1. medical science jdw master

This class was created by Brainscape user J Winters. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (16)

A1 Cells
Function of mitochondria,
Function of golgi body,
Function of a ribosome
11  cards
A1 Identification of organelles
Name the organelle shown in the d...,
Name the organelle in the picture,
Name the organelle in the picture
8  cards
A2 Respiratory system
Name the organ responsible for ga...,
Where in the lungs does gas excha...,
Describe the pathway taken by air...
48  cards
A3 Cardiovascular system
How many chambers are there in th...,
Name the strucutr x,
Name the chamber labelled s
25  cards
A4 Endocrine system - pancreas
Describe the role of the endocrin...,
Name the hormones released by the...,
Name the hormone released by the ...
10  cards
A4 Endocrine system - Kidney
Name the organs responsible for r...,
Name structures a c shown on the ...,
Describe what happens in the part...
14  cards
B1 Integumentary system
Name the organ shown in the diagram,
Name the system shown in the diagram,
Name strucutre a
25  cards
B2 Cell transport systems
Define diffusion,
Give two differences between acti...,
Give a similarity between active ...
45  cards
B2 Lipid structure
Triglycerides consist of,
A saturated fatty acid has,
A mono unsaturated fatty acid has
7  cards
B3 Carbohydrate structure
The building blocks of carbohydra...,
Monosaccharides have the general ...,
An example of a triose
13  cards
B3 Digestive system
What is the function of the diges...,
Name the two types of digestion t...,
Name the enzyme found in saliva
41  cards
B4 Lymphatic system
Give the function of the spleen,
Describe how tissue fluid is formed,
Why does blood pressure fall alon...
9  cards
B5 Immune system
Name the type of white blood cell...,
Name the type of white blood cell...,
What is an antigen
22  cards
DNA and genetic diseases
What is dna an abbreviation for,
Name the components of a dna nucl...,
Name the type of bond formed betw...
36  cards
Nervous system
Name the two parts of the nervous...,
What is the role of a sensory neu...,
Name the two organs found in the ...
17  cards
Neuromuscular system
Name the type of joint found in t...,
Give the function of the neuromus...,
Describe the spinal column
10  cards

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1. medical science jdw master

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