This class was created by Brainscape user Isaac Tarrant. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (26)

Coastal Systems and Landscapes
How are waves formed,
What is suspension,
What is saltation
19  cards
Global Governance + Global Systems (Case Study) Antarctica
How large is antarctica,
What is the climate of antarctica,
What occurs at the antarctic conv...
20  cards
Global Governance + Global Systems (Case Study) Wal-Mart
What is wal mart,
What was the pattern of wal mart ...,
How is wal mart s labour divided ...
10  cards
Global Governance + Global Systems (Case Study) The Global Coffee Trade
Where does coffee grow,
Who are the biggest coffee producers,
What is the main type of coffee bean
16  cards
Natural Hazards (Case Study) Hazardous Setting
Why is central italy at a high ri...,
Give three examples of earthquake...,
What is the background behind the...
8  cards
Natural Hazards (Case Study) Multi-Hazard Environment
What volcanic activity is present...,
What seismic hazards are present ...,
What tropical storms does the phi...
6  cards
Natural Hazards (Case Study) Wildfires, South-East Australia, February 2009
How long did the fires burn for,
How did environmental conditions ...,
What did the lack of management mean
9  cards
Natural Hazards (Case Study) Cyclone Nargis
Where did the storm form and hit,
When did it hit and with what cha...,
Which area was worst affected and...
9  cards
Natural Hazards (Case Study) Hurricane Katrina
When and where did the storm form...,
What path did the storm take and ...,
What were the key characteristics...
11  cards
Natural Hazards (Case Study) Kashmir, North Pakistan
What caused the earthquake,
What was the magnitude of the ear...,
How much damage did the earthquak...
10  cards
Natural Hazards (Case Study) Soufrière Hills, Montserrat
What triggered the volcanic eruption,
When did the eruptions take place,
What were some of the economic im...
7  cards
Changing Places
What is the sense of place,
What is an insider,
What is an outsider
24  cards
Natural Hazards
How does wealth affect people s p...,
How does religion affect how peop...,
How does education affect perceiv...
54  cards
Changing Places (Case Study) Sheffield
How did location cause the develo...,
What was the area like during the...,
What happened in the late 20th ce...
7  cards
Water and Carbon Cycles
What is positive feedback and giv...,
What is negative feedback and giv...,
Give the three types of precipita...
16  cards
Water and Carbon Cycles (Case Study) The Eden Basin
Where is the eden river,
Where is the source of the eden r...,
Where is the mouth of the river eden
10  cards
Population and The Environment
Define population distribution,
Define population density,
What was the population increase ...
55  cards
Geography Of Disease (Case Study) Malaria - Infectious Disease
What are the main statistics conc...,
What are the physical factors tha...,
What are the socio economic facto...
6  cards
Geography Of Disease (Case Study) Coronary Heart Disease - Non-Communicable Disease
What are the statistics behind chd,
What increase the risk of chd,
How can chd affect health and wel...
6  cards
Population and The Environment (Case Study) Health in Knowsley
What is the population pattern li...,
What is the life expectancy in kn...,
What is the open space available ...
16  cards
Population and The Environment (Case Study) Population Change in Bangladesh
What is the population of bangladesh,
What is the population increase a...,
What is the age distribution and ...
18  cards
Coastal Environment (Case Study) Holderness Coastline
How long is the coastline and wha...,
What is the rate of erosion at gr...,
Where can you find headlands and ...
18  cards
Humans at the Coast (Case Study) Sundarbans
Where is the sundarbans region an...,
Which rare plants and animals can...,
What natural products can be used...
9  cards
Place Studies (Case Study) Central Liverpool
What is the background and histor...,
What was liverpool awarded recently3,
What is the demographic of liverpool
10  cards
Place Studies (Case Study) Lerwick
Describe the background history o...,
What is the pattern of population...,
What is the local dialect in lerwick
9  cards
Water and Carbon Cycle (Case Study) The Amazon Rainforest
How much of south america does th...,
How biodiverse is the amazon,
How is the water cycle involved i...
10  cards

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