic nerves have a different course in the thorax but as a general rule they descend as lateral as possible whilst keeping in contact with the mediastinal pleura
*  Left phrenic nerve

	*  enters the thorax posterior to the subclavian vein
	*  descends antero lateral to the left arch of the aorta, left auricle and left ventricle (in contact with pericardium)
	*  courses anterior to root of the lung/hilum, then with pericardiophrenic artery from pericardium to diaphragm
	*  crossed by the thoracic duct at the root of the lung
	*  pierces the dome of the left hemidiaphragm to enter the abdominal cavity
*  Right phrenic nerve

	*  enters the thorax posterior to the subclavian vein
	*  right descends laterally to the superior vena cava, right atrium and ventricle, and inferior vena cava
	*  courses anterior to root of the lung/hilum, then with pericardiophrenic artery from pericardium to diaphragm
	*  passes through the vena caval foramen to enter the abdominal cavity
*  Within the abdominal cavity

	*  both the left and right phrenic nerves divide into three main branches - anterior, lateral and posterior

		*  these course peripherally in a radial pattern to supply diaphragm


*  Left and right phrenic nerve branch into anterior, lateral and posterior and supply diaphragm
*  Filaments given off throughout course to supply sensory nerves to pleura, pericardium


*  Motor: diaphragm
*  Sensory: diaphragm, mediastinal pleura, fibrous pericardium, parietal layer of the serous pericardium

Blood supply:

Pericardiophrenic artery (branch of the internal thoracic artery)


*  Accessory phrenic nerve

	*  nerve that joins the phrenic nerve at the root of the neck or in the thorax
	*  forms a loop around the subclavian vein
	*  usually arises from nerve to subclavius, others include hypoglossal nerve, trigeminal nerve
*  Forms an annulus around subclavian vein or passes anterior to it
*  May supply a branch to scalenus anterior




*  Pleura are a serous membrane covering each lung
*  Divided into parietal and visceral layers
*  Visceral pleura covers the surface of the lung and dips into the fissures
*  Parietal pleura lines the inner surface of the chest wall, covers the diaphragm, and is reflected over the structures occupying the middle of the thorax
*  The pleural cavity is the potential space between the two cavities
*  Right and left pleural sacs are entirely separate from one another only touching each other for a short distance anteriorly opposite the second and third costal cartilages
*  At the lower border of the root of the lung, a triangular sheet is formed, the pulmonary ligament
*  The superior portion (cervical pleura) is strengthened by a dome-like thickening of connective tissue (Sibson’s fascia) which is attached to the inner border of the first rib onto the transverse process of C7


*  Anterior: Ribs, Intercostal Vessels / Nerves, Internal thoracic artery
*  Posterior: Ribs, Intercostal Vessels / Nerves, Vertebral Body, Sympathetic Trunk
*  Medial: Heart / Great Vessels, Phrenic / Vagus Nerve

Arterial supply:

*  Internal Thoracic, Intercostal, Musculophrenic, Pericardial and Bronchial Vessels

Venous drainage:

*  Internal Thoracic Vein
*  Azygos System

Lymphatic drainage:

*  Intercostal Lymph Nodes
*  Tracheobronchial Lymph Nodes

Nerve supply:

*  Phrenic Nerve

Boundaries/Surface Anatomy:

*  The pleura meet each other at the second costal cartilage and descend together till the fourth.
*  The right continues but the left diverges
*  At the 6th costal cartilage, each turns laterally passing the midclavicular line at the 8th costal cartilage
*  Midaxillary line at the 10th costal cartilage
*  The lower border crosses the erector spinae at the level of the 12th vertabra and continues horizontally

Posterior Mediastinum



* Anteriorly: pericardium
* Inferiorly: diaphragm
* Superiorly: thoracic plane
* Posteriorly: T5-T12 vertebral bodies
* Laterally: mediastinal pleura


*  Artery

	*  thoracic part of the descending aorta
*  Veins
azygos vein
the hemiazygos vein and the accessory hemiazygos vein
vagus nerve
splanchnic nerves
sympathetic chain
Thoracic duct
Lymph nodes

Pulmonary hilum


Right side (superior to inferior):

Bronchus (eparterial)
Bronchus (hyparterial)

Left side (superior to inferior):


Pulmonary ligament

*  The parietal pleura surrounding the root of the lung extends downwards from the hilum in a fold called the pulmonary ligament

Pulmonary veins



*  Pulmonary veins (along with the bronchial veins) are part of the venous drainage system of the lungs
*  Pulmonary veins drain oxygenated blood to the left atrium
*  There are typically four pulmonary veins:
right superior - drains right upper and middle lobes
right inferior - drains right lower lobe
left superior - drains left upper lobe
left inferior - drains left lower lobe
Pulmonary veins course in the intersegmental septa and as such do not run with the bronchi


