This class was created by Brainscape user Kara Albright. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (37)

Liver Biochemistry
What is the livers main blood supply,
What is a sinusoid,
53  cards
Anterior Abdominal Wall
Ruq contents,
Luq contents,
Rlq contents
75  cards
Inguinal Canal
What is the inguinal ligament att...,
What is the inguinal ligament,
What is the conjoint tendon ingui...
56  cards
Peritoneal Cavity and Mesenteries
Boundaries of the peritoneal cavity,
What does the peritoneum consist ...,
What lines the inner surfaces of ...
54  cards
GI Organs
What are the organs of the gi tract,
What are the associated organs of...,
What extends 1 inch below the res...
116  cards
Motility of GI System
What involves the contraction and...,
What are the functional layers of...,
What is another name for serosa
121  cards
Histology of Esophagus, Stomach, SI, LI
What are the layers from lumen to...,
What does the mucosal layer consi...,
What is in the lamina propria
49  cards
BV and Nerves of Abdomen
What are examples of unpaired aor...,
What are the main branches off th...,
What are the branches off l gastr...
50  cards
Genetics of GI Disorders
What are examples of genetic diso...,
What is crigler najjar syndrome,
What does crigler najjar syndrome...
73  cards
Development of GI
What does the foregut make,
What does the midgut make,
What does the hindgut make
90  cards
Histo Rest of GI Tract
What are the 3 main digestive glands,
What is the route of saliva in th...,
What cells are located b t epithe...
13  cards
Posterior Abdominal Wall
What is the psoas sign,
What sx does a psoas abscess cause,
What causes a psoas abscess
63  cards
Secretions of GI Tract and Pancreas
Rate of salivary secretion,
Define secretion,
Fxn of saliva
136  cards
Endocrine Pancreas
What products does the endocrine ...,
What fxn does the endocrine pancr...,
Describe islets of langerhans
81  cards
Gut Immuno
What is the function of the immun...,
What is associated with a growing...,
What early life exposures contrin...
148  cards
Immune Diabetes
What are microbiome triggers rf o...,
What are diet triggers rf of type...,
Describe normal insulin metabolis...
55  cards
Hepatobiliary Fxn
What capillary beds does the hepa...,
What organs are drained via porta...,
What is the function of the liver...
107  cards
Regulation of Food Intake
What are neuronal centers that co...,
Where are the centers that contro...,
What is key to maintaining energy...
68  cards
DSA GI Regulatory Substances
What regulate the functions of th...,
What make up gastrointestinal pep...,
What gi peptides are classified a...
37  cards
Imaging of Abd
Which imaging has radiation ct or...,
Which imaging is faster ct or mri,
Which imaging is good for charact...
28  cards
Digestion and Absorption in GI Tract
What is lactose intolerance,
What is absent or deficient in la...,
What is the pathology behind lact...
75  cards
GI Correlations
Acute abdomen
155  cards
Abdominal Autonomics and Pain
What ns has axons that are thick ...,
What utilizes sensory input from ...,
What ns doesnt involve ganglia
99  cards
Development of the Reproductive System
Until what week is the embryo ind...,
When does sexual differentiation ...,
When can female and male genitali...
84  cards
Male and Female Perineum
What is the inferior region of th...,
Describe the shape of the perineu...,
What is the lateral boundary of t...
67  cards
Bony Pelvis and Pelvic Wall
What are the components of the pe...,
What bones make up the os coxae,
What are the anterior and posteri...
69  cards
Male Reproductive Physiology
What determines genetic sex,
Why is there a delay in formation...,
What week is the fetus bipotentia...
126  cards
Pelvic Viscera
How do the ureters enter the pelv...,
What crosses over the ureters in ...,
What crosses of the ureters in fe...
72  cards
Steroid Biosynthesis
What can you inject infants to pr...,
What drops before labor and menst...,
All steroid hormones are synthesi...
33  cards
Pelvic Vessels and Nerves
What are the 2 main divisions of ...,
What does the common iliac a turn...,
What branch of the internal iliac...
44  cards
Placental and Fetal Membranes
What is a fetomaternal organ,
What is the fetal part of the pla...,
What is the maternal part of the ...
71  cards
Fertilization and Implantation
What day c t the menstrual cycle ...,
Where does fertilization occur,
What leads to follicular rupture ...
53  cards
The Menstrual Cycle and Ovulation
What do thecal cells lack that al...,
What are granulosa cells similar ...,
Why are cumulus cells released wi...
95  cards
Physiology of Pregnancy and the Fetus
What are the main fxns of the pla...,
What organs does the placenta tak...,
What about the placenta is organi...
56  cards
Parturition, Lactation and Neonatal Physiology
What does parturition involve,
What categories of effects lead u...,
Describe braxton hicks contractions
76  cards
Menarche, Puberty and Menstrual Disorders
How does the hpo axis control ovu...,
Where is oxytocin secreted and st...,
What can the normal ovulatory cyc...
71  cards
Gestational Diabetes and Obesity
When are women screened for gesta...,
What is gestational diabetes,
What is whites classification system
38  cards

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