This class was created by Brainscape user Kieran Gibson. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (13)

The Vine & Growing Enviroment
Name the most common european vin...,
Name the 4 most common american v...,
Name the 5 main components of a vine
136  cards
Considerations In Wine Marketing
What are the 5 ps,
What is the definition of people ...,
What is the aim of price promotions
35  cards
Understanding Grape Growing Options
What is the aim of conventional v...,
How is conventional viticulture a...,
What are the advantages and disad...
130  cards
How can oxygen be avoided in the ...,
How can oxygen be increased in th...,
Max permitted so2 levels for eu
73  cards
Vinification (cont.)
What does alcohol contribute to a...,
What two acids come from the grap...,
What are two acids produced in fe...
207  cards
First Half of D2 Wine Business (No Marketing)
Name the social factors that affe...,
Name 4 reasons why consumption ma...,
Name the economic factors that af...
95  cards
Standard Options in Sparkling Wines
In what climates would you expect...,
Why are cool climates suited to s...,
Name 3 areas that benefit from a ...
83  cards
What is the name of the organisat...,
What are the 9 styles of champagne,
What are the two methods of produ...
101  cards
Port, Sherry & Fortified Wines
What is pale cream and what is it...,
Describe a quality tawny port,
What is vintage port
170  cards
Champagne COPY
What was winston churchills favor...,
Which champagne featured in the t...,
Which champagne was the favorite ...
171  cards
Sparkling wines of Italy
Describe the climate and growing ...,
Is malolactic encouraged or block...,
What are the disadvantages of sylvoz
132  cards
What is the common feature of all...,
What are the important 3 cremant ...,
What are the two aocs in loire fo...
13  cards
Wine Business
What are the 4 factors that affec...,
Why will production affect supply...,
Give an example of a human factor...
47  cards

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wset diploma

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