Twenty Nine Flashcards


Describe the journey of sperm from storage in the male to the egg.


Sperm is stored in the caudal epididymis until it is ejaculated. Upon ejaculation, it

immediately forms a gel, but is liquefied about 20-30 minutes afterwards by enzymes

derived from the prostate gland. It is amazing how fast these little guys are…in the

mucus within 90 seconds and in the tubes by about 5 minutes. Even when the mucus is at

its thinnest due to estrogen, the sperm still have to muscle their way through it. The

mucus acts like a filter, perhaps keeping the slower guys out. It also asks like a reservoir.

The sperm hang out in the endocervical crypts for up to 72 hours, and get released in a

time-release fashion. Of the 250 million sperm deposited into the vagina, only a few

hundred ever make it up close to the egg. Most are lost in the vagina.

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What is capacitation? What are three steps the sperm go through after that? Explain.


Capacitation is the term to used describe the cellular changes that sperm must go through

while in the reproductive tract (or incubated in an appropriate medium) before they have

the capacity to fertilize. After capacitation, sperm can:

1) Undergo the acrosome reaction
2) Bind to the zona pelucida
3) Acquire hypermotility

This may all have something to do with a modification of their surface charge and the

restriction of receptor mobility. When the sperm is in the vicinity of the egg, there are

changes in the membrane stability that ultimately leads to the acrosome reaction. This

was discussed in a prior lecture, but basically, it allows the release of enzymes to help

penetrate the egg and changes the inner acrosomal membrane so it can fuse to the oocyte

cell membrane.

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Describe the journey of the egg from ovulation to the ampulla.


When an egg is ovulated, it is released from the ovary with the surrounding cumulus

oophorus. It only takes about 2-3 minutes for the egg to get to the ampulla of the

fallopian tube. Ovulated eggs/cumulus cells tend to stick to the ovary and the fimbriated

ends of the tube sweep over the surface of the ovary for pick up. Eggs can also be

deposited into the cul-de-sac artificially by transvaginal injection, and somehow the tubes

can find these too. The eggs are transported down the tube by a combination of smooth

muscle contractions and the ciliary-induced flow of secretory fluid in the tube. The

fertilized egg hangs out in the tube for about 80 hours…90% of this in the ampulla. This

is so it can do some developing into a blastocyst capable of implantation, and so that the

endometrium can get itself ready for this blastocyst coming down the tube.

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Describe what happens when the egg and sperm meet. What is the acrosome reaction? Cortical reaction? Zona reaction?


Going back to the egg in the ampulla, there is some evidence that the egg may send some

sort of chemotactic signal to the capacitated sperm to help aid it in their journey. Once

the sperm gets through the cumulus oophorus, (which may help in sperm development), it

arrives at the zona pelucida, the mucopolysaccharide shell that remains until

implantation. Sperm penetration of the zona pelucida require that the sperm be

capacitated and hyper motile. When the sperm head receptors and the zona ligands bind

together, they produce an enzyme complex that triggers the acrosome reaction. This

releases enzymes necessary for the sperm and the oocyte membranes to fuse. After the

inner acrosomal membrane of the sperm fuses with the oocyte membrane, the cortical

reaction is triggered. This reaction involves the release of the cortical granule’s contents

(found beneath the oocyte membrane). The release of the contents of these granules

leads to the zona reaction. This is basically a hardening of the zona pelucida and

inactivation of the zona ligands for the prevention of polyspermy. After this, cell division


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Describe what happens as the fertilized egg travels to the endometrium. Describe how the endometrium is prepared.


The pregnancy, as it travels down the fallopian tube, grows into a ball of cells called the

morula and enters the uterine cavity about 3 days after ovulation. While in the uterine

cavity, the morula becomes a blastocyst, which is basically the morula with a hollowed-
out cavity. The blastocyst “hatches” from the zona pelucida after being in the cavity for

1-3 days.

The endometrium has window of receptivity from days 20-24 in a 28-day cycle. This

period of receptivity is heralded by the formation of pinopods, which are progesterone

induced smooth protrusions. The embryo has a tendency to attach to sites with pinopods,

which may be responsible for absorbing fluid, thus forcing the embryo to come into

contact with the endometrium.

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What is HCG? What is its function? How can it be used in monitoring pregnancy? How can it be used clinically?


HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) is the pregnancy hormone detected by home kits

and by blood tests. Its production begins about a week after fertilization. It is

structurally similar to FSH, LH, and TSH (they all have alpha and beta chains). This is

the hormone that rescues the corpus luteum so that progesterone continues to be secreted

to maintain the pregnancy. It is a very useful hormone clinically in following abnormal

pregnancies. For example, HCG doubles about every 48 hours in a normal early
pregnancy. Failure to do so is a red flag that the pregnancy may miscarry or be an
ectopic. If we are suspicious that a pregnancy is abnormal, we recheck the HCG level in

48 hours. If it does not double, we have to be on the lookout for an ectopic, which can be

fatal. We also use HCG injections in infertility treatment. Since it is so similar to the LH

molecule, we can use it in patients to give them an LH surge when we are inducing

ovulation. More on this later.

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Describe how the blastocyst adheres to the uterine wall. Briefly describe what happens after that.


As previously stated, the embryo hangs out in the cavity for 1-3 days and hatches from

the zona pelucida (by contraction and expansion of the blastocyst and also some help

from the components of the uterine fluid). The blastocyst usually adheres to the upper

posterior uterine wall about 2-4 days after the morula enters the cavity.

Implantation begins when the trophoblasts bind to endometrial integrins. Integrins are a

family of transmembrane receptors for collagen, fibronectin and laminin. (Fibronectin

and laminin are also expressed by the embryo). These integrins peak at the time of

implantation. The blastocyst also expresses integrins at this time as well. It is not

completely understood what actually happens, but think of these integrins and fibronectin as the glue that causes the embryo to adhere to the endometrium. After implantation,

the trophoblasts invade between the endometrial cells by proteinase degradation of the

extracellular matrix and the placenta is formed in the second week after ovulation. You

know the rest from the previous lecture on the placenta.

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What is the function of the corpus luteum? What is the role of progesterone? What is the timeline of progesterone secretion? What happens to estrogen levels duringn pregnancy? What are the 3 parts of the fetoplacental unit?


This all gets started with the corpus luteum. Its primary role is to make

progesterone…think of progesterone as pro-gestation. Progesterone levels rise

throughout pregnancy. Serum estrogen levels also rise. Estriol is the big player in

pregnancy. The steroids are secreted by the ovaries initially, but are replaced by the

placenta at about 8 weeks. If for some reason the mom loses her corpus luteum (i.e. with

rupture, or surgical removal), we need to give the mom supplemental progesterone until

the placenta takes over.

Once the placenta takes over, it becomes pretty bizarre how everything is made. The

placenta; however, can’t do it all alone. The fetus has to help out. Thus comes the term

fetoplacental unit. This has 3 parts: 1) the placenta 2) The fetal adrenal cortex 3) the

fetal liver.

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Describe the fetal adrenal cortex. What is its role?


Just a few words about the fetal adrenal cortex. For one, it is BIG. The fetal adrenal

glands are huge when compared to the adult size. There are the 3 outer definitive zones

that you’ve already learned about, the zona glomerulosa, zona fasciculata, and the zona

reticularis. There is also an inner fetal zone. It is this inner fetal zone that makes the

bulk of the fetal adrenal steroids, the majority being DHE(A) sulfate. This DHEA sulfate

goes into the placenta where it is aromatized into estrogen.

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Which enzymes does the fetus lack? Which enzymes does the placenta lack? What does this mean? Describe how progesterone is created in the placenta, mother, and fetus. How is it used in the fetus?


The big thing to note is that the placenta LACKS the following enzymes:

16 alpha hydroxylase,
17 alpha hydroxylase,
17/20 lyase (desmolase).

The fetus LACKS:
3  hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase

The placenta can’t move right on the chart from pregnenolone and progestrone to glucocorticoids nor from glucocorticoids to androgens. Therefore, they can’t make estrogen.

The fetus can’t move down on the chart from pregnenolone to progesterone or from DHEA to androgens. Also, even in the presence of androgens, they can’t form estrogen.

Most of the progesterone comes from maternal precursors (progesterone levels remain

high even after fetal demise). Most of the precursors come from maternal cholesterol,

delivered from the bloodstream as LDL cholesterol. The cholesterol passes to the

placenta where it is converted into pregnenolone then back out to the mom as

progesterone. Since the baby lacks the 3 -OH dehydrogenase enzyme, No progesterone

is made from the fetus. Some progesterone is delivered to the baby, since it will be used

for corticosteroid production.

