Unit 8 - The Cold War c. 1900 - 2001 Flashcards


Explain the historical context of the Cold War & decolonization after 1945. (gov)

  • dissolution & restructuring of states:
    • During WWII, Big Three emerged: GB, US, and USSR
    • Tehran Conference of 1943: Roosevelt, Churchill, & Stalin agreed that the USSR would free E. EU while the US & GB would focus on Western Europe
    • Yalta Conference: US wants free elections in e. eu but stalin wants them as a buffer zone for russia. also russia agrees to fight japan in exchange for some of poland
    • potsdam conference: truman still wants free elections but eastern eu is overrun by soviets -> solidify US - USSR mistrust
    • all these conferences failed to solve major global problems
  • since imperial powers were busy stopping hitler and were weak, colonies thought it a good time to fight for independence -> cold war gave anti-colonial activists two superpowers to recruit as backers
    • anti-imperialist sentiments ↑ bc of WWI unfulfilled promises
  • shifting global balance of power (why US vs soviet):
    • US mainland and population untouched after war
    • US industry/infrastructure grew stronger due to government-funded military contracts in the total war system
    • US develop atomic weapons and new tech such as penicillin for civilian use, refrigeration for food, stronger plywood for construction, etc. -> improved lives of millions of ppl
    • USSR is huge and had huge pop even after war
    • Stalin spent years building up industrial capacity
    • all other eu countries ravaged
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describe the power struggle between capitalism (US) vs communism (USSR). (econ + political + tech)

  • rivalry in econ/politics:
  • capitalism = the means of production are privately-owned so ppl act in their own self-interest vs communism = the gov’t regulates business & also emphasizes equality
  • US (democratic) has free elections where ppl vote for competing political parties & choose who they want to elect They also rely on independent press to convey accurate information vs USSR’s authoritarianism had one dom. political party that stayed in power for a long time due to their lack of emphasis on elections. The press also owned by the gov’t
  • conflicts in international affairs:
  • allies split germany & ran it their way -> formalized split btwn W. & E. EU
    • w. germany & w. berlin = FR, GB, USA (democratic + capitalist)
    • e. germany & e. berlin = USSR (authoritarian + communist)
    • USSR wanted to completely control berlin (was in e. germ) -> berlin blockade of 1948 -> allies don’t want direct confrontation -> berlin airlift until soviets ended blockade
    • e. germans wanted to move to w. germ bc of prosperity -> 2.5 mil move -> USSR builds Berlin Wall (1961 - 1989)
  • ussr wanted its satellite countries’ gov’t like theirs so they made them do 5 yr plans and collectivization of agriculture
  • ussr also supported radical left-wing revolts -> ↑ american suspicion -> truman doctrine = we will do everything we can to stop the spread of communism (issued in response to greece and turkey’s left-wing revolts)
    • US believed financial instability = susceptible to communism -> marshall plan = 12 billion $ to rebuild eu’s infrastructure & cities = huge success -> USSR tries to replicate = COMECON = focused on trade = modest success
  • space and arms race:
  • USSR launches sputnik (1st satellite) -> starts space race = dominance in the field of space
    • fought over who was going to send the first man into space and on the moon = WE’RE BETTER THAN YOU
    • arms race = both countries build up their arsenals in fear the other would attack first -> mutually assured destruction
      • reason why for no direct military confrontation
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describe the non-aligned movement, its causes, leaders, and challenges. (culture + political)

  • many Asian and African countries wanted to stay out of the Cold War & wanted alternative to existing social/pol order
  • bandung conference = Sukarno, the leader of Indonesia, invited delegates from other countries to pass resolutions that condemned imperialism -> formation of non-aligned movement
  • Sukarno of Indonesia (first president)
  • Kwame Nkrumah of Ghana (freed Ghana from British rule)
  • Jawaharlal Nehru of India (first prime minister)
  • Gamal Abdal Nasser of Egypt (supported Pan-Arabism)
  • challenges:
  • some countries allied w/ one power more than the other
    • ex: USSR supported Ethiopia so the US sent aid to Somalia during Somali-Ethiopian war
  • US and USSR pressured them bc vyed for their support
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Explain how the Cold War produced new military alliances and led to nuclear proliferation and proxy wars between and within postcolonial states in Latin America, Africa, and Asia. (political)

