Workers Flashcards


To what extent did workers suffer more under the communists than Tsars?


Para 1- Housing:
Cosistently poor (except Khrushchev).
Tsars: Lack of accommodation in cities- overcrowding- average living space 1905= 8.5m2.
Poorly constructed housing- wood- prone to fire.
Comm: similar to Tsars- but more surprising from socialist worker state- decree on land short lived.
Khrushchev- millions made homeless by war- set up housing programme doubled stock- but rich still benefited from housing operatives.
Para 2- Living Conditions:
Consistently poor- but comm dealt with food crises better.
Tsars: food shortage-famine- 1891- 350,000 died. Inadequate medical survices & medical supplies. cholera- 100,000 workers killed (1896)- Tsars made some effort- medical insurance- sewage system- 1911.
Comm: similar food problem- agriculture hit by collectivisation- rationing- situation better- introduced grain requisitioning- redistribute peasants food.
More advanced medical supplies- illness + disease not a problem.
Para 3- Working conditions:
Identity under comm but more risk so worse.
Tsars: Long working hrs- 1895- average=11hrs.
Wage differentials- Moscow 1890= 170 roubles/yr but Baku oil worker= 360 roubles/yr. Fines common for absenteeism- employment of children under 12 banned (1882).
Comm: situation v different- shorter working hrs- 8hrs- 1917 BUT increased to 10-12- under 5.Y.Ps. wages low by western standards- but countered by workers insurance- bonus schemes (Stakhanovite)- wages fell by 50%- greater pressures to meat quotas.
Para 4- Opportunities:
Far more under comm.
Tsars: Golden age of literature, music, ballet- intellectual expansion + technological advances.
Many more opp- working class more skilled, better educated + higher literacy levels.
Women given more- creches- reduction in domestic violence.

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