sketchy pharmacology notecards

This class was created by Brainscape user Joysa S.. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (14)

Explain the biosynthesis pathway ...,
Explain the folate cycle,
Explain the moa of methotrexate
53  cards
Cardiovascular and Renal
Explain the moa of digoxin,
What is digoxin used for,
What are the effects of digoxin o...
55  cards
What are the different phases of ...,
What are the different classes of...,
What are the use of these differe...
44  cards
Smooth Muscles
What are the examples of nitrates...,
Explain the moa of nitrates,
Explain why nitroglycerin is give...
31  cards
What are the 3 kinds of muscarini...,
Explain m1 moa,
Explain m2 moa
118  cards
Dyslipidemia Drugs
Explain how the body absorbs fat ...,
How are chylomicrons recycled by ...,
What lipoprotein does ldl bind to
38  cards
What receptors are responsible fo...,
Moa of beta cells release of insu...,
What is released in addition to i...
47  cards
Thyroid, Parathyroid & Adrenals
What cells make thyroid hormone,
What is the source of iodine in o...,
How is iodide taken up and where ...
66  cards
Hypothalamic & Pituitary
What is the moa of growth hormone...,
What are the effects of igf1 on t...,
What are the 3 clinical uses of e...
31  cards
What coordinates emesis in the bo...,
Where does nts receive input from,
How does gi communicate with nts
59  cards
Antidepressants & Anxiolytics
What is the first line pharmacolo...,
Moa of ssris and snris,
What are the other uses of ssris ...
59  cards
Mood Stabilizers & Antiepileptics
What is lithium used for,
What is lithium classified as,
What is the most common side effe...
74  cards
Antipsychotics & Parkinson's
What disease is the primary indic...,
Describe the positive and negativ...,
What symptoms of shizophrenia are...
60  cards
Sedatives & Anesthetics:Analgesics
What are benzodiazepines,
Moa of benzodiazepines,
What is the naming convention of ...
96  cards

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sketchy pharmacology notecards

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