  • no direct confrontation = military alliances + proxy wars
  • desire to coordinate resources in case other attacks -> military alliances
    • NATO = North Atlantic Treaty Organization = most of west
    • in response Warsaw Pact = USSR + satellite countries 1955
  • treaty organizations formed to stop spread of communism
    • SEATO, the Southeast Asia Treaty Organization
    • CENTO, stop communism from spreading into mid east
      proxy wars:
  • allies divide korea -> n. korea = USSR + s. korea = w. allies
    • korean war (1950-53) starts when n. korea invade s. korea -> UN aids s. korea while USSR + china (in fear UN forces invade them next) sends $ + aid to n. korea
      • stalemate + peninsula divided at 38th parallel + DMZ
  • vietnam og a french colony but in ww2 japan occupies region but french resume control after -> vietnamese war for indepedence led by commies -> peace treaty that split vietnam into commie (ho chi minh) north and capitalist south
    • s. vietnam + usa worried abt commie takeover -> war breaks out + usa sends aid to french troops (eisenhower sends military advisers, jfk increases # of advisers, lyndon b johnson sends more troops, nixon withdraws and commies win)
  • fidel castro + commies overthrow cuban dictator batista in 1959 -> castro becomes dictator and nationalizes foreign-owned businesses (common commie tactic) -> angers US as they lose profits so they cut off econ + diplomatic ties w/ cuba -> cuba gets aid from USSR
    • JFK worred abt commie in backyard -> supports cuban exiles who want to overthrow castro -> Bay of Pigs invasion a failure -> cements cuba-ussr relations
    • leader after stalin, khrushchev sends missiles to cuba bc usa sent some to turkey -> angers usa + brink of war -> ussr + usa pull back and set up the Hot Line for better communication
    • ppl worry abt nuclear testing after cuban missile crisis -> Test-Ban Treaty bans testing aboveground, underwater, & in space to cut down radiation -> slightly eases tension
  • angola, a independent port colony, got borders drawn w/ no respect to tribal relations -> 3 ethnic groups fight for control of gov’t + diamond mines
    • superpowers + south africa each back a tribe
    • 27 yrs of fighting -> cease-fire
  • 1979 nicaragua the somoza dictatorship ended by socialist sandistas -> conservative contras try to overthrow them
    • usa backs contras covertly
    • ended in 1989 w/ demobilization + cease-fire in Tela Accord
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Explain the causes and consequences of China’s adoption of communism.

  • Chinese Communist Party led by Mao Zedong won support bc they opened hospitals + schools, redistributed land to peasants, & Long March inspired + temporary alliance w/ nationalists to beat japan gave commies time to gain strength -> won civil war + declared People’s Republic of China in 1949
  • Mao implements several five year plans + nationalizes chinese industry + Great Leap Forward = land reform w/ peasant lands combined into state-owned communes
    • dissenters sent to ‘reeducation camps’
    • collectivization -> food shortage -> 20 mil die bc of famine -> great leap forward abandoned
  • 1966, Mao wants to reinvigorate commitment to communism -> cultural rev
    • enlisted red guards, rev students, to solidify his hold and silence critics
    • similar to Stalin’s Great Purges
  • USSR + China’s relationship fluctuates
    • beginning cooperative, 1960s = border clashes
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Explain the causes and effects of movements to redistribute economic resources (land reform).

  • iran:
    • 1800-1900s iran dominated by russian + britain bc oil
    • early in ww2 iranian leader supports hitler -> gb + russia forced him to abdicate to his son, Muhammad Reza Pahlavi
    • nationalists rejected new shah as a western puppet & elected Mosaddegh who vowed to nationalize iran’s oil -> gb + rus overthrow him & return authoritarian pahlavi
    • pahlavi ran bloodless white rev = progressive reforms like women can vote, literacy programs, social welfare, and gov’t bought land from owners & sold them to peasants at a fraction of the price (modest success) -> mad landowners, frustrated peasants, religious conservatives, & more democracy ppl overthrew him in the Iranian Revolution of 1979
    • new gov’t became theocracy + laws in accordance w/ Shariah + opposed west in mid east and israel
  • latin america:
    • dem elected gov’t under guatamelan Arbenz tries to do land reform -> united fruits company threatened so lobbied the US gov’t to remove arbenz -> overthrown 1954
  • vietnam:
    • commies gain support by vowing to seize land from large landowners
  • ethiopia:
    • exiled leader haile selassie returns to power in ww2 -> aligns country on western ideals + ethiopia enjoys econ success bc of its coffee trade -> western pol + cultural reforms
    • selassie couldn’t successfully do land reform -> ppl saw him as a pawn for US imperialism -> overthrown by Mengistu Mariam who declared gov’t socialist + aided by USSR -> mariam sucked & fled in 1991
  • india:
    • tried to establish new econ by land reform
    • results were mixed but successful in Kerala
      • despite popularity, cent gov’t stopped program
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Compare the processes by which various peoples
pursued independence after 1900.

