This class was created by Brainscape user Don J. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (37)

Session 1 - General Organisation of the Head and Neck
General muscles of the head 2 groups,
Nerve supplying the muscles of fa...,
Nerve supplying the muscles of ma...
61  cards
Session 1 - Cervical Lymph Nodes and Neck Lumps
Main actions of the lymphatic system,
Most common regions of the body w...,
Most common cause of enlarged lym...
43  cards
Session 1: Diagram of General Organisation and Lymph Nodes/Lumps
18  cards
Session 2: Major Blood Vessels of the Head & Neck
Main arteries of the neck,
Explain the route of these arteri...,
What branches does the common car...
60  cards
Session 2: Osteology and Radiographic Appearance of the Skull
What can the cranium be broadly d...,
Broadly explain the neurocranium,
Origin of the calvaria
43  cards
Session 2: Diagrams
44  cards
Session 3: Diagrams
24  cards
Session 3: Meningeal Layers, Dural Folds and Dural Venous Sinuses
State the three membranous layers...,
Briefly explain the pia mater,
Briefly explain the arachnoid mater
35  cards
Session 3: Basics of the Central Nervous System
Functions of the midbrain mesence...,
Functions of pons,
Functions of the medulla
17  cards
Session 3: Self-Study
A surgeon makes an incision throu...,
Following a non penetrating injur...,
Following some head injuries invo...
8  cards
Session 4: Cranial Nerves I-VI - Origin, Route and Function
Where do the cranial nerves arise...,
What type of cranial nerves are t...,
Give some functions of the brainstem
76  cards
Session 4: Diagrams
16  cards
Session 4: Group Work
I am not a true cranial nerve but...,
I carry an extension of the menin...,
I arise from the dorsal aspect of...
17  cards
Session 5: Development of the Head & Neck 1
In which week does the developmen...,
What begins growing in the 4th we...,
Where do the pharyngeal arches form
55  cards
Session 5: Cranial Nerves VII-XII - Origin, Route and Function
Nerves arising from pons,
What is cn vii,
Route of the facial nerve
59  cards
Session 6: Autonomic Innervation
General target tissues of the aut...,
Where does the parasympathetic ne...,
Where does the sympathetic nere f...
49  cards
Session 6: Group Work
What clinical signs are visible i...,
What is this collection of signs ...,
Explain how these signs arise
16  cards
Session 7: Functional Anatomy and Disorders of the Ear
Three parts of the ear,
Common symptoms and signs of ear ...,
What are the parts of the externa...
78  cards
Session 7: Applied Anatomy of the Nose, Nasal Cavity and Paranasal Sinuses
Functions of nose and nasal cavity,
What can the nose be divided into,
What are the two parts of the ext...
65  cards
Session 7: Group Work
Comparing the two tympanic membra...,
What causes this condition and wh...,
Would the hearing loss of otitis ...
13  cards
Session 7: Diagrams
16  cards
Session 8: Oral Cavity, Tongue & Pharynx
Lateral walls of the oral cavity,
Roof of the oral cavity,
Floor of the oral cavity
70  cards
Session 8: Group Work
What physical features of the nas...,
Which sinus is the most commonly ...,
Why might a patient with maxillar...
9  cards
Session 8: Integrated Case Studies
The image below is a coronal sect...,
What muscle s is affected to acco...,
Facial nerve palsywhat muscle s i...
24  cards
Session 8: Diagrams
17  cards
Session 9: Functional Anatomy of the Orbit and Eye
Main arterial supply of the eye a...,
Main venous drainage of the eye a...,
What do the ophthalmic veins drai...
105  cards
Session 9: Extra-ocular Eye Muscles, Action and Diplopia
There are a total of six muscles ...,
What is conjugate gaze,
What happens if the visual axes i...
28  cards
Session 9: Group Work
Which bones and therefore walls o...,
Why are the bones that you listed...,
What structure of the lacrimal ap...
14  cards
Session 9: Self-Study
Outline the process by which aqeu...,
Why is it not possible to lose a ...,
What is papillooedema and how is ...
17  cards
Session 9: Diagrams
14  cards
Session 10: Anatomy and Disorders of the Larynx
Where can the larynx be found,
Functions of the larynx,
What are the subdivisions of the ...
68  cards
Session 10: Group Work
What is epiglottitis,
What is the mostly likely causati...,
14  cards
Session 10: Diagrams
18  cards
Session 11: Anatomy of the Thyroid Gland & Head and Neck Cancers
Vertebral location of the thyroid...,
Explain the anatomical position o...,
During development where does the...
43  cards
Session 11: Cervical Plexus
Where can the cervical plexus be ...,
What is the cervical plexus made ...,
Main motor branches of the cervic...
24  cards
Session 11: Embryology II - Development of the Midline Structures
Where can the pituitary be found,
What does the pituitary gland con...,
Tissue type of anterior lobe
16  cards
Session 11: Self-Study
How do we test the function of th...,
What is the first line imaging ch...,
Where are the parathyroid glands ...
20  cards

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