*  Superior pulmonary veins takes an oblique inferomedial course
*  Inferior pulmonary veins run horizontally peripherally before taking a more vertical course
*  Pass through the lung hilum, antero-inferiorly to the pulmonary arteries
*  Has a short intrapericardial segment, to drain into the left atrium
*  Extensive communication with deep bronchial veins within the lung and with the superficial bronchial veins at the hilum
*  Pulmonary veins are covered by a short (~9mm) myocardial layer

	*  often the focus of atrial fibrillation (left superior pulmonary vein being the foci for almost half of cases)


Anterior: left atrium, left ventricle, arch of aorta, phrenic nerve
Posterior: vagus nerve, oesophagus
Lateral: SVC, lungs
Inferior: diaphragm
Superior: arch of aorta, left and right main bronchi

Variant anatomy:

*  Common trunks

	*  common draining trunk of left superior and inferior pulmonary veins
*  Accessory pulmonary veins

	*  single accessory right middle pulmonary vein (~10%)
	*  two accessory right middle pulmonary veins
	*  one accessory right middle pulmonary vein and one accessory right upper pulmonary vein 
	*  superior segment right lower lobe vein 
	*  basilar segment right lower lobe vein
	*  right top pulmonary vein (drains right superior basal segment)
*  Partial anomalous pulmonary venous return (PAPVR)

	*  where the some (not all) pulmonary veins drain into a structure besides the left atrium
	*  SVC (most common), persistant left SVC, right atrium, brachiocephalic vein, portal vein, IVC 
*  Total anomalous pulmonary venous return (TAPVR)

	*  occurs where there is no drainage of pulmonary veins into the left atrium (cyanotic congentical heart anomaly)
	*  all systemic and pulmonary venous blood enters the right atrium
	*  right-to-left shunt is required for survival (usually patent PFO or ASD)

Right subclavian variants (origin)



*  arises from the brachiocephalic trunk (first branch of arch of aorta), behind the upper part of the right sternoclavicular articulation

Separate Trunk from Arch of Aorta:

*  first, second, third, or even the last branch derived from that vessel
*  majority, it is the first or last (rarely second or third)
*  first branch

	*  occupies the ordinary position of the innominate artery 
*  second or third branch

	*  passes behind the right carotid
*  last branch (abherrant right subclavian)

	*  it arises from the left extremity of the arch, and passes obliquely toward the right side
	*  usually passes behind the trachea, esophagus, and right carotid
80% posterior to oesophagus
15% between oesophagus and trachea
5% anterior to the trachea
thoracic aorta
	*  very rarely vessel arises from the thoracic aorta, as low down as the T4


*  occasionally it perforates the scalenus anterior
*  rarely it passes in front of that muscle

Sternoclavicular joint



*  SC joint is a synovial joint
*  The articular surfaces are covered with fibrocartilage (rather than hyaline cartilage is in most other synovial joints)
*  The joint space is divided into two separate recesses by an articular disc, also made of fibrocartilage

	*  attached to the joint capsule anteriorly and posteriorly, first costal cartilage inferiorly and the clavicle superiorly

Articular surfaces:

*  Two non-congruent articular surfaces forming a saddle-type joint

	*  medial clavicle: larger of the two
	*  clavicular notch of the manubrium: smaller of the two


*  Anterior and posterior sternoclavicular ligaments (thickenings of the joint capsule)
*  Interclavicular ligament (between superomedial ends of the clavicles)
*  Costoclavicular ligament


*  Capsule invests the articular surfaces
*  Thickened in front and behind by the anterior and posterior sternoclavicular ligaments


*  Anteriorly: sternocleidomastoid muscle
*  Posteriorly: sternohyoid muscle, sternothyroid muscle, brachiocephalic veins form, origin of the great vessels, vagus nerves, right lymph duct, thoracic duct

Arterial supply:

*  Internal thoracic artery
*  Suprascapular artery 


*  Supraclavicular nerves
*  Nerve to the subclavius

Variant anatomy:

*  Inferior facet for articulation with the first rib
*  Perforation of the articular disc (meaning the joint recesses are in communication)

Superior mediastinum



* Anteriorly: manubrium
* Inferiorly: thoracic plane
* Superiorly: superior thoracic aperture
* Posteriorly: T1-T4 vertebral bodies
* Laterally: mediastinal pleura


*  Muscles
origins of the sternohyoid and sternothyroid
lower ends of the longus colli
aortic arch
brachiocephalic artery
left common carotid
left subclavian
brachiocephalic veins
left highest intercostal vein
vagus nerve
superficial and deep cardiac plexuses
phrenic nerve
left recurrent laryngeal nerve
Thoracic duct
Lymph nodes