  • indian national congress = advocated independence
    • leader = Mohandas Gandhi = civil disobedience + nonviolence
  • muslim league’s leader Jinnah = wanted muslim state
    • put aside rivalry for ww2 but british don’t fulfill promises -> ↑ protests (royal indian navy revolt 1946)
  • britain can’t keep india bc of econ pressures + slow postwar recovery -> drew borders
  • ghana: NEGOTIATED
  • kwame nkrumah in 1957 as first president
    - used nationalistic traditions like founding fathers + athem to formulate sense of identity
    - supported pan-africanism -> started organization of african unity (OAU)
    - dictator + accused of corruption + debt -> coup in 1963
  • algeria: ARMED CONFLICT
  • france refused to let them go since many french settlers -> more restrictive policies to stop ↑ protests
  • National Liberation Front led independence movement
    • used guerilla techniques & french used torture -> thousands dead
  • france was divided over issue (commie supported indep)
    • president Charles de Gaulle expanded his power so he could free algeria w/o having to discuss w/ Nat Assembly
  • 1991 Algerian Civil War bc of one party rule of FLN
    french west africa: NEGOTIATED
  • france reluctant bc they invested in infrastructure + benefited from their ↑ trade revenue
  • many african political parties/leaders arose -> most achieved independence by 1959
    vietnam: ARMED STRUGGLE
  • vietnam declares indepedence from both japan + france -> vietnam war refer to other question for more info
  • Ho Chi Minh is a nationalist + commie leader
  • egypt: nationalist leader
  • technically indep but britain still there to supervise suez canal -> had influence in internal affairs
  • gamal abdel nasser, 2nd pres, mixed islam + socialism & nationalized suez canal -> ticked off GB + France -> they send israeli troops to invade egypt but the US + USSR call the UN to broker a cease-fire -> suez becomes international waterway
  • angolan civil war - refer to other question (ARMED CONFLICT)
  • nigeria: religious movement
  • biafran civil war = igbos (westernized christian tribe in s.e. nigeria) wanted to secede + create new state Bafria bc of the target attacks by Muslim Hausa-Fulani group in the north
  • movement failed
  • nigerian gov’t tries to prevent tribalism by forming a federation of 36 states, dual legal system where states can vote for secular + shariah law, & encouraged intermarriage
    canada: regional movement
  • quiet rev = quebec has tie w/ catholic france since it was part of their colonial territory but by late 1700s, england contolled most of canada & instilled protestantism -> quebec forms separate identity
  • rev turned violent sometimes but failed overall
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How did the redrawing of political boundaries lead to the creation of new states and population displacement?

  • india/pk:
  • chaotic partition + violence broke out
  • 10 million ppl moved + 500,000-1 mil died
  • distrust btwn the two nations grew
    • Kashmir conflict = hindu ruler but muslim pop -> both countries stake a claim -> armed conflict -> india controls 45%, pk controls 35%, china controls 20%
  • israel:
  • after ww2, ↑ sympathy for jews -> ↑ zionist movement
  • 1917 Balfour Declaration which proposed to make a home for jews in palestine (their ancestral lands) + promised non-jews their rights
  • 1948 UN divides palestine into jewish (israel) + arab sections -> war breaks out immediately bc palestines fear loss of trad way of life + their land
  • USA backs israel + arabs w/ palestine -> multiple armed conflicts w/ israel winning all
  • 1979 pres Jimmy Carter tries to mediate via Camp David Accords which only chilled egypt + - israel
  • Palestinian Liberation Organization formed to return occupied lands + create indep palestine
  • palestinians split into fatah (control west bank) + hamas (control gaza)
  • israel places tight econ sanctions -> angers palestinians more -> conflict is ongoing
  • cambodia:
  • after ww2 gain indep from france
  • tries to stay non-aligned but sucked into vietnam war
  • after war commie guerilla org called Khmer Rouge under Pol Pot overthrow right-wing gov’t + royal fam
    - instituted ruthless form of communism like stalin
    - target intellectuals + dissenters -> famine + slaughter kill 2 mil ppl
  • 1977 vietnam invades to overthrow pol pot + stablize the region even tho fighting continued + refugees flee
    • peace agreement in 1991 that declared vietnam would leave + cambodia will become constitutional monarch, have a kinda free market, dem gov’t, etc.
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Explain the economic changes and continuities
resulting from the process of decolonization.