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Describe the production of estrone and estradiol in the fetoplacental unit. What is the result? Describe how estrilol is created in the fetoplacental unit.


The pregnenolone sulfate goes through its series of enzymatic steps seen in the first flow

chart, (which I will call diagram #1), until you get to DHA Sulfate, made in the fetus.

Since there is that pesky 3 -OH dehydrogenase enzyme block, the DHA Sulfate goes

back to the placenta, is desulfated, goes through the rest of the steps in diagram #1 and

ultimately, you have androgens converted into estrogens (estrone and estradiol), secreted

back into the maternal circulation. Just follow the diagram above.

The last hormone, estriol, is a bit different. Estriol is the estrogen of pregnancy. In fact

they used to follow this hormone to determine fetal well-being. This diagram shows that

the DHA sulfate goes to the baby’s liver, and there is a new enzyme there (not on any of

the other diagrams). This converts the DHA sulfate to a 16OH DHA sulfate. Basically

it adds another OH group to make it esTRIol….(remember…3 OH groups?). This goes

back into the placenta and through the same pathways in figure #1, gets converted into


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Describe what happens when the placenta is missing the sulfatase enzyme.


In case you are wondering the functions of all of these steroids, well, join the club. Not a

whole lot is known about how and why things work this way. There is a rare condition

where the placenta is missing the sulfatase enzyme; therefore, it can’t remove the sulfate

groups. This situation demonstrates low maternal estrogen levels and high fetal DHAS
levels. If you think about it, it makes sense. The placenta can’t take the sulfate groups

back off of the precursors, giving rise to high amniotic levels of DHAS and 16OH DHA

sulfate. These moms fail to go into labor and usually require a cesarean section. The

baby’s skin shows ichthyosis, meaning it has scales like a fish, generally on the neck,

trunk and palms and corneal opacities, cryptorchidism and pyloric stenosis.

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What is hPL similar to? What produces it? What is its function? What clinical implications does this have? What other function does it have?


This is also called Human Chorionic Somatomammotropin. It is produced by the

syncytiotrophoblasts and it is similar to Growth Hormone (GH) and Prolactin. hPL

increases throughout pregnancy and basically is related to the size of the placenta. The

whole point of this hormone is to make sure that the fetus has enough glucose. What it

does is antagonizes the action of insulin, and is responsible for the diabetic-like state that

the mom experiences during pregnancy. It basically blocks the action of mom’s insulin,

so it does not take the glucose out of the blood and put it into the cells, therefore the

glucose is available for the baby. It also causes mom’s protein and fat to be broken down

and used as an energy source. We always check the mom at about 28 weeks gestation to

make sure that she hasn’t become a full-blown diabetic. This is not good. For one thing,

too much glucose makes the baby fat and fat babies get stuck in the birth canal. This is called shoulder dystocia and is every obstetrician’s nightmare. There are maneuvers that

we can use to hopefully get the baby out, but unfortunately, there are times that the baby

dies or sustains severe injuries from delivery. More about this next year. hPL is also like prolactin in that it stimulates mammary gland development. You also

need estrogens and progestins and prolactin. We will talk more about prolactin when we

talk about lactation.

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When does parturition occur? What causes it to occur in sheep? What are some theories as to what initiates it in humans? Describe the role of oxytocin? Prostaglandins? CRH?


This is a fancy word for the delivery or birth process. The funny thing is that as far as

people go…we really don’t have much of a clue how the whole thing gets started.

Human pregnancy lasts about 40 weeks from the first day of the last menstrual period

(LMP). So if you figure that ovulation occurs at about two weeks after the first day of

the LMP, then that gives you about 38 weeks of actual gestation time. In OB we

ALWAYS use the LMP to time things.

So, how does the uterus know when it is time to start contracting and expel the fetus?

Well, in the sheep, it is the fetus that determines when it is time. In a nutshell, when the

sheep’s hypothalamic/pituitary axis is mature, it causes an increase in cortisol secretion.

This cortisol stimulates the production of androgens, which are converted into estrogens.

When there is an increase in the ratio of estrogens to progestins, labor begins.

