This class was created by Brainscape user Lucy sharrock . Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (26)

what is clinical psychology?
What is it,
How did clinical psychologists go...,
How do clinicians decided what ca...
10  cards
What is content analysis,
What types of content analysis is...,
What is thematic analysis
4  cards
diagnostic classification systems
What is the dsm,
How does it define mental illness,
How does it diagnose mental health
14  cards
reliability and validity of diagnosis
How do you measure reliability of...,
What are the two measurements of ...,
What did cooper find
6  cards
what is schizophrenia - symptoms and characteristics
What is schizophrenia,
What is a feature mean,
How many people in the population...
8  cards
drug treatment for schizophrenia
What biological treatment is used...,
What are anti psychotics,
What two types of anti psychotics...
30  cards
cognitive behavioural therapy for schizophrenia
What is cbt,
What is maladaptive cognitions,
What are 2 basic assumptions of cbt
17  cards
social causation
How was social causation created,
What does social causation suggest,
What environment is implicated mo...
5  cards
dopamine hypothesis
What does the dopamine hypothesis...,
What does the more recent version...,
What is dopamine responsible for
8  cards
What of the population is diagnos...,
What of people are diagnosed with...,
What of people with a second degr...
8  cards
rosenhan 1973
What was the first thing the pseu...
19  cards
carlsson 2000
0  cards
description and features of unipolar depression
What is depression,
What is major depressive disorder,
What is dysthymic
9  cards
biological treatment for depression
What drug treatment is used for d...,
What are tricyclics,
What is an example of a tricyclic
16  cards
cbt for depression
What is cbt,
How many sessions do people need,
What is stage 1
16  cards
monamine hypothesis
What are monamines,
What is the most important monamine,
What happens if serotonin falls
8  cards
cognitive explanation for depression
0  cards
williams et al 2013
What is cbm,
What is icbt,
What is primary measures
28  cards
individual differences
0  cards
0  cards
HCPC guidelines
What are the ethicial standards t...,
What is character,
What is the health standard
10  cards
research methods
What is a longitudinal study,
Why might clinical psychologists ...,
What is an example of a longitudi...
8  cards
bradshaw - carol
Who is carol and what was the aim,
What is unique about carol,
When did signs of mental health s...
12  cards
interviews - brown
What is the sample
3  cards
key question: "is the workplace the cause of mental health and if so, how can this issue be adressed"
First line intro,
How much a year on average does a...,
How many people resign from work ...
12  cards
What was the investigation doing,
What was the aim of the investiga...,
What was the alternative hypothesis
12  cards

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Learn faster with Brainscape on your web, iPhone, or Android device. Study Lucy sharrock 's clinical flashcards for their Stratford upon Avon high school class now!

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