  • changes: gov’t took strong role in econ in newly indep states to promote development (also women!!)
  • Indira Ghandi’s (nehru’s only kid) econ policies in India:
    • high inflation + poverty threatened her rule so she called a nat emergency + came up w/ the 20 pt program -> alleviated inflation + increased nat. production
  • Sirimavo Bandaranaike’s econ policies:
    • world’s first female prime minister
    • socialist econ policies i.e. land redistribution, restrictions on free enterprise, & renaming country
  • Tanzania Modernizes:
    • 1st pres Julius Nyere declares Arusha Declaration of 1967 which institued socialist political + econ policies such as literacy campaigns, free edu, & collective farming
    • achieved econ indep but hardships still plagued
  • continuities: metropoles (big cities of imperial powers)
    • ppl from newly indep countries sometimes moved to metropoles like london + paris
      - usually moved for job opps
      - maintained cultural + econ ties btwn the colony and the colonizer even after the dissolution of empires
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Explain various reactions to existing power structures in the period after 1900.

  • non-violence:
  • gandhi led marches, boycotts, & fasts
    - ex: salt march = gb banned indians making salt so they can have a monopoly so gandhi led a march to the arabian sea to pick up salt
  • mlk jr - african american civil rights leader in the 50s + 60s
    - ex: boycott of public buses in Montgomery, AL + March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom (i have a dream)
  • nelson mandela protested apartheid -> became first pres
  • violence:
  • militarized states:
    • poland pursues indep domestic policy but stays loyal to USSR = fine
      - hungary tries to declare indep from soviets by withdrawing from warsaw pact + neutral -> USSR invades + executes Nagy (leader)
      - Dubcek concedes to Prague Spring demands of greater freedom of speech, travel, press (reform movement) in Czechoslovakia -> USSR invades + crushes movement
      • justifies via Brezhnev Doctrine = USSR can invade if you “threaten” other socialist countries
    • franco leads a coup and takes over spain
      - kills/imprisons opposition
      - USA still supports bc he’s anti-communist
    • pinochet gets put into power in chile by USA bc Allende before promised land reform + was pop w/ lower classes
      - mass violence but still had USA support
    • imi amin in uganda known as the “butcher of uganda”
      - set policies that worsened ethnic tensions, undermined econ stability, & denied basic human rights
      - og aligned w/ west but later backed by USSR
      - tried to invade tanzania but exiled
  • movements against civilians:
    - student protests in france + kent state university (anti-war)
    - Northern Ireland Crisis - most irish ppl = roman catholic so they gained indep from protestant UK in 1922 but northern ireland remaind bc they majority protestant -> minority catholic mad bc they want to join ireland -> protestants refuse & both take arms
    • Basque Homeland & Freedom (ETA) in Spain
      - wanted indep for Basque, north region in ES, & used violent tactics
    • Shining Path in Peru based off of Khmer Rouge + Mao Zedong
      - wanted a commie gov’t
  • Islamic terrorist groups:
    - Boko Haram in West Africa
    - Al-Shabaan in East Africa
    - Taliban in Afghanistan
    - ISIS in mid east
    - Al-Qaeda
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Explain the causes of the end of the Cold War.

  • Détente:
  • 1970s = Détente = relaxation of tensions btwn the two powers
    - symbol of détente was when Nixon visited the USSR and signed the SALT treaty that reduced the # of missiles each power could have
    - also visited China to play a commie power against the other
  • Détente was good for both bc both had problems
    - USSR:
    - econ crisis bc collectivization of agriculture & limited foreign trade
    - discontent in e. eu countries + wanted freedom & reform
    - border skirmishes w/ China
    - US:
    - Nixon deep into unpopular vietnam war
    - econ kinda sucked -> sold grain to USSR so american farmers have a market & helps suffering ppl in USSR
  • Soviet-Afghan War:
  • soviets supported commie gov’t in afghanistan but when commie-friendly pres gets murdered & replaced with not-so-soviet-friendly, soviets invade -> 562,000 - 2 mil Afghan casualties
  • soviets couldn’t completely defeat the afghan guerilla groups -> legitimacy undermined
  • USSR withdrew & afghanistan faced a continuing civil war
  • the war put immense stress on cent econ system & left soviet leadership vulnerable to reform
  • Reagan & Gorbachev:
  • Reagan announced SDL (star wars) -> USSR mad
  • progressive Gorbachev implemented reforms that unwound the USSR:
    - Perestroika - attempt to restructure Soviet economy to add some free enterprise elements
    - Glastnost - granting greater freedom in soviet society/politics
    - INF Treaty - restricted intermediate-range nuclear weapons
    USSR FALLS IN 1991
    - political alliances shifted and economic interactions expanded between nations
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