Superior Thoracic Apeture



*  Connects the root of the neck with the thorax
*  Superior thoracic aperture lies in an oblique plane, tilted anterosuperiorly
*  Also known as thoracic inlet
*  Thoracic outlet syndrome (TOS) refers to a group of clinical syndromes caused by compression of brachial plexus, subclavian artery or subclavian vein as they pass through the thoracic inlet


Posteriorly: T1 vertebral body
Laterally: first rib and costal cartilage
Anteriorly: manubrium


*  Viscera
lung apices
abnormally enlarged thyroid can extend through thoracic inlet
left and right common carotid arteries
left and right subclavian arteries
left and right internal jugular and subclavian vein confluence
phrenic nerves
vagus nerves
recurrent laryngeal nerves
T1 branch to brachial plexus
Sympathetic trunk
thoracic duct
Jujular trunks from above
Bronchomediastinal from below
Prevertebral fascia and anterior longitudinal ligament 
Retropharyngeal and danger space posteriorly
Visceral fascia
Carotid fascia
Superficial layer of the deep cervical fascia attaching at the outlet
sternohyoid muscle
sternothyroid muscle
longus colli




*  Large valveless venous channel formed by the union of the brachiocephalic veins
*  Receives blood from the upper half of the body (except the heart) and returns it to the right atrium


*  Union of the brachiocephalic veins at the first right costal cartilage


*  SVC begins behind the lower border of the first right costal cartilage
*  Descends vertically behind the second and third intercostal spaces
*  Drain into the right atrium at the level of the third costal cartilage


Left lateral: aortic arch, trachea
Right lateral: pleura, right upper lobe, phrenic nerve
Anteriorly: thymus, manubrium
Posterior: right vagus nerve, oesophagus


*  Azygos vein (at level T4)
*  Small veins draining the pericardium and other mediastinal structures


*  Brachiocephalic veins: drain into the right atrium separately
*  SVC duplication: both right and left sided SVC
*  Left sided SVC: left anterior cardinal vein is not obliterated during normal foetal development, the persistent SVC usually drains into the coronary sinus
*  Unusual Tributaries: right internal thoracic, right supreme intercostal, thyroid ima vein

Thoracic duct



*  Main lymphatic channel for the return of lymph to the venous system
*  Drains lymph from both lower limbs, abdomen (except the convex area of the liver), left hemithorax, left upper limb and left face and neck
*  Transports up to 4L of lymph per day


*  Commences: from right side of L2 at the cisterna chyli 

	*  cisterna chyli formed by left and right lumbar lymphatic trunks (drains abdominal wall, pelvic viscera, kidneys, adrenals, lower limbs) and the intestinal trunk
*  Enters the thorax through the aortic hiatus of the diaphragm, and ascends to the right of the midline, between the aorta and azygos vein, posterior to the oesophagus
*  Crosses to the left of midline at the thoracic plane (~T4)
*  Continues superiorly through the superior thoracic aperture, between the left side of the esophagus and the left pleura
*  Continues to the neck anterior to the subclavian artery, anterior scalene muscle and phrenic nerve

	*  posterior to the carotid sheath (IJV, CCA, vagus) and subclavian vein
*  Thoracic duct then drains into the angle of the left subclavian and IJV


Intercostal Lymph Glands: open into the commencement of the thoracic duct, draining the lower six or seven intercostal spaces. A trunk also joins it in the thorax draining the upper six left spaces
Left Jugular 
Left Subclavian Trunks
Left Bronchomediastinal Trunks


*  The thoracic duct has variant anatomy in ~40%
*  Double thoracic ducts (i.e. multiple ducts)
*  Aberrant termination: left internal jugular vein, left external jugular vein, azygos vein, brachiocephalic vein or left subclavian vein
*  Multiple terminal divisions
*  Continues on the right to terminate in the right internal jugular vein

Thoracic plane


Thoracic plane is an artificial line used to divide the mediastinum into the superior mediastinum and the inferior mediastinum
Defined as a horizontal line that runs from the manubriosternal joint (sternal angle) to the inferior endplate of T4

Structures found at the level of the thoracic plane is: CLAPTRA
C: carina/tracheal bifurcation 
L: ligamentum arteriosum
A: aortic arch starts and ends
P: pulmonary arterial trunk
T: thoracic duct moves from right to left (posterior to the oesophagus)
R: left recurrent laryngeal nerve loops under aortic arch
A: azygos vein drains into SVC




*  Connects the upper respiratory tract to the lungs via the bronchial tree, enabling gas exchange
*  Tube shaped structure consisting of 15-to-20 D-shaped cartilage rings anterolaterally bridged by annular ligaments
*  Trachealis muscle encircles the trachea completely but is most prominent posteriorly due the lack of cartilage
*  Trachea extends from the larynx at the level of the cricoid cartilage (C6) and branches into the right and left main bronchus at the carina (T4)
*  Usually situated in a midline position, and can be displaced slightly to the right at the arch of the aorta
*  Approximately 10-13cm with a width of 1.5-2 cm and is wider in men than in women


