Unit 4 - cohesive composition solo Flashcards


Imagine you are backstage preparing to perform your cohesive composition solo. Discuss two different activities that you may undertake to enhance communication of intention (artistry)


Visualisation: A dancer may like to close their eyes and visualise the intention or the character that they wish to embody. Visualisation may also help to ease the nerves of the dancer to help them to only focus on communicating the intention.

Warm up: A dancer may take part in a warm-up consisting of cardio and dynamic stretching in order to efficiently oxygenate muscles around the body and prepare the body for physical exertion. This will help the dancer to communicate the intention as they will better be prepared to physically execute the movement to be able to communicate the aspect of the intention.

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Describe how you developed an appropriate formal structure and how it enhanced communication of intention.


In my solo, I employed an ABC Narrative Structure. I selected a range of phrases for each section to align with both the intention and harmoniously complement the chosen musical backdrop.

For instance, in the first section, I aimed to convey the experience of feeling a sense of joy, which led me to craft a sequence characterised by elevated, sustained movements on a high level.

My second section focused more on a phrase marked by angular shapes and chaotic spatial pathways, amplifying the magnitude of my anger.

Lastly, in section3, I included slow movements in my phrases which ended the solo on a low level, further indicating the depth of my sorrow.

I structured this composition intentionally to encapsulate various facets of human emotion upon experiencing this loss, so I manipulated direction, level, focus and dimension to convey the wide spectrum of ideas in my performance.

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Describe two ways in which you enhanced artistry to communicate the intention of your cohesive
composition solo while performing for an audience.


Maintaining Performance Projection:
Performance projection and artistry go hand in hand to create a captivating dance experience. To achieve this, I focus on conveying a deep emotional connection to the choreography. I immerse myself in the narrative or emotions of the piece, allowing them to guide my movements and expressions. This emotional connection ensures that I perform with authenticity, drawing the audience into the story or mood of the dance. Additionally, I pay close attention to nuances such as facial expressions, body language, and dynamics. By using these elements deliberately, I can convey subtleties in the choreography, which adds depth to the performance.

Effective Use of Performance Space:
Utilizing the performance space effectively is crucial to engage the audience and create a visually compelling performance. I consider the spatial dynamics of the choreography and make deliberate choices about where I move on the stage. This might involve taking advantage of different levels (high, medium, low) and using various pathways to traverse the stage. Furthermore, I ensure that my movements are not confined to a single spot but instead explore the entire performance space. This dynamic use of space keeps the audience’s attention engaged and enhances the overall visual impact of the performance.

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