Not quite so simple for humans though. There is no decline in progesterone levels prior

to delivery. Progesterone administration usually will not stop labor (however there are

studies now looking at different kinds of progestins for preterm labor). The hypothalamic

pituitary axis of the baby probably does have something to do with it. Look at the case of

the anencephalic fetus. These fetuses do not have complete development of the

hypothalamic and pituitary structures and usually deliver past their due dates.

Uterine size may be a factor since multiple births often deliver prematurely.

Oxytocin is a hormone that causes uterine contractions. Cervical stretching (possibly by

the fetal head) results in increased oxytocin secretion. This is one of the medications that

we use to induce labor, but generally after there is already some cervical dilation

Prostaglandins F2 and E2 increase uterine contractility and are used commonly in

obstetrics to soften the cervix and begin the induction of labor. Prostaglandins increase

in amniotic fluid, fetal membranes and the uterine decidua before the onset of labor, but

their exact role is not known. It may be through this local mechanism (that is not

reflected in the maternal serum) that parturition in humans may be initiated.

One final word is that CRH (corticotrophin releasing hormone) may be involved with the

timing of delivery in humans. Here is how this works. CRH is synthesized in the placenta as well as the fetal brain.

CRH leads to the increase of fetal pituitary ACTH secretion, which causes secretion of

cortisol by the fetal adrenal gland. This cortisol leads to fetal lung maturation. This CRH

released from the placenta leads to ACTH from the fetal pituitary gland. This causes an

increase in fetal DHEA sulfate. This is ultimately converted into estrogen, which may

lead to an increase in oxytocin receptors, prostaglandin production and ultimately labor.

I realize that this is vague, but it is a theory.

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What is milk production under the influence of during pregnancy? Explain. What happens after delivery? What role does oxytocin play? What causes menstrual cycles to cease during pregnancy? During breastfeeding? How fool proof is this? Explain.


Late in pregnancy, the alveolar cells in the breast contain vacuoles filled with milk. This

is under the influence of estrogen, progesterone, glucocorticoids, prolactin and hPL.

Prolactin levels rise during pregnancy, but due to the high levels of estrogen and

progesterone, milk is not secreted into the duct system. Once the baby and the placenta

are out, the negative influence of estrogen and progesterone are gone as well and

lactation can begin. Remember that prolactin is a unique hormone, mostly under

negative feedback by dopamine.

Prolactin is responsible for the synthesis and secretion of milk, but it is oxytocin that is

responsible for milk to be ejected out of the duct system. Oxytocin causes the contraction

of the myoepithelial cells around the alveoli, thus leading to milk letdown. Prolactin

levels are high after delivery, but eventually return to normal levels and surge whenever

the mom nurses. External stimuli are also responsible for milk letdown, for instance a

breast-feeding mom experiencing breast leakage at the sound of a baby crying due to

release of oxytocin.

The menstrual cycles cease during pregnancy due the negative feedback of the high

levels of estrogen and progesterone on FSH and LH (which makes sense…why would

you need to ovulate if you are already pregnant?). During lactation, prolactin does the

same thing, but eventually, when prolactin levels fall back to normal, FSH and LH

cyclicity returns. That is why some women can become pregnant even while


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What are SERMS? What is a main example? What is its role in the breast? In the uterus?


Estrogen Antagonists are medications used to treat estrogen dependent breast cancer and

infertility. They are more popularly called SERMS, which stands for selective estrogen

receptor modulators. What this means is that they affect different receptors in different

tissues, differently. They are agonists in some tissues, and antagonists in others. One

notable SERM is TAMOXIFEN. This drug is an estrogen antagonist in the breast (thus

blocking the estrogen receptor). Sounds great, but it is an estrogen agonist in the uterus,

which could ultimately lead to endometrial hyperplasia and endometrial cancer. Patients

that still have a uterus have to be monitored while on Tamoxifen.


What is raloxifene? At which organs does it have an effect and in what way? How is it used/not used?


RALOXIFENE is a non-steroidal SERM that has agonistic properties in bones, and

antagonistic properties in the breast and uterus. It is used for osteoporosis. It also has

agonistic properties in the cardiovascular system, so thrombosis and stroke are still seen.

It does not help patients who are experiencing hot flashes.


What is clomiphene citrate? What it used for? HOw does it work? What are some side effects?