*  Anterior: sternum, strap muscles, thyroid isthmus, ascending aorta, brachiocephalic artery, right common carotid artery, superior vena cava, left brachiocephalic vein
*  Posterior: oesophagus
*  Lateral: lateral walls of the thyroid gland, left common carotid artery, recurrent laryngeal nerves, right and left vagus nerves, pleura, lungs

Arterial supply:

*  Proximal half: tracheo-oesophageal branches of the inferior thyroid artery
*  Distal half and carina: superior and middle bronchial arteries (branches of the thoracic aorta)

Venous drainage:

*  Brachiocephalic vein
*  Bronchial veins drain into the azygos and accessory hemiazygos vein
Prelaryngeal lymph nodes
Pretracheal lymph nodes
Paratracheal lymph nodes
Vagus + recurrent laryngeal


*  Tracheal diverticulum: projects posteriorly where the cartilage rings are deficient
*  Tracheal bronchus: accessory bronchus originates directly from the supracarinal trachea and supplies an upper lobe (usually right)
*  Oesophageal bronchus: bronchus arises directly from the oesophagus
*  Tracheo-oesophageal fistula: improper division of foregut by tracheo-oesophageal septum (associated with oesophageal and tracheal atresia) 
*  Tracheal stenosis and atresia: associated with tracheo-oesophageal fistula
*  Bronchogenic cyst
*  Cardiac bronchus
*  Short trachea (< 15 rings)

Vagus Nerve



*  Vagus nerve is the 10th and longest cranial nerve
*  Provides the bulk of the parasympathetic input to the gastrointestinal system and to the heart
*  It is a mixed sensory/motor/parasympathetic nerve


*  The vagus nerve is attached by eight or ten filaments to the medulla oblongata in the groove between the olive and the inferior cerebellar peduncle
below glossopharyngeal nerve
Filaments of the nerve unite, and travels through the cisterna magna to exit the jugular foramen
Passes vertically down the neck within the carotid sheath, lying between the IJV and ICA (and then CCA)
Right vagus:
	*  passes between subclavian artery and right brachiocephalic vein
	*  nerve and descends by the side of the trachea to the back of the root of the lung
	*  then spreads out in the posterior pulmonary plexus, then part of oesophageal plexus (around the oesophageal hiatus)
	*  then travels medially to the oesophageal hiatus, which it passes through to enter the abdominal cavity
*  Left vagus:

	*  passes between subclavian artery and left brachiocephalic vein
	*  course takes it lateral to the aorta arch as it descends posterior to the hilum of the left lung

		*  here it forms part of the pulmonary plexus, then forms part of oesophaegeal plexus more inferiorly (around the oesophageal hiatus)
	*  then travels towards the oesophageal hiatus, which it passes through to enter the abdominal cavity
*  From the oesophageal plexus anterior and posterior vagal trunk emerge

	*  anterior trunk is composed of fibres mainly from the left vagus, posterior trunk is mainly composed of fibres from right vagus

Branches APE-SCRAP:

Auricular nerve
Pharyngeal branch
Esophageal plexus
Superior laryngeal nerve: gives internal laryngeal (sensory) and external laryngeal (motor) nerves
Cardiac nerves: superior and inferior
Recurrent laryngeal nerves
Anterior vagal trunk
Posterior vagal trunk

Branches (harder to remember):

*  From the superior ganglion (ganglion located in the middle part of the jugular foramen):

	*  small meningeal nerve - distributed to the dura mater in the posterior fossa of the base of the skull
	*  auricular nerve (Arnold's nerve) - distributed to the skin of the back of the auricula and to the posterior part of the external acoustic meatus
	*  small communicating branches
*  From the inferior ganglion (ganglion located at level of C1 transverse process):
pharyngeal nerve to the pharyngeal plexus - formed on the middle constrictor; it is the principal motor nerve of the pharynx
carotid body branches
superior laryngeal nerve - divides into internal and external laryngeal ; external supplies the cricothyroid and internal descends to the thyrohyoid membrane and is distributed to the mucous membrane of the larynx
From the vagus nerve:
	*  recurrent laryngeal nerve

		*  right side

			*  arises in front of the subclavian artery and winds around that vessel
			*  ascends obliquely to the side of the trachea behind the common carotid artery
		*  left side
arises on the left of the arch of the aorta and and winds below the aorta around the ligamentum arteriosum
and then ascends to the side of the trachea
distributed to all the muscles of the larynx, excepting the cricothyroid.  
superior and inferior cardiac nerves
anterior and posterior bronchial nerves
oesophageal plexus
gastric nerves
coeliac plexus
splenic branches
branches to the small and large intestine


*  Parasympathetic input to the gastrointestinal system and to the heart