tropical medicine

This class was created by Brainscape user Richard Scott. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (17)

M and E and NCD's
What is the difference between mo...,
What components of interventions,
Incremental cost effectiveness
24  cards
What is a cohort study,
What are advantages and disadvant...,
What is relative risk
90  cards
What virus causes rabies family a...,
Genotypes of lyssavirus,
Rabies deaths in india
95  cards
What vaccines are recommended for...,
Sickle cell anemia epidemiology m...,
Sickle cell anemia clinical compl...
63  cards
Entamoeba hystolytica what is the...,
What non pathogenic protozoa resi...,
What disease causing ameba in humans
196  cards
What mosquito transmits malaria,
Which species of malaria afflict ...,
Malaria global burden
176  cards
Insects & Flies & Bugs
House fly identification,
Stable flies,
House flies development
59  cards
TB & Pulmonary
Samplling for eptb,
What pattern of tb is more common...,
What is standard short course the...
94  cards
Oral candidiasis in hiv suggests ...,
What cells express cd4 receptors,
What are the steps of viral integ...
143  cards
Nematodes, Cestodes and Trematodes
Name 5 species of cestodes,
What are helminths,
What is the generalised tapeworm ...
151  cards
Describe life cycle of african tr...,
What are the main hemoflagellates...,
What are the 4 distinct stages of...
139  cards
Fever and microbiology
What 3 bacteria are the most comm...,
What are the common bacterial spe...,
Describe the organism likely iden...
249  cards
Maternal and Child Health
Wiht respect to the newborn defin...,
Childhood age ranges,
What were the top 3 causes of
206  cards
Returning Traveller
Tick fever,
Tsetse fly,
Animal exposure
33  cards
E histolytica trophozoite,
Ent histolytica dispar,
Entameba coli
66  cards
Fungal and Skin Infections & Leprosy
Histoplasmosis hiv
69  cards
Review lifecycle of w bancrofti,
How does it present clinically,
Diff dx filiariasis filarial fever
22  cards

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tropical medicine

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