CLOMIPHENE CITRATE is a very popular SERM for the treatment of infertility. It is

used for ovulation induction in patients who are not otherwise ovulating, or for

unexplained infertility. It works as an estrogen antagonist in the hypothalamus and

pituitary. When it blocks the estrogen receptors in the brain, the brain thinks that there is

no estrogen around, so it increases secretion of FSH, ultimately leading to follicular

development. It is usually taken days 5 – 9 of the patient’s menstrual cycle. Since it acts

at the brain in negative way, one of the side effects is hot flashes. Patients say they feel

moody on the drug. I have had husbands tell me that they sleep on the couch while their

wife is on Clomid. Another side effect is multiple gestation, almost always twins (5-7%).

A bizarre but rare side effect is visual changes, such as flashes of lights, or “tracers”.

Patients with these “acid trip” like symptoms should not take clomiphene citrate. The

above side effects can apply to SERMs in general. These include hot flashes, blurred

vision, nausea, vomiting and sweating.


What are aromatase inhibitors used to treat? How do they work? What are 2 examples?


Aromatase inhibitors are also used to treat estrogen sensitive cancers. They work by

blocking aromatase. Remember that the aromatase enzyme is responsible for the

conversion of androgens into estrogens (the two-cell, two-gonadotropin theory of

estrogen production). Examples are Anastrozole and Letrozole. We have also used this

for ovulation induction, but they are not FDA approved. You block aromatase, and you block estrogen production.


What are injectible gonadotropins? How and why are they used? What do they do? What is a major side effect?


Another big class of infertility drugs is the INJECTIBLE GONADOTROPINS. The first

one on the market was a combination of FSH and LH that was extracted from the urine of

postmenopausal Italian nuns, called HMG or human menopausal gonadotropins (trade

name PERGONAL). Now, they are genetically engineered and can be either FSH/LH

combinations or pure FSH alone. These are given daily, starting on day 3 of the cycle,

usually in a subcutaneous form. The drug is administered until there is a dominant

follicle of at least 18 mm. At this stage, a shot of HCG is given to mimic the LH surge.

These drugs can cause big problems, so close monitoring is very important. Multiple

gestations can be 15-20%. Another big problem is with ovarian hyperstimulation

syndrome. This is when the ovaries become painfully hyperstimulated, and is associated

with acites, and possibly pleural and pericardial effusions. The capillaries become very

leaky, and you see an increase in the hemoglobin concentrations and hematocrit (polycythemia). The presence of HCG (i.e. pregnancy) makes the syndrome worse, but

eventually it is self-limiting.


What is dinoprostone? How is it used? What is methergine? How is it used? When is it not used? Why?


Some other meds are the prostaglandins. DINOPROSTONE (prostaglandin E2) is used

for “ripening” the cervix for the induction of labor with oxytocin. METHERGINE is an

ergonovine that contracts the uterus and is used often to prevent postpartum hemorrhage

from an atonic (flaccid) uterus. The way that hemorrhage is controlled is that the uterus

contracts down on itself, and basically tamponades the bleeding vessels. If the uterus is

too boggy, the patient continues to bleed. This drug also may constrict vessels and is not given in patients with hypertension.


What is naproxen? How is it used? How is magnesium sulfate used?


Just as there are drugs to stimulate the uterus, there are those to relax it. NAPROXEN

and other NSAIDs inhibit prostaglandin secretion that may lead to painful menstrual

cramps. MAGNESIUM SULFATE is used IV to stop seizures associated with pregnancy
(eclampsia) . Some also use it as a uterine relaxant during preterm labor.


What is nifedipine? How is it used during labor? What is terbutaline? How is it used during labor?


Other medications that can be used for preterm labor are PROCARDIA (nifedipine, a

calcium channel blocker) and the B-2 selective agents TERBUTALINE and

RITRODRINE. Terbutaline is not FDA approved, but it is one of the most widely used

agents for stopping contractions in the preterm pregnancy. It is also used during labor if

the uterus becomes hyperstimulated, i.e. during oxytocin induction. The baby can’t

handle the uterus squeezing down too tightly, and ultimately the blood supply to the baby

may be decreased. The baby usually tells us that it is in trouble when the heart rate drops

and won’t come back up to baseline. Changing the maternal position, administration of

oxygen and terbutaline (to relax the uterus) may help, but if these measures don’t bring

the heart rate back up to baseline, an emergency C